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Narrow escape at the LYS

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That was such a funny story! :laughroll

I was not so lucky to escape when I went to the tiny LYS. I wound up buying 8 balls of Ornaghi filati cotton in different colors. Glad I did tho. I returned to the store just before Christmas and it is no longer available there. Drats. Even as pricey as it is compared to American cotton thread, it is lucsious to work with- especially for facecloths and baby bath cloths.

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Oh, it's a new (well, new to me) Italian brand. I normally buy Schachenmayr Catania, which I love, love, love - it's like having a rainbow in your workbasket. But my LYS doesn't stock all the colours they offer. Before Christmas I was in the LYS and I saw the shelf stocked with new yarn and almost went weak at the knees. For a split second I actually understood how drug users feel, because I was going to fling my wallet on the counter of the LYS and shout "How many skeins can I buy for what I've got?" and then start stuffing my pockets with all the new colours! :lol:lol:lol


Anyway, all the little skeins were begging me - begging me - to take them home, but I contented myself with a skein of apple green. And that's the thing: this is pure apple green. This is the colour of a perfectly-ripe Granny Smith apple. It's absolutely gorgeous. And it would look just BEAUTIFUL next to a skein of plum purple. Awwwww, maaaaaaaaan! I really have to resist! I have bags of yarn everywhere and this year I really have to start using what I have already :(


I might be able to get around it, though. The yarn is so nice that my sister in Ireland wants some as well, so I might be able to buy stuff for her. I'll get the rush of teh sale, be able to pet the colours, take them home and (hopefully) post them. Or maybe not. (Haha)


Is the brand just called Italian? I ask because I am looking for nice cotton in a wide array of colors.

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Hallo LuvMaxine,

This yarn is not actually Italian as I thought, but it's German (I'm in Germany). The name of the company is Rico Design (that's why I presumed it was Italian) and it's their Cotton DK. The yarn is being displayed by colour at the minute, so this yarn is mixed in with my other favourite, Schachenmayr Catania. I can recommend either, if they are available to buy in the USA. :yes

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Hallo LuvMaxine,

This yarn is not actually Italian as I thought, but it's German (I'm in Germany). The name of the company is Rico Design (that's why I presumed it was Italian) and it's their Cotton DK. The yarn is being displayed by colour at the minute, so this yarn is mixed in with my other favourite, Schachenmayr Catania. I can recommend either, if they are available to buy in the USA. :yes


Thanks. I didn't realize you were in Germany. I do have some of the Catania.

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:rofl I started to laugh and got :2nono SHHH, because I'm in the library. If I read any more funny stuff, I'll be :kick out. I'm going to Michaels this weekend, I need :yarn to finish an afghan. I hope I have 1/2 your will power.

Ellie 13

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It's funny how they gang up on you too. If you go to the store to buy one skein of yarn, a whole bunch of it just jumps in the cart and says "Take me home"!


It's amazing how they do that.



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I never laugh so hard as I did today your article here is so true when you go looking just for one they do call out take me too. That is why my stash is never ending at times. I see so many new colors to try and use. Thank you for such a great thread you made my day.

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For me, it's the sock yarn that speaks to me in a yarn shop..."I'm just a small investment...I'm pretty...I'm multicolored...There must be SOMEONE you need to make socks for...oooo" :rofl:rofl:rofl

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Baby yarn is my temptress - "I'm so soft! Cuddly, too! Can't you see some cute little child loving me? A newborn wrapped with tenderness and care, some grandmother oohing and aahing?"


At least that's what the ones that jumped into my basket yesterday were saying.

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:rofl I hear you, I also get weak around any shade of purple. I wouldn't care if it was made of recycled cow poop... if they dyed it purple and spun it into yarn, I'd probably consider it. :rofl


See now, my standards aren't even THAT high when it comes to resisting buying things. If they just took the cow poop and dyed it purple and put a price on it, crossed that price off and wrote a lower price under it, I'd have it in my cart. I CANNOT resist a sale of ANY type, and if it's PURPLE? FUGGEDABOUDIT!! :lol

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