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Lost My Crochet Mojo :-(

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Since finishing the giraffe afghan for my grandson, I haven't been able to motivate myself to pick up yarn and hook and work on any new projects or WIPs. I'm so down in the dumps! I hope to be able to make it through this low spot. Work is a drag and all I want to do is sleep! Ugh! Anyone else get like this?


One bright spot - I will be babysitting for my grandson on Saturday. He can always make me smile.

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Hi, Jeanne!

For heaven sake--have your blood checked! I was like this two years ago, and it turned out that I was severely anemic!!! I ended up getting (in the space of 6 months!) 5 pints of blood and 8 pints of iron!! Really! Have bloodwork done!!


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Well sometimes I do today I do only because I had chinese and it was so loaded with msg I'm practically ready to fall asleep told fiance that this would happen but he loves chinese so much. And now here in Michigan tonight it will be a low of 52 degrees quite strange for a summer night

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I would get checked out. My energy level was real low and it turned out I was on the anemic side and the dr. put on folic acid. It's helped me out.


I guess if it would stop raining long enough, I, myself, could probably go for walks to help boost my energy level a little too. You might want to try a little walk. Some fresh air. Different scenery. That always helps. As you know, our summer here hasn't really been a summer. Our pool cover has been on more than off. Here it is another weekend and its suppose to rain all weekend.


I know how you feel and understand the feeling. Work is pretty much a drag here too. I picked up crocheting to give myself a lift and feel like I'm doing something worth while. I've been away from crocheting for a long time. Last night I woke up at 1 AM and could not fall back to sleep so I sat up and crocheted until I got tired, until 3 AM. WAA LAA! I could sleep.


I know with the economy the way it is, you can't help but get down sometimes. My hubby and I worked at the same place for about 25 years. Then the new owners went bankrupt, chapter 11. They moved two of the product lines down south and the other to Mexico. My hubby just hasn't been able to find his nitch since....it was 6 years ago. He took a new job a year ago...looked great....was something he liked... maintenance. He took a $3 hour pay cut to get his current job and he's been down to 4 days week. Puts a real damper on things. We are trying to keep our chins and heads held high...but its real tough sometimes.


Well, crocheting is keeping my spirits up and keeping my mind occupied late at night. It's helping me right now. Try to find something small and simple to do or something that you yourself really want. I'm making a carryall tote bag for myself because my purse is about ready to break on the shoulder strap. So I'm really anxious to get it done. I usually make stuff for everyone else. This one is just for me, me alone. I kind of feel selfish but I don't do that too often. You also might want to try to watch TCM (Turner Classic Movies). Right now, give me my crocheting and a good old movie. Tonight I'm watching "Anchors Aweigh". Nothing like a Gene Kelly and Frank Sinatra movie.


Keep your chin up. Everyone here at the Ville loves you and the work that you do.

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Hang in there...there's no law that says you have to crochet all the time. Take a break, refresh yourself and before you know it, you'll be crocheting again. I totally understand how you're feeling. I've been feeling that way myself these past few months...Enjoy your grandson.

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I go through phases like this sometimes too. Sometimes it's a lack of vitamins, sometimes its the weather, sometimes I just don't feel motivated. Last week all I wanted to do was craft, now I don't care so much. Sometimes you just need a break to do something different.


Maybe the time with your grandson will help pull you out of your funk. Hugs.

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Sorry to hear that you're under a cloud these days, Jeanne. I agree with the others, get yourself checked out if you haven't been in for a check-up in a while. We so often neglect ourselves while caring for everyone and everything else in our lives -You have to take the time to take care of yourself, as I'm sure you know, and that includes eating right, getting enough sleep and exercising (walking, running, biking, or whatever moves you), all of which does our serotonin levels good...Moving, breathing and being good can often result in the pick-up we long for.


As for taking a break from crochet, sometimes that is exactly what's needed, especially after completing a big project. I doubt I'm alone in sharing that my crocheting tends to come in waves, where I'll immerse myself into some other interest after a long run with the hook (always to return, of course ; ).


Do take care, Jeanne -Remember to take time to breathe. Sending positive vibes your way. :hug Oh, and enjoy your time with that Grandson of yours tomorrow!

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It's not uncommon for me to get like this, especially at this time of year and at the end of winter. I think it's long stretches of one temperature extreme or the other that trigger me. It's extremely hot down here in South Texas, and after months of temperatures between 95 and 100 degrees I'm ready to throw in the towel. I wake up in the morning just as tired as I was when I went to sleep because it's just heat on top of heat on top of heat. I also get like that at the end of winter when it has been cold for weeks and weeks. Fortunately, our winters here are extremely mild, the temperatures only get really cold for about a two-week stretch between the middle of January and the middle of February, and then really only at night.


