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what do you crochet when you're bored/need inspiration?

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what do you feel like working on when you feel like you don't have anything else to crochet? i'm completly bored out of my mind and looking for inspiration and am getting a little depressed and blurry eyed from intereneting around at the moment for ideas.... plus i basically need to work from a pattern other wish i end up making mistakes :angry


any help would be appreaciated guys:hug

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have you thought about making a christmas ornament? there are several ones online where you can find patterns for things. i do this every year and give them as gifts for christmas as i have such a large family that is all i can afford and is a tradition now, in fact the one year i didn't make anything, boy did i hear about it:eek :eek :eek so maybe start a new tradition and make some christmas ornaments.:hook

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I can sooo relate. When I'm feeling that way I try to work on something that is small, quick, and easy...instant gratification.


Hats are quick. There are plenty of very cool hat Patterns by Dot and these Modern Flapper Hats are looking very interesting to me lately. :hook


I don't know if you work with thread but bookmarks work up pretty fast, too. There are a lot of bookmark patterns on Crochet Pattern Central.


Maybe while you're working on your instant gratification project some larger project you want to do will come to mind. Hope this helped. :)

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When I get to the point where you are, I work on something that can be finished quickly for that instant gratification of seeing a finished object. It always perks me back up and gets me back to crocheting wondering what the other objects will look like finished and wondering if a small object gives me so much satisfaction of seeing it completely, what would a large object do for me. I know it sounds insane but that instant gratification really works. So, I suggest make something small; a bookmark, small bag, etc....see if instant gratification gets your motivation back in gear.

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When I get to that point, the best thing I can do is to not pressure myself. It's ok not to crochet if you don't feel like it. If I do feel like it but don't know what to make, I open up the books and magazines I have and find something that I like. Sometimes working with a color and pattern that I enjoy helps, rather than doing it cuz someone else would like it.


Most importantly, don't pressure yourself. You'll be back in no time.

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I work on blankets for The Snuggles Project when I have nothing else going on... then I am still crocheting, and doing it for a good cause.


I also get the gratification and experience of trying out new patterns and stitches. Right now I am doing a basket weave. Though I am finding out that it's a very tedious pattern, and I probably won't ever do it again, I'm glad that I learned how to do it, and that the result will be going to a lonely animal in a shelter until he/she finds a forever home.



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I get into a funk sometimes when I am either short on thread to finish something or just outright BORED. Times like this I find it helpful to pick up a book and read, go horsebackriding, or just go to a movie.. something, anything for a break. Usually doesn't take me long to get back into the groove and be ready to pick up a hook again :)

Short little things to make though... bookthongs work up nicely, so do scrunchies and things of that sort. Usually help to get me through the funk and back on track with a bigger project. :manyheart

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Funny you ask this - I'm in a similar space right now. I'm not sure if it's the warmer weather, the busy schedules of my family or what, but I'm just not "in the mood", as it were, to crochet. This seems particularly surprising to me since I'm normally a high FO producer. So, I've been reading, playing with the kids, etc. - just taking a break.


Of course I still have Crochetville FOs to enjoy - even if they're not my own! I bet if you continue to gander at the beautiful works here you'll become inspired! :hook

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When I hit a crocheting slump; I switch to knitting, or spinning ; just long enough to complete a hat or mitten set for charity. I figure, as long as I'm having a "pity party" for ME, I'd might as well make something for someone who has it EVEN WORSE ! By the time I finish the item, I'm feeling better, and someone else has a warm item , too !

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I agree that smaller things are great because you get quick satisfaction. For something long term flip through Melissa Leapman's Cool Crochet it has some killer patterns! I can't wait to get my hands on some decent yarn to attempt some of these super cool projects! :hook Good luck!


P.S. There's a square swap that you can sign up for until July 29th. Making squares in many different patterns and styles can be fun. They only have to be 6" so they're pretty quick to whip up. Once we've all swapped you'll have enough to put together an afghan! Plus there are patterns all over the internet for 6" squares and some pretty cool books as well.



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Lately I've gotten really into making cuffs for my denim jacket out of eyelash yarn (wish I could say that was my idea). I'll be sewing velcro strips to the cuffs on the jacket, and using washable glue to attach them to the crocheted cuffs. They work up very quickly and are really cute, plus, with the velcro, I'll be able to change them whenever I want a different look.

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Hi, I too am going thur a down time...........just don't know what I want to do...so I am going thur my Xmas patterns and going to start working on small things..........have loads of patterns to share if you need to get something going.;)


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When I need a break from a project or reading a pattern I work on hats and scarves for the local Salvation Army. After I finish the hat/scarf set I buy a pair of gloves and donate everything at the end of November.

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When I get in a rut, I do one of two things - I browse for cute baby patterns, pretty little baby layettes always inspire me or I go walk up and down the aisles of specialty yarn shops. I get inspired by the color and textures of the yarn. I'm hoping to learn to spin and dye my own yarn so so that when I get in a rut, I can just take some time and spin until I am inspired to work up some niffty little thing or other from my handmade yarn.


I think it was Julia Cameron in her book The Artist's Way who said something about the importance of priming the pump. Keep looking and I'm sure you'll find a bit of inspiration that will help you break out of your slump.:)

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