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The best crochet compliment EVER!

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I've always had a really hard time trying to come up with something for teenaged nephews for Christmas. When I would ask it would usually be something way out of my budget or something I had never heard of. Where is there any surprise in that, anyway?:think


This year I asked my 16 year old nephew what he wanted for Christmas and he said "I would love to have something that you made for me". Brought a warm fuzzy feeling to my heart, let me tell you!:manyheart

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Oh how dear, Kellie; I can certainly understand your fuzzy feeling heart -what a special guy, your nephew! It sounds like you two have a wonderfully relationship.


That can be such great age -when they're closer to being a man than a boy, sometimes stumbling, and lots of times getting it just right... Thanks for sharing.


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Oh, my yes!!! My grandson, 21, loves anything I make for him. Always has and can remember the western shirts I made him for school when he was little.

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My 10 year old nephew requested 4 scarves for his brother, 2 cousins and himself. Told me 1 camouflage with green, 1 with brown, and 2 with black.

He then saw the afghan I made his mother for her birthday, I just started his. Every thing I make he wants

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What a sweetheart. I like the idea of an afghan for him next year and the slippers this year. I am thinking by next Christmas he will be finishing his senior year in high school with plans to go onto college. He can take the afghan with him to college. He can take his "blankie" with him without it looking like a "blankie" to his college roommates. That way he can keep his "cool" image. What a reminder it will be to him of his family and how much they love him. Good job, Aunt. :ty for sharing this tale.

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