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Friendship-ghan Square CAL...UPDATED IN POST 1


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I know Tammy appreciates all the prayers.


I have a question regarding the squares. If someone has a 3 colors listed for which squares they would like, does that mean you have to use all of the colors or any combination of the colors. I take it that it means either one or a combo of those colors unless otherwise stated but I wanted to check. I'm anxious to get started on some squares.


Either one or combo. :)


Welcome again (I posted a welcome on the day you PM'd me :lol)



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:lol I was so concerned about you liking the fish, I totally forgot about the square until you just mentioned it :blush

And I was so concerned about making sure you knew I liked it that i forgot to mention it:lol.:sigh I keep having to stop my boys from swiping it.:thair the youngest said it looks like a football fish so of course my oldest got the idea that it should be a flying fish literally:tryme.... seriously boys can i not have anything cool to myself?????:rant



And WELCOME ladies....:flower

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I just got an e-mail from teakaycee (Tammy). Her dh, Ken, is in the hospital and will be for at least a month diagonosed with leukemia. This is a direct quote from her e-mail:


"We're all good. Ken is Good and we are completely trusting God!


Some extra little prayers for the boys would be great! They're doing good. But having daddy sick is tough.


We need prayers support and love. Not sadness. No depressing notes. No feeling sorry. "


Tammy, you know I love you and your entire family! Prayers being sent! :hug




Prayers for Tammy and her Sweet Family :hug

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I just got an e-mail from teakaycee (Tammy). Her dh, Ken, is in the hospital and will be for at least a month diagonosed with leukemia. This is a direct quote from her e-mail:


"We're all good. Ken is Good and we are completely trusting God!


Some extra little prayers for the boys would be great! They're doing good. But having daddy sick is tough.


We need prayers support and love. Not sadness. No depressing notes. No feeling sorry. "


Tammy, you know I love you and your entire family! Prayers being sent! :hug




Positive thoughts and love coming their way!:hug:manyheart

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And I was so concerned about making sure you knew I liked it that i forgot to mention it:lol.:sigh I keep having to stop my boys from swiping it.:thair the youngest said it looks like a football fish so of course my oldest got the idea that it should be a flying fish literally:tryme.... seriously boys can i not have anything cool to myself?????:rant

:lol When I finished stuffing the body of the fish...I was making sure I stuffed it real good, and my husband said it looked like a football, so I said get ready to catch it :blush yup it threw good, but not now since all of the fish parts are on there :rofl


we were allowed to if we hadnt sent them one and wanted to. and that was it no extras :2nono or swap mom would get all :grumpy she would start to:rant and might even :trymeto you.
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I just got an e-mail from teakaycee (Tammy). Her dh, Ken, is in the hospital and will be for at least a month diagonosed with leukemia. This is a direct quote from her e-mail:


"We're all good. Ken is Good and we are completely trusting God!


Some extra little prayers for the boys would be great! They're doing good. But having daddy sick is tough.


We need prayers support and love. Not sadness. No depressing notes. No feeling sorry. "


Tammy, you know I love you and your entire family! Prayers being sent! :hug



Prayers being sent to Tammy and her family

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I just got an e-mail from teakaycee (Tammy). Her dh, Ken, is in the hospital and will be for at least a month diagonosed with leukemia. This is a direct quote from her e-mail:


"We're all good. Ken is Good and we are completely trusting God!


Some extra little prayers for the boys would be great! They're doing good. But having daddy sick is tough.


We need prayers support and love. Not sadness. No depressing notes. No feeling sorry. "


Tammy, you know I love you and your entire family! Prayers being sent! :hug




:( I hate hearing this news. But as she puts in her quote : they are completely trusting God. And All things are possible with God. My heart and prayers will be going up every day for Tammy, Ken and the boys. We :manyheart you, Tammy!! :hug

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Love you all!

Thank you so much for all your love and prayers!!!!

I have a few minutes here before getting the boys to school and off to spend the day with Ken... so thought I would pop on and say :hi HI

Sue............ I love you sweetie! Thanks for posting for me! And thanks for your love!


Ken is doing Great.... I am fine! Lots to do... but good! I have been on "pitty party" patrol! I will stop any and all of it the second it comes around! So... that keeps me busy and can make me a bit tired by the end of the day. The boys are good.... Michael is taking it the hardest.... but he's hangin' tough. We are possitive... happy.... and completely leaving this all to God! He will get us down this road...as long as we follow Him every step of the way... and dont try to take shortcuts of our own!


I have been making "cancer" ribbons for family and friends and even some of the nurses that want them... so WOW.. .have I been busy with my hook... :D Orange by the way is the color for leukemia... so we have alot of little orange ribbons running around! I need to make more today... as Patrick (my 14 yr old) has friends that want to wear them with him until his daddy gets home!


Okay... off to get things movin'.... I'll check back in as I can!

like I said... No "Debbie Downers" Please! We're FINE. We need prayers... love and support!

I love you guys and know I can count on you all!

have a GREAT day everyone!

God Bless you all!!!






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we were allowed to if we hadnt sent them one and wanted to. and that was it no extras :2nono or swap mom would get all :grumpy she would start to:rant and might even :trymeto you.


Yes, squares were allowed if you hadn't sent them a square yet! :)



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Love you all!

Thank you so much for all your love and prayers!!!!

