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Crocheter's block

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I seem to be having a case of crocheter's block. :eek


Ever since I've been working on the Ladybug Afghan and having to rip it out several times, I feel like my confidence is gone. I haven't touched it in weeks (I'm going to have to rip it out AGAIN to the part where the black face starts, and I'm dreading it). I've been knitting, and investigating crochet patterns, but I haven't attempted to crochet anything, as I'm worried it's going to be the same fiasco as the afghan.


Has anyone ever gone through this? If so, how did you get out of your slump?

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You're not alone. Do something simple--like a dishcloth. That way you'll keep your thoughts on the current project. I have an afghan I started last year (it's for me) and I had problems with it and it's the closet. I will get it done eventually but not right now. I'm doing prayer shawls and had a big Christmas list of things to do.


In fact, I didn't crochet much for over a year--moved to a very small house, had to put it all most of our things storage and sold what couldn't fit. But I finally decided to buy 3 skeins for a shawl, and got started again. Sometimes a break is just what we need.

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Aww Pbl, sounds like the ladybug ghan just doesn't want to be made right now! grrr. That can be soo frustrating. When I hit a block, I'll try changing tactics, like RoseRed suggested...or going from "for me" to "for someone else" projects (or vice versa) or even going from yarn to thread (or the reverse)...if nothing else works. I just quit and find a good book. Don't give up on crocheting...blame the pattern ;) and go for something fresh for a while. (and this coming from someone who doesn't like multiple WIPs :blush:) )



here's a hug :hug

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The first thing I'd do is get the frogging done. Nothing is as discouraging to me as knowing I have to frog before I can go back to crocheting. I guess it's something about starting with negative progress. Then put the bugger (pun intended) in time out, until it's ready to behave when you work on it.


I like the ideas of changing between yarn and thread, and changing project size. Use your scraps to make yo-yos or granny's daugthers for charity. Organize your stash or your patterns. Try something you've always wanted to play with (like freeform or tunisian). Eventually you'll get your mojo back.

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One time, I was making a table cover in thread crochet, and I had to frog something like 50 rows. Aarg! My mom said that she felt like crying for me watching me unravel all those hard earned rows.


Usually, when I'm stressed over a project, I just leave it be. I have to walk away from it, and go do something simpler and FUN. A trip to the LYS helps a lot. Something about squeezing all those skeins of yarn gets my creative juices flowing again.

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I don't think you should let this one pattern get to you! Isn't it pretty clear that it is not you, it's the pattern that's the problem? honestly if it were me, I'd probably rip out the wonky part and just freehand something similar, and call it done!

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I feel like that too. I've had to push myself to keep working on my lacy duster, as well as my sister's afghan, which will reach it's one year anniversary in July.:bang My lacy duster crochet block happened when I realized I wasn't keeping a good count of how many extra rows I was putting on the sleeves. Finally I let it go and finished one.. but now I gotta do the other.


I agree that maybe doing something little will help; something you know isn't going to take you forever to do. Then slowly move your way into your WIPs.


Good luck :crocheting!

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Like Krafty......I go and buy a wonderfully colorful skein of yarn and make something easy and enjoy every stitch and it gives me back my confidence.


Happy Crocheting ~:~

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I don't think you should let this one pattern get to you! Isn't it pretty clear that it is not you, it's the pattern that's the problem? honestly if it were me, I'd probably rip out the wonky part and just freehand something similar, and call it done!


Well, yes, I did look out on Ravelry and I'm not the only one who's had trouble with the pattern. Many have had to modify it somewhat to get something resembling the picture.


Thank you all so much for your kind words. :c9 I think I'm going to take the advice of getting the frogging out of the way and perhaps work on something else until I can get my mojo back. I always enjoy working with the slanted V stitch...perhaps I'll make something incorporating that.

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Well, yes, I did look out on Ravelry and I'm not the only one who's had trouble with the pattern. Many have had to modify it somewhat to get something resembling the picture.



I was thinking too of the posts here on the Ville about bad experiences w/ it.


