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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Wendy, I finally remembered to watch the Koala video and I'm amazed that it let you get so close! Most wild animals wouldn't let humans get that close to them. But it was very cute.

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Im in Adelaide which is about 900kms away from Victoria where the fires are so Im safe. The fires are so devastating, so far 86 people have died and 640 homes destroyed. One town Marysville is completely destroyed and they cant get in there to see if anyone has survived. Then you have Queensland that are in the middle of severe flooding and cant cope with anymore water.:(

You are having some weird weather extremes there. I seems like the extreme weather is happening world wide. We're still in an extreme drought, with the lake about 14 feet below normal and haven't gotten nearly enough to do more than hold even. I don't know what will happen if we have another hot, dry summer. It could get pretty grim. :(


I got material for another quilt yesterday. I've been looking for material with oriental themes for it and found it at WM of all places. That will be the next one. I've got no idea what I'll back it with, but I've got all the material for the front. :yes


Rosie and I are going to JoAnne's today and, hopefully, I can find the yarn I need for the scarf I'm doing in blue and white. I've got my fingers crossed. :yes

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Hi everyone. :)


Mary 20 bi-color and 30 solids to report. :yay


I'm still just chipping away at the pinwheel. The end is in sight :yay I'm about done with the next to last row then only need to assemble the 8 more blocks for the last row and figure out a border. :faint

Super progress, Heather! I've added your squares to the list...you're almost there. :cheer


Linda, I'll be out this week and will be happy to look for your yarn. Just let me know the details, if you aren't able to find some. :yes

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Good morning everyone :hi


I didnt get any saltines done on the weekend but I plan to remedy that today. I have craft group and will take my Angel ghan to work on. I am also taking my finished ATW and my Koala ghan to show the girls there. They all love the idea of what you can do with little squares.

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Gorgeous snowflakes, Linda! So nice of you to share them with us :)


You can do it, Heather. Your Pinwheel is coming right along, and I am anxious to see it. Do you have a plan for the border, or are you waiting until you get all of the blocks joined before you give it a thought? Just curious. Good luck :cheer


So glad you and your family are alright, Wendy :hug Stay safe. Hard to believe the devastation those fires are wrecking. I have a good friend in Victoria, and I have not been able to get ahold of her since we learned of the fires over here. I worry... Your crafting gals are going to be suitably impressed with the two quilt-ghans you are bringing for show 'n' tell this week. Can you convince any of them to join us??


Mary ~ any great deals when you were out shopping this weekend? I have 5 bi-colors and 16 solids to report. This Bus Cuddle seems so small and cute after the monstrous Irish Chain :lol I have only been working on the saltines for 1/2 of a week, and I almost have them completely made. How fun :hook


Linda ~ did you find the yarn you needed for your scarf? I'll bet it's going to be real pretty :yes


Hi, All :hi. It is nice out, now, but we are getting Severe Weather Advisories coming over the radio left-and-right. Sounds as though we are in for a couple of days' worth of ice storms :( Travel is supposed to be disrupted, as well as power in the rural areas (everywhere up here :eek), because the ice is expected to be thick enough to bring down the lines. Great :( Not at all what we need, but we will stock-up and tuck in for the next 48-72 hours, I guess. Hope it just sounds worse than it really is going to be.:yes

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You can do it, Heather. Your Pinwheel is coming right along, and I am anxious to see it. Do you have a plan for the border, or are you waiting until you get all of the blocks joined before you give it a thought? Just curious. Good luck :cheer



Thanks for the pep talk everybody. :cheer


Well I'm either going to make it bigger (depends on how much that would entail) by adding blocks of 9 around it and then somekind of border or just finish it off and border it. Haven't decided what the border would look like yet.

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Gorgeous snowflakes, Linda! So nice of you to share them with us :)


Linda ~ did you find the yarn you needed for your scarf? I'll bet it's going to be real pretty :yes


Hi, All :hi. It is nice out, now, but we are getting Severe Weather Advisories coming over the radio left-and-right. Sounds as though we are in for a couple of days' worth of ice storms :( Travel is supposed to be disrupted, as well as power in the rural areas (everywhere up here :eek), because the ice is expected to be thick enough to bring down the lines. Great :( Not at all what we need, but we will stock-up and tuck in for the next 48-72 hours, I guess. Hope it just sounds worse than it really is going to be.:yes

It's fun to share my patterns with people who appreciate them. I couldn't find any of the same yarn, but I found some that is pretty close. It isn't as fuzzy as the orignal, but the color is a good match and the weight is about the same. We'll see how it looks. If it's too weird, I'll just make the scarf into a neck warmer instead.