I have a few minutes here before getting the boys to school and off to spend the day with Ken... so thought I would pop on and say :hi HI

Sue............ I love you sweetie! Thanks for posting for me! And thanks for your love!


Ken is doing Great.... I am fine! Lots to do... but good! I have been on "pitty party" patrol! I will stop any and all of it the second it comes around! So... that keeps me busy and can make me a bit tired by the end of the day. The boys are good.... Michael is taking it the hardest.... but he's hangin' tough. We are possitive... happy.... and completely leaving this all to God! He will get us down this road...as long as we follow Him every step of the way... and dont try to take shortcuts of our own!


I have been making "cancer" ribbons for family and friends and even some of the nurses that want them... so WOW.. .have I been busy with my hook... :D Orange by the way is the color for leukemia... so we have alot of little orange ribbons running around! I need to make more today... as Patrick (my 14 yr old) has friends that want to wear them with him until his daddy gets home!


Okay... off to get things movin'.... I'll check back in as I can!

like I said... No "Debbie Downers" Please! We're FINE. We need prayers... love and support!

I love you guys and know I can count on you all!

have a GREAT day everyone!

God Bless you all!!!







You're welcome! I'm a glass is 1/2 full person so things will be okay! :hug


If anyone wants to send a happy possitive card, I have the address to send one to Ken. If you send a sad card or sypathetic, remember I have ALL of your addresses and I will come :tryme.



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Love you all!

Thank you so much for all your love and prayers!!!!

I have a few minutes here before getting the boys to school and off to spend the day with Ken... so thought I would pop on and say :hi HI

Sue............ I love you sweetie! Thanks for posting for me! And thanks for your love!


Ken is doing Great.... I am fine! Lots to do... but good! I have been on "pitty party" patrol! I will stop any and all of it the second it comes around! So... that keeps me busy and can make me a bit tired by the end of the day. The boys are good.... Michael is taking it the hardest.... but he's hangin' tough. We are possitive... happy.... and completely leaving this all to God! He will get us down this road...as long as we follow Him every step of the way... and dont try to take shortcuts of our own!


I have been making "cancer" ribbons for family and friends and even some of the nurses that want them... so WOW.. .have I been busy with my hook... :D Orange by the way is the color for leukemia... so we have alot of little orange ribbons running around! I need to make more today... as Patrick (my 14 yr old) has friends that want to wear them with him until his daddy gets home!


Okay... off to get things movin'.... I'll check back in as I can!

like I said... No "Debbie Downers" Please! We're FINE. We need prayers... love and support!

I love you guys and know I can count on you all!

have a GREAT day everyone!

God Bless you all!!!







Glad to hear that things are going well for you and your DH! I'll definitely be praying for you, and if you have any specific prayer needs, please feel free to PM me. :)

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:hug Happy Healing thought to Tammy and her family!!


Welcome Sharon!! :flower


I sent out a few more squares yesterday....:gotmail

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Sue, can I have an updated list, it seems we added someone. I want to get the new ones complete also. When you send the list can you send Ken's address also, I promise it will be a happy card. Definitely don't want you coming after me. That bat looks pretty pig.:D


Tammy, hugs, prayers and happy thoughts coming your way for the family.


Welcome to anyone new I haven't said hi to. Sorry, I haven't had time to read through all the posts lately. :(

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I really do appreciate all the love... support... possitive thoughts and Prayers!!!!!

Ken is doing just fine! The boy are doing good! I made it perfectly clear to the principles at their schools that there is to be NO pitty party... NO teasing the boys that their dad is going to die... NO long faces. Fortunately they completely understood and agree! They have known me for alot of years now and know... I am the easiest person to get along with... I will do anything for ya... I am a possitive...forgiving gal that will give everyone the benifit of the doubt... but mess with my babies... and we might have an issue! :tryme


Keep the prayers comin'!!!

I think I have made over 50 orange ribbons so far. I know I have more to make ... but I really wanted to start on a blanket for him. :hook


Well... off I go... new day... and need more coffee...

you all have a GREAT day.

God Bless you!






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I really do appreciate all the love... support... possitive thoughts and Prayers!!!!!

Ken is doing just fine! The boy are doing good! I made it perfectly clear to the principles at their schools that there is to be NO pitty party... NO teasing the boys that their dad is going to die... NO long faces. Fortunately they completely understood and agree! They have known me for alot of years now and know... I am the easiest person to get along with... I will do anything for ya... I am a possitive...forgiving gal that will give everyone the benifit of the doubt... but mess with my babies... and we might have an issue! :tryme


Keep the prayers comin'!!!

I think I have made over 50 orange ribbons so far. I know I have more to make ... but I really wanted to start on a blanket for him. :hook


Well... off I go... new day... and need more coffee...

you all have a GREAT day.

God Bless you!







God Bless you and your family, I continue to pray for ya'll :hug

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Keep the prayers comin'!!!

I think I have made over 50 orange ribbons so far. I know I have more to make ... but I really wanted to start on a blanket for him. :hook




Were you wanting to do a comfortghan for him? I'm pretty sure I know a few people who would probably send you a square or two. ;)

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next stop ladies is kansas! so if you want mrs darah i will keep you informed of my progress!


Dangit, I've been so busy with 4-H stuff the last few days I totally missed this! Let me know if you come back through on your route back!

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