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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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sorry I have not been on here in a little while but life's been pretty hectic here. Still have yet to figure out what my kids did with my mail keys so it's looking like I might have to get that replaced :( ugh. Fiance went through a shift change so have been trying to adjust to that as well. But never fear I have started on a few more squares and am hoping to have 6 done to send to new loving homes on payday! Welcome to all the new cal members I just know you're going to love this cal. And oldcountrygirl you make sure to get yourself felling better ;). I hope all goes well for ya and you're back to your old self in no time.

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Yes, Sue send out an updated list before you leave on vacation. What are we going to do without you to keep us in line?


I'm going to ask my Mom to borrow her laptop. That way I can still keep an eye on you! :rofl



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How many squares have you received so far? I'm just wondering how many have been sent out and many try to keep a tally. I've gotten 32!



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I'm not sure. The first afghan I made was from squares I already had on hand. I had been collecting them for about a year. I used one or two I received from here. I have maybe 10 or so at home for the next one.

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I'm going to ask my Mom to borrow her laptop. That way I can still keep an eye on you! :rofl


Guess we have to be good then!




How many squares have you received so far? I'm just wondering how many have been sent out and many try to keep a tally. I've gotten 32!




I have mailed out 32 squares so far.

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I've received 2 squares thusfar and have mailed out 6 squares to 5 people. I've only been in this CAL for like two weeks, so I think I'm doing pretty well!

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I've gotten 6 so far.


and mandymae you've got me beat I haven't sent any yet and I've been in for a while lol. Something keeps comming up everytime I go to send them, I'm gonna drowned in my stack of envelopes soon if I don't get on it.


Sue - darn can't get away with anything if your taking the laptop :rofl Then again I would totally take it too. I'm lost without my internet.

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I've gotten 6 so far.


and mandymae you've got me beat I haven't sent any yet and I've been in for a while lol. Something keeps comming up everytime I go to send them, I'm gonna drowned in my stack of envelopes soon if I don't get on it.


Sue - darn can't get away with anything if your taking the laptop :rofl Then again I would totally take it too. I'm lost without my internet.


I'm seriously addicted to making squares! I have to slow down though...my boss' baby shower is in 2 months and I have NOTHING made for her/Baby Boy yet, let alone the fact that I have about 3 afghans in progress/planning and more Baby Boy stuff for my best friend...:eek

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I got :mail. Thank you Pat 54 for my beautiful square. I received my very first square ever today. Will post a pic tonight when my dd lets me use her :blush camera..

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I got :mail. Thank you Pat 54 for my beautiful square. I received my very first square ever today. Will post a pic tonight when my dd lets me use her :blush camera..



You're welcome. Told you my favorite color is purple so no problem finding colors for your square.

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How many squares have you received so far? I'm just wondering how many have been sent out and many try to keep a tally. I've gotten 32!





I've sent out 21 and I have received 5 so I have a way to go before I can start putting them together.


Sue, please send me an updated list so I can start on the squares for the new members.


I have a question. I am currently making a square for someone who wanted cotton. I bought sugar and cream and I really don't like crocheting with it. Is this what a person wants when they ask for a cotton square?


I managed to get 2 skeins of "I Love This Yarn" cotton when I got the chance to go to Hobby Lobby. It's 1 and 1/2 hours away so I've only been there once. That cotton yarn was unbelievable. It was so soft and a dream to work with. Unless I'm mistaken I've only seen "sugar and cream in this area. On occasion A.C. Moore has this cotton yarn they sell in a 1 lb skein, can't remember the name, but colors are usually variegated and limited but it's much nicer than "sugar and cream". I just want to make sure this is what people are using so I don't feel like a dope making a square out of the wrong type of yarn.

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I've sent out 21 and I have received 5 so I have a way to go before I can start putting them together.


Sue, please send me an updated list so I can start on the squares for the new members.


I have a question. I am currently making a square for someone who wanted cotton. I bought sugar and cream and I really don't like crocheting with it. Is this what a person wants when they ask for a cotton square?


I managed to get 2 skeins of "I Love This Yarn" cotton when I got the chance to go to Hobby Lobby. It's 1 and 1/2 hours away so I've only been there once. That cotton yarn was unbelievable. It was so soft and a dream to work with. Unless I'm mistaken I've only seen "sugar and cream in this area. On occasion A.C. Moore has this cotton yarn they sell in a 1 lb skein, can't remember the name, but colors are usually variegated and limited but it's much nicer than "sugar and cream". I just want to make sure this is what people are using so I don't feel like a dope making a square out of the wrong type of yarn.


I think the people (myself included) are asking for cotton because acrylic can be itchy for some people. Any cotton is always fine with me.


I'm sending you the updated list now.



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Just finished one of my squares to send and found out that on payday we will be able to replace the lock on our mailbox so I can finally get my mail again which means maybe some more squares.

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Who woulda thought something as simple as a square could make people so happy? Beautiful square Pat!


BTW, I will have my Mom's laptop on vacation, so I'll be watching you...especially Brenda! :rofl



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ohhh I'm scared!



I'm really far behind posting. I need to go back and take pictures of the couple I didn't share. Pat sent me one yesterday and 2 for my comfortghan. I'm so excited. They are gorgeous. ILTC is soooo soft.


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My 1st square from Pat54. :c9Thanks so much. I am going to the post office tomorrow hoping to put a smile on someone elses face. :hook


That's a gorgeous square!



BTW, I will have my Mom's laptop on vacation, so I'll be watching you...especially Brenda! :rofl





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