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Our House [Archive 2]


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The pattern is not my design, I have been looking for something like that since I can remember. I had a doll just like that when I was growing up and I really wanted to give one to my girls. It has taken me about eight years to find one. I don't have a pic of what it is supposed to look like only the one in my head. I am hoping when it is all done that it will look like that one. I am going into town tonight for scouts so I think I will pop into walmart for a minute and get stuffing and some balls for the head. I have about four three by three blocks done on the kitty so far.I will keep on trucking. See ya later.:manyheart

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Oh, happy day. It's raining! And it's been raining for almost an hour. A good soaking steady rain! The kind we need so desparately. We had light rain last night in the night, but this is what we need. I'm just hoping it keeps it up for a good long time.

I haven't done any crocheting yet today. Too sore. But I'll take the soreness if it means we get this rain. I'm about a fourth of the way through the next RR. Might get out a hook later tonight.

The baby in a blanket sounds really neat. Can't wait to see a picture.

John's business trip is going well so far. We hear from him a couple of times a day. He's been in NC, DC, and now is on his way to Boston.

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It has been raining here all day and is starting to get lots colder, I really do not like the cold at all. I love summer when I can sit on my deck in the back til late cuz it stays daytime longer and read or do whatever I want. I hope everyone is having a great day.


Wendy it seems like you have come along way on your squares way to go. Talk to everyone later.

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Linda, great news about the rain. I hope it continues...and we should all do a rain dance for good measure. ;)

Hi to Tabby and Andrea. :manyheart

DH just got home from the airport, so I will see you all tomorrow. Have a great evening.

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Good morning happy house ladies. :D


Denise, it is sad about California. They really need some rain there. Before my grandma got sick we would talk about how they hadn't had any rain in a long time. Those winds are really hurting them too.


Mary, glad you liked the pattern.

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Howdy doody everyone,


Mary you poor thing, fancy ringing you at that hour. My relatives arent allowed to ring that late unless its an emergency. I like your idea of giving your mum Tabby's mums phone number.


Linda Im glad your finally getting rain there. Hope it continues for awhile.


Britt your baby in the blanket sounds gorgeous. Cant wait to see what you have accomplished. I hope you can get everything done by xmas.


Renee I guess your babies really missed you and they are hanging around you probably because they are scared you will leave them again.


Cara our boy cat is more affectionate as well, he doesnt spray and uses the litter tray.


I have 40 white squares left and then 136 red ones and then the border. Im on the home stretch. It currently measures 160cmX200cm. or 28 squaresX36 squares.

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What? Does she call to just chat in the middle of the night? Tell I said to stop that. My Tabby needs her sleep to deal with those men children of hers :manyheart


Hi Tabby, it's so good to see you here. :manyheart I have an idea...I'll give MIL your mom's phone number and they can call eachother. :D How are you? What are you working on now?



Cara~Well, she usually calls because she's drunk & the walls stopped listening to her. She's slowed down her drinking in the last year or so, so I haven't been getting those calls lately. She's a peach, see why I need other Mothers? :lol:P



Mary~I wouldn't make anyone else suffer through her gibberish. Most of the time I just sit with the phone in the pillow until I hear her say "hello, hello, are you ther?". :lol


I'm doing okay, thanks for asking. How have you been? I'm still chugging away on my fall ghan. Are you still working on yours?


Chat later, chow babes. :manyheart

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Good Morning, all. I'm going with DH to the doctor this a.m. They did an MRI last Friday on his shoulder, so today we get to see what's next.


Wendy ~Yay! You're almost there. :yay


Hi Tabby, yes I'm working on the Fall ghan and who knows when I'll finish...everyone knows how slow I am. :lol Can I be your Texas Mom? I'm definitely old enough and always wanted more kids. :manyheart

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Hi, everyone. We've been getting light rain off and on through the night. At the moment it's on. Every drop is welcome.

Kim and I have another fairly quiet day planned, although we are going out for a bit this afternoon. I found a piano listed for sale in the area and we are going to drive over there so I can play it. The touch, action, and sound vary so very much from piano to piano. The price is right, but the rest needs to be right too.

I got two more rows done on the RR last night. That leaves six to go. It's quite different from the others I've done since there is no blending on this one. I think it will work well for my 18 year old nephew. The other nephew is 34 years old and has a 16 year old daughter. Weird how things work out. My brothers are only 2 1/2 years apart. Not so their kids.:lol

Have a good day.:)

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Linda howdy. Im glad your still getting some rain there. Hope the piano is what your looking for. Its great that you can play, I always envy people that can do that. That is weird with the age difference with your nephews, considering the age difference with your brothers is only 2 years. My DH sister is older and her daughter is 31 whereas my girls are 10 and 13. It must be strange not to do blending in your ripples, because you do them so well.

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Good Morning, all. I'm going with DH to the doctor this a.m. They did an MRI last Friday on his shoulder, so today we get to see what's next.


Wendy ~Yay! You're almost there. :yay


Hi Tabby, yes I'm working on the Fall ghan and who knows when I'll finish...everyone knows how slow I am. :lol Can I be your Texas Mom? I'm definitely old enough and always wanted more kids. :manyheart


Mary hope everything is ok.:hug

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Tabby - Oh geez that's not very cool is it :no Mary can be your North Texas Mom and I'll be your Central Texas Mom :manyheart


Mary - Hope DH is okay :hug


Linda - Glad y'all are still getting some rain. Hope the piano works out. Nothing like getting a good deal on a piano :yes


Donna - Good morning hon :hug


Denise - Yep they have those fires out there almost every year. Folks can't even get insurance in some areas I hear. You'd think they could figure something out :yes


I finished two more rows on my fall ghan yesterday :yay Just 10 more rows to go :jumpyay Then I've gotta sweet talk Tabby and Shay into letting me post the pattern since that one is definitely a group effort :D


Have a great day y'all :hug

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Hi again. :) DH has a torn rotater cuff in his left shoulder. The surgery won't be until February because of his work/travel schedule and the doctor's schedule.


Oh Linda, a piano would be wonderful! I hope you're still getting some rain. :yes


Cara, great progress on the Fall ghan! :jack

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Hi again. :) DH has a torn rotater cuff in his left shoulder. The surgery won't be until February because of his work/travel schedule and the doctor's schedule.


Is he a good patient...or should you run for the hills??:eek

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Mary~I sure hope DH heals up quickly & doesn't give you too much grief in the time he's home.

It's so fun to know I have Moms everywhere looking out for me. :manyheart Makes me feel all warm & fuzzy inside. :c9 Where's Krystal? I'm getting mushy & I know how much she loves that. :P



Cara~It's my Mom, i'm pretty use to it after 28 yrs. No biggie. I think she is just starting to get it right. Anywhoo, nough bout that. When's dinner? :D

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Afternoon everyone, Sounds like everyone has been very busy today. I worked all day and i hope to get a scarf done for a swap that I need to finish so that I can make some more squares for the casablanca.

Wendy you are on the home stretch now arent you. Cant wait to see it. I hope everyone has a great night.

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Hi. The piano did not work out. Hasn't been used in 14 years and you can really tell it. Plus the tone, touch, and action left a great deal to be desired. Many of the keys didn't even sound when played normally. Sigh....

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