I know I sound like I must complain endlessly about the weather, but the problem is that I have neurological problems and spinal cord damage, so temperature extremes are not kind to me. After weeks of heat and humidity it makes my pain just as bad as it does when we're having actual rain, and two weeks of weather under even 40 degrees is enough to have me hurting so badly I'm ready to cry. So because of the neurological damage, any more than a couple of days of any type of temperature extreme sends me into a real blue funk.


Right now, the only thing that's keeping me "up" is the thought that fall is just around the corner, and even though our days will still be hot, the humidity will drop and the nights will go down into the high 60s/low 70s and be nice and cool. Now THAT kind of weather I can get into! :)

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When I lose sight of what I'm doing with a project (Which has happened twice with a big afghan for my nephew that just keeps getting messed up though I'm fairly sure I'm following the pattern correctly) I take a break. I go through long periods of time where a particular hobby that I enjoy will not please me anymore and instead I will do one of my other hobbies like writing or find something good to read (I am a chain reader in the sense that I will start reading a book and usually have it done within a day or so.) or I'll even get into a cleaning mood... Or in a cooking mood. Believe it or not, until recently I was never that much of a person who enjoyed cooking. In fact it's really depressing when I would cook for my sister's family because their middle daughter complains about anything and everything and their son wil not eat anything with lettuce or any sort of green leafy thing.


It's difficult to balance things like that but it's just the way my mind works. One week I might be obsessed with making christmas presents, the next I might spend every moment of my free time on my computer playing Sims.

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Do you suffer from depression? Sometimes mine gets so bad I go off of all my meds and my husband sends me off to see my doctor and in a couple weeks after antidepressents are adjusted I'm doing ok. If I'm working on a project that I don't like too much then I tend to put all crocheting aside for a while. I'm in the middle of one of those right now. I hope you are feeling better soon.

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Thank you all so much for your support and kind words. I am in the process of changing over from one depression medication that I've been on for a pretty long time to a new one. I've contacted my Employee Assistance program, as my condition has been affecting my work. Sometimes I just sit in my cubicle and cry and eat. I then get mad at myself because my heart tells me I have so much to be thankful for. My brain just doesn't get it though. I said it's like someone flipped my "happy" switch off.


I'm sorry to unload here. I know that there are a lot of people out there in Crochetville who are a lot worse off than I am, and I feel like a big crybaby. Believe me - I will keep each and every one of you in my prayers. Just keep me in mind as well - I'd appreciate it.


God bless you all!

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I'm glad that you posted this because I am feeling the same way! :( I have no projects to work on, and nothing in my mind to make for the holidays either. My daughter left college and married, so I have no roommates to make gifts for and so I am just feeling a bit down. I did the KISS swap, but that was one dishcloth, but I have made those for everybody I know and so I am just feeling down, and a bit blahhhh!!! :angry


I hope that taking a break will help...I really would just love to have a real person so be my friend, and come over and visit me and crochet with me, and help me figure out some patterns (which is my weakness, reading them) and give me something to do in the daytime. I can dream...:hook


Hope you figure out what to do as well.

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Sometimes, if I finish a big project I just don't feel like crocheting afterwards. The first year that I crocheted for the NICU - I did it all in just a short span... when I finished, I was so burned out that I didn't pick up my hook for months! You just need a breather.


But, when you get back to it, it will be like being with an old friend.

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Sometimes when you finish a big project there is a let down because it is finished. I also found extreme heat and humidity plays a big part of not wanting to do things. Then a day or so I will check else I can make I am grateful for having AC as I would go nuts with heat and humidity all the time. I also have a lot of pain from arithritis that can really be pain in the places you don't want to have it walking is by cane always a must , but I do push myself because I have a 89 father who depends on me getting him out for many things so he helps me I am glad that I can help him. Yarnjeannie what a better place than to share with others who know what maybe your feeling to know that everyone always wish you well and give support when needed. Besides I am always gratful for you and your Hexagon afghan pattern that I love from you. Take care and my prayers are for you this will pass in time.:manyheart

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I can feel for you. I have often hit those slumps. Sometimes it is just overwhelming.

I go from having too many wips to staring at an empty desk, wanting to do something, but no uuumph to get started. A few days away from it all, just watching tv or reading and I am soon itching to pick up that hook.

Mine isn't weather related as I have worked while shivering and wrapped in afghans to sweating in front of a fan in 90+ temps.

It often boils down to one of 3 things. Boredom with the pattern I am doing (requires trip to frog pond), anxiety over a non crochet issue that does not subside right away (tea or nap time usually cures this), my meds not playing nice together or one of them creating an allergic reaction (only Dr. can fix this one). either of them makes me stop, take deep breaths and do what is necessary to find a solution.

We need to care for ourselves before our hooks and yarn.


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I don't know about the health side of things, but I do know that I go through seasons where I don't pick up crochet. It happened after Christmas and took until about April for me to wanna hook again! but it DID come back around~so I trust it will with you, too. Just ride it out and enjoy other things for a bit until the bug bites ya again~I presently cannot put it down! (((((HUGS))))) sandi

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