Best wishes on getting over the blahs soon and enjoying your crocheting again:hook:hook

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I know how you feel...I have an afghan lurking in the closet that needs to get finished, but I just can't make myself work on it. I don't even have that much left to do, but I just don't have the motivation right now.


Usually when I have crochet block, I switch to knitting for a while to give myself a break. I think the last 4 or 5 projects I have finished have all been knitted projects. (and yes, I do feel like a traitor to crochet, but I do also like to knit).


I think that the suggestion of frogging to where you need to start over again is a good one, and then just put it away for a while. It will get finished eventually.


Sorry that you are having such woes. I hope that it gets better.

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Well, I've started frogging and feel much better now. I'm going to frog it down to almost the beginning, as I can't, in all good conscience, give this away in the condition it's in.


I've decided I'm going to just give myself a break by crocheting the black dots for the afghan for now. Hopefully the pattern won't be messed up for those, too! :lol

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I definitely can relate...I've never gotten really frustrated with a pattern, rather, I just get burnt out. I'm working on an afghan for my grandmother right now, and it's an easy pattern, but it's just so huge I feel like i'm getting nowhere. I'll stop working on it just because I'm sick of it. I find that picking up a little project to work on (I did a cotton market bag and a dishcloth) helped to break up the monotony of the afghan!

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I definitely can relate...I've never gotten really frustrated with a pattern, rather, I just get burnt out. I'm working on an afghan for my grandmother right now, and it's an easy pattern, but it's just so huge I feel like i'm getting nowhere. I'll stop working on it just because I'm sick of it. I find that picking up a little project to work on (I did a cotton market bag and a dishcloth) helped to break up the monotony of the afghan!


I agree...sometimes I need some instant gratification in order to get over a slump, particularly when the project is huge like an afghan. I will usually break down and crochet something like an amigurumi or knit up a small project like a teapot cozy. I find that it really does help to get your motivation going again.

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Hi! What a bummer! This has happened to me lots of times. I am trying to crochet socks and have been working on the same pair for almost a year, I keep frogging and working frogging and working, the other day I just put them down and said, "enough!" I will put them away when I feel like I can do it properly. So now I am working on a ghan with hexagons, fun fun fun! And i can chagne colors as often as I want. :-)


Good luck! Hang in there!

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Yes, I get like that from time to time.

I had to frog so many times on an afghan awhile back that I like to never finished it. But I pressed on and finally got it done. What a relief!


Now I've got an afghan I'm making for my niece that I thought was for a twin bed, so the end was getting near. I could see the light at the end of the tunnel....but then I found out her bed is a full size, not twin. I have to make 30 more squares and back them all with fleece squares before I can join them to what I've already done. It was such a blow that I put it down. It's spread out all over my coffee table and I haven't touched it in days. I'm going to make a few dishcloths before I get back to it. It may be fall again before she gets her afghan. :(

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I feel your frustration - there have been times when I swear I made the same item 3 times before it gets finished.... When I get like that - I come here and check out what everyone else is doing:lol then I look at my many crochet pattern books - I get excited about what I want to do next. That usually does it. Keep your spirits up - that's the most important thing.:cheer:cheer:cheer

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Don't give up just yet! Just put that project away for awhile and start something new, like a dish cloth or a granny square. I once stopped crocheting for almost a year and started doing blocks on a loom. I have since come back to crochet:cheer


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YES! Indeed I do know that feeling! I think I nearly lost the will to crochet when I was trying to complete a Che Guevara afghan which my nephew requested for his birthday last October. I started it last September but could hardly bring myself to pick it up and only completed it about 2 weeks ago. So definately been there done that! But isnt it the greatest feeling when you finally force yourself to pick it up and complete it and then its DONE!

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I know the feeling too.. ever since my hubby passed away.. I haven't been able to concentrate .. It has been almost 3 years now, I can't seem to find anything I want to do anymore.. *sigh*

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Monique that is soooo sad :(. Hugs :hugto you.


I know the feeling too.. ever since my hubby passed away.. I haven't been able to concentrate .. It has been almost 3 years now, I can't seem to find anything I want to do anymore.. *sigh*
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