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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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Hi everyone! Is it too late to join in??? :2blush


I recently tracked down a (amazingly affordable!) copy of 101 Crochet Squares and have already gotten started on hooking all 101. lol I'd love to send some out to the fabulous hookers of Crochetville and thought this would be perfect! :woo


I really want to start a Friendship-ghan of my own, how fun! :c9 I would love any squares, any size, any pattern in any and all shades of pink! Acrylic yarns would be awesome!


Thanks! :hook


Welcom! Love that book too! Looks like when you get added, Ill need an updated list, eh sue, ?? heh heh heh!

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Thanks for the welcome! :D I've already PM'd Sue all my info, meant to do it last night but sent her an e-mail saying hello and then never told her my info. I was just too excited I suppose. LOL


katyallen8090: 101 Crochet Squares is such a great book! I've been wanting it for months but could never find it below $40-50 and most of the time it was more. I finally scored a copy off eBay for $7!! :c9

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Welcome to the group, JustAddGlitter and Nira. :welcome

Now I will need another list, too; Sue. :P I am still crocheting for the list you sent me yesterday, so... *whenever*. :hug

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Karishema, thank you for the lovely square I received earlier this week...sorry for the delay in answering. I really like that pattern and the way you used the 2 colors together...Real Teal and Aruba Sea. I got some Aruba Sea not too long ago but haven't used it for anything yet. Really like that color and it looks great with the Real Teal. So anyway, I will post a pic as soon as hubby makes sure the colors are right. And BONUS! Thanks for the adorable crocheted angel pin and the very thoughtful note you sent. :hug

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Thanks for the welcome too! I think I'm going to have a lot of fun with this CAL. :) I pm'd Sue my info last night but I forgot to give my email. So she pm'd me this morning and now she has it. I may have to get a hold of that book 101 crochet squares too. :D There's a wonderful used book store in Denver where I've gotten some good stuff before so I will have to check there. Thanks again for the welcome and I can't wait to get started! :hook

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Hershey, you're in my prayers. :hug

JustAddGlitter & Nira, welcome guys. :yay


I'm finally over my bronchitis, well for the most part (yay)! And I've also got some squares sent out during the HIJ thing. :hook Once I got started with that, I kind of got carried away. :blush


Anyways, I hope everyone is doing great, and enjoying this beautiful day that we're blessed with. :manyheart

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Welcome to the group JustAddGlitter and Nira! :welcome

Sue, could you please send me an updated list? Pretty please! :D

Lil hippie, glad that you’re feeling better! :hug

I'm making squares as fast as I can! :lol:hook (it's the mailing them that's the tough part! :blush)

Hope everyone is having a great day! :hug

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I'm with you Ann, I've got all these squares made I just need to package them. I never had this problem before. I am definitely doing it this weekend so I can see exactly where I am with the list.


Welcome to those just joining. It's a lot of fun here.


I also wanted to say thank you for the well wishes, I'm back at work today, not great, but better than yesterday. I just thought I'd stop by for a quck peek before getting back to work.


Glad you are feeling better lil_hippie.

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JustAddGlitter and Nira :welcome to our wonderfull group!


Sue- can you send me an updated list? :ty


Sopo- thanks for the wonderful square!!!:cheer


Have 4 puffies to go out in the mail today!!!!!! I'm on a roll again!


Everyone have a great day!

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Just made a trip to the PO, but they went to comfortghans.

I will have to wait until next week to send more, I am trying to budget to just 4 a week, to keep expenses down. I have a stack made just have to address and mail.

I hope everyone is having a great day, and staying out of the heat.


Welcome to the new ladies, you will enjoy very much.


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I am so sorry to hear about your mother, Hershey. :hug :hug :hug


Sure hope you get to feeling better quick, Pat!! :hug


Thank you so much, karishema ( Mary) for the 2 beautiful squares you sent for the comfortghan for my step-dad. I will post the pics later but today is not a good day. My mother died yesterday all of a sudden and I'm still in shock and just trying to get things done. She never wanted a funeral, but to be cremated (which is hard for me). We will have a wake/ memorial service Saturday evening though for her so we can properly have closure and her sisters will have that chance also. She died of a sudden heart attack. Just keep me and my family in your prayers please. Now we have a lot of decisions to make concerning my step-dad because he cannot afford to keep their house without her as it took the both of them. But material things are so unimportant. My main wish is that he get well. Thank you in advance!!


I haven't gone through all the pages I think there are three or four I missed. Hugs for everyone and I hope everyone is having a good day/feeling all right. :hug:manyheart

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Hi everyone! Is it too late to join in??? :2blush


I recently tracked down a (amazingly affordable!) copy of 101 Crochet Squares and have already gotten started on hooking all 101. lol I'd love to send some out to the fabulous hookers of Crochetville and thought this would be perfect! :woo


I really want to start a Friendship-ghan of my own, how fun! :c9 I would love any squares, any size, any pattern in any and all shades of pink! Acrylic yarns would be awesome!


Thanks! :hook




I've been visiting this thread for a while and I would like to join as well. I can just imagine cuddling under a friendship-ghan that the nice people of crochetville helped make :)

I'm looking for 12 inch squares (any color, design) in acrylic.

Thanks so much! :manyheart





Sue, please send updated list when you get a chance.

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Thank you everyone for all the warm thoughts, concern and especially prayers. This is such a loving, wonderful place!


Thank you Karishema for the 2 beautiful blue squares for Arthur's comfortghan! It will be even more comforting when finished now. My camera is doing good, but just could not get around to taking pics today, but I will soon.


Also thank you Tam for the exquisite white basketweave square I recieved today. I will post a pic when I get karishema's posted. You're welcome sweetie!!! :hug


:hug:hug:hug to all.






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As soon as I can get past these darn headaches I have been having I will get to finishing my squares and sending out the squares I made this week and last week.

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well, i think that accounts for most of mine that have gone out, minus a couple from way back, but what the hey, huh, Im going to run a tally of how many I have sent out so far, for my own records, but it must be a bunch, cause my tote is getting e m t! Just have to start duplicating if that happens, I think! Got enough made for a couple more mailings though, so the next couple of weeks are set! Take care, have a good evening!;) Must touch yarn now!!!!:yarn:yarn:yarn


I am currently working on a few for a few special swappers! :cheer


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I hate that! I had a headache every day for over three weeks~ straight! I still get them on and off, but not as bad. I couldn't figure out if it was allergies, or my TMJ again. (I am pretty sure it was TMJ..) Maybe it was both. Who knows. I hope your headaches go away. :hug


As soon as I can get past these darn headaches I have been having I will get to finishing my squares and sending out the squares I made this week and last week.
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Look at the two squares I got today!! In a HIJ package, from sopo and lil-hippie!! :manyheart I kept pulling things out of the puffy, going "Wow!"... I noticed there was two squares and two cards that said "Tina" on them. :think I finally figured out it was from two different people. :lol (Mom and daughter?) It was chaos, trying to open my package. My kids were acting like it was Christmas; and the puppy was going crazy, trying to smell everything I took out of the puffy.. :lol


Thank you both, again. I posted in the HIJ section. But since there were squares, too; I'm posting it here. It was weird; because I had almost (but I ran out of yarn) finished edging and joining all the squares I had, just yesterday; and was getting a little bummed- thinking, "I wonder if I will get more squares"... And I DID!!! :yay Thank you. :manyheart


P.S. I LOVE the way the hemp keychain smells! (I will be able to find my keys a lot easier now, with this!) And the owl smells nice, too. (Maybe from the hemp?)



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