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What will you do with yarn leftovers?

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I have also made grannies daughters, although I haven't made them into anything yet. They are in a couple of food storage bags right now.


What leftovers? :hook Actually, I make granny's daughters and keep them in ziploc bags also. I use sandwich size bags, and I bag them 50 to a bag. This is so I can keep track of them. When I'm ready to use them, I dump them all into a paper grocery sack and mix them up! Then, I blindly pull them out one at a time as I crochet. The only rule is if I pick the exact same one I just used, I drop it back in & pick a different one.

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I did some spool knitting with my leftover bits and pieces of yarn. Then, I broke out my Q-Hook and crocheted a little rug for my chis to take naps on. A way I store my odd bits of yarn are to put them in small plastic bags. You can reuse them over and over again so there is no waste involved. I use the little sandwich bags or a larger bag if I have a full skein of yarn and another partial skein of the same color and type.

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To hold the ends of my small balls of yarn I use snap clips.. The kind that clips baby's hair. They have some cute ones out and I like the ones that bend and snap. I have also used paper clips to hold the ends. I have a large pretzel jar I put them in.

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And here's something I have done...:



(Just a long chain)


I thinks it's pretty cool. :) I have already started to save up for Christmas. ;)

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I made a Babette!


I used 27 different colors in mine and it didn't cost a single cent! Photos on page 5 of my Flicker link--


Lorry, just peeked at your pictures, you have made a lot of beautiful things and your grandbabies are so precious. I love the hooded baby capes. Is that your own pattern or can you share the source? I'd love to make one for my grandbaby, if the pattern is available.

Have a good night.

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I just started a scrapghan with my leftovers. It will be a work in progress for a long time, but I love them and have been wanting one for a long time. My left over balls of yarn never get tangled up because when I'm done rolling them into balls I secure the end under a few strands on the ball. I can always see the end, but it never comes undone.

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I bought my mother a yarn ball winder for Christmas. She has taken all her scraps, made balls by adding color after color then putting a solid color with the balls she wound makes shawls and lapghans for a local nursing home. These come out the most interesting colors and patterns!! I too have been shipping my scraps to folks who need yarn and can't afford it right now due to the economy. I would rather it get used for a good charity purpose than sit and take up space at my house!

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:yayI use masking tape to tape the ends so they don't get tangled. I make a mess with my yarn, and then every few months, I tackle it again and roll all the loose skeins into balls. It is just a nuisenses that we have to put up with.

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I have two balls of the magic type in my closet right now of pastels. They were gifted to me, I forgot about them. I should crochet them up. I have tried keeping yarn in ziploc bags and that worked well, but I kept taking yarn out and leaving the bags open and yarn mess all over again. I have been taking sections of the tangled yarn out a bit at a time and giving them to my husband, he's got half skeins and some whole skeins and little balls and has quite an afghan going. Personally I don't like scrap ghans usually but he loves it. My scrap yarn is getting smaller as we speak. I was making squares with it, but he took it over.

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If there is enough yarn to be used as trim or whatever then I'll keep it. I ball the yarn, tuck the end under safely, and keep them all in a bag together. If there's not enough to be of use, I bin it.


I tried hanging out scraps for the birds, I was so thrilled at the idea. A few weeks later I went out and picked up all the scraps and threw them away, not a single one had been taken. :(


I also try to remember to always keep a length of yarn, with the label, for future reference about texture and colour etc. I keep all these samples together in a lidded basket. It's come in handy so many times when I can't quite remember what a yarn felt like or what the colour was exactly.

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I will either do a regular sc scrapghan or squares. The little 3-4 inch pieces that i snip off when fastening off any project? Goes in the dog's bed stuffing (it's has a zipper-closed cover).


Those are the ones that go into my magic ball. I make them into hackie sacks and pretty afghans.

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