Take care with the ice storm. They can be soooooo dangerous up there.

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Wendy, your Craft group sounds like so much fun! Would love to hear what you all did today!


Dusti ~ Take care in the ice storms. I bet Hawaii is sounding even better now. :yes Congratulations on the progress on your quilt! 16 solids and 5 bi-colors are added.


I'm reporting 52 solid and 6 bi-color squares.:hook The first 2 rows of Miss Angel are joined.

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Hello Ladies :flower


Late, late start today. I have a test tomorrow that requires me to be sleep deprived and caffeine free for 24 hours :eek So I slept until four and now I have to stay up all night. Lots of saltines anyway :hook

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Wendy, your Craft group sounds like so much fun! Would love to hear what you all did today!


Dusti ~ Take care in the ice storms. I bet Hawaii is sounding even better now. :yes Congratulations on the progress on your quilt! 16 solids and 5 bi-colors are added.


I'm reporting 52 solid and 6 bi-color squares.:hook The first 2 rows of Miss Angel are joined.


That's great Mary :cheer

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Hello Ladies :flower


Late, late start today. I have a test tomorrow that requires me to be sleep deprived and caffeine free for 24 hours :eek So I slept until four and now I have to stay up all night. Lots of saltines anyway :hook


:eek I'd die without caffeine. Or end in the hospital cuz my lack of caffeine would bring on a whopper of a migraine much like when I had meningitis. I do however expect to see a lot of saltines! :laughroll

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:eek I'd die without caffeine. Or end in the hospital cuz my lack of caffeine would bring on a whopper of a migraine much like when I had meningitis. I do however expect to see a lot of saltines! :laughroll


Yeah, I'm hoping I don't end up with a migraine. :lol


Thank you, Cara. Sleep deprived and caffeine free? That just doesn't seem fair.:( Is this for the numbness? I hope you're okay. :manyheart


No this is because he thinks my seizures are coming back :( They're trying to actually trigger a seizure. Sleep deprivation should do that. :lol Usually when I'm over tired they happen. I sure hope not though because that means I can't drive :no The MRI for the numbness will happen as soon as they get me an appointment :irk



Cara, good luck tomorrow:hug


Thank you :hug

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Cara - if you call and ask them how to stop drooling, I'm sure they'll get you an MRI really quickly! :rofl:rofl (sorry, just my sick sense of humor...)


:rofl :rofl It's actually my insurance company that's the holdup. They want the test tomorrow to be done first and see what it shows :rolleyes

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Hello Everyone!!! :manyheart


Cara~That just stinks, no caffeine?? How the heck ya gonna stay awake?? I hope you are able to make it through & that everything turns out good tomorrow. Good luck! :hug



I did work on my flag ghan this weekend & guess what?? Just as I finished sewing the last block together I noticed something was not right with the ghan. I didn't sew the two stripe blocks that were already sewn on the ghan the right way. I had to unsew the two blocks from the ghan & then dissect each block. It took me a whole afternoon to do this. :faint Then it took me the evening to sew it all back together & make the 2 squares I accidentally chopped. :blush


Through all that the good news is that I almost got it finished today. :cheerI did 3 rounds so far for the border & would like to do a couple more. I'll know when to stop, I hope. I was going to do a couple rounds of each color so the border would be red, white & blue but I think i'm just going to stick with the blue. :yes

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I hope your saltines aren't ritz's by morning. :lol


Last time I tried making saltines past my bedtime I ended up with a couple of three sided motifs :rofl Guess those would be Doritos? :rofl :rofl

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Last time I tried making saltines past my bedtime I ended up with a couple of three sided motifs :rofl Guess those would be Doritos? :rofl :rofl

I've made 5 sided ones when very tired:lol

I'll bet you've gotten lots of :crocheting done!

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