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Lisa Gentry (caneylady) beat Lily Chin - Yippee!!

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This just in...(from another board) Lisa beat Lily Chin in a crochet off at the Chain Link in Oakland, CA....I think Lily Chin challenged her to a 'crochet off' after Lisa won the Guiness World Record in June. Lisa crochet 107 stitches and LC only did 82.....


here's the link and click on 'click here to watch this report' (actual video)




Listen to LC in the video she is really something - I do like some of her patterns - but man, what an ego!


HIP HIP CROCHET FOR THE CANEYLADY:cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer

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Just watched it and OMG I guess thats why they say dont count your chickens before they hatch LOL. Thats what happens when you get too full of yourself.



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OMG she sure is a darn SNOB.. If I was there I would of just bobbed her across the head.. She was rude that is for sure, she was defintly trying to make Lisa screw up and Lisa prooved to Lily that she couldnt do it.. Lisa beat the crud out her..


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LC may have done better if she wasn't so busy maddogging her opponent. Serves her right to loose.. Good for Ms. Caney lady Gentry!!!

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Just watched the video....LC's ego is unbelievable! I agree, her work is awesome...but there is ALWAYS someone out there who is going to be a record. Congrats again Lisa!!!:cheer :cheer :cheer


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WOW! Wish i could croceht that fast....my UFO's would be masterpieces in no time! :lol :lol


That lady needed to shut her nouth and open her eyes....then maybe she would have done better. :D

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ok, just one more comment, because i am sooooo excited for Lisa.

Can you believe Lilly's behavior?????? that is the epitome of "bad sportsmanship" ..... just because of that, i'm glad she lost. some one else's comment was right on. if lilly was that scared of loosing, maybe she needs more practice. raspberries to you Ms. Chin.:nahnah

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I just watch the video it was great and I was very impressed with

Ms. Gentry with her comments and the way she conducted herself(sp?)

I also was very embarrassed by Lily Chin's behaviour:embar

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Well I tell , what a snob that lc was .. i am glad Lisa Gentry beat her so graciously ... plus Lisa is a Lovely lady and a great creator ... :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer Hurraaayyyy for Lisa

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and so gracious in her winning comments. Lily could take a few lessons on good gamesmanship (and sportsmanship).


Truly solid proof that Lisa's Guinness Record-setting win was not due to luck! WTG!! :yay


I totally agree with you. It is the old adage "It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game." And Lisa played it with dignity and graciousness.


Thanks Carmen for the post, it was very interesting.:manyheart

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