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More Fridgies! (Notepad Baskets)--Added another pic post 14

Mom w/a Motif

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Oh my goodness, I love these little fridgies! I made three so far. I think I am going to make LOTS more. :hook


The tan one w/ the apple is for my kitchen. I only have two roses left and went to WalMart, they didn't have any. So I got to thinking about other stuff I could use and :idea "Oh, yeah.... what about those little wooden apples, ladybugs and bees I bought...." I need to go to JoAnns and get some more cute ribbon and wooden things (and more roses) to make more of these.




The green one I am thinking about sending to my Grandmother-in-Law. She used to keep the little colored coupons from the Val-Pak things you get in the mail to write messages on, etc.... So I immediately thought of her for these. (Now the Val-Pak coupons are all shiny and have writing on both sides, but...) :P I got a cube of tiny post-it notes, and pulled apart all the different colors to stick in each one. I am going to be sending these for gifts/RAOKs, too. They're so much fun!


Woops! Sorry, I forgot to add the link for the pattern (duh moment!): Notepad Basket Fridgies Have Fun! :hook (I have been chaining 18-not 30!!, and adding an extra row of the 2dc in flo, 2dc in blo, to make it a little bit bigger, since when I tried to put a 2x2 post-it cube in there, it barely fit. HTH!)

I just realized I said I was chaining 30 :0 I meant 18. (You will have 30 dc is what I must have been thinking...) Hope no one started one by chaining 30. LOL


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those are fantastic:cheer and I love the buttons you chose:manyheart! I had to go print that pattern and add it to my list of things to make!


Just darling but where did you find the pattern? I don't see it

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I added the link to the first post. Sorry everyone. I am so scatterbrained lately. :blush:P


Just darling but where did you find the pattern? I don't see it
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Here is a picture of the ones I have made by chaining 18 instead of 13. They come out 3 1/4" wide by 3" tall (excluding the handle thingy). A little bit better size for notepaper. (Maybe.) I put one of the original ones I made next to them, so you can see the difference. :hook




Thanks everyone. :hug



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