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Sometimes it is meant to be...

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I was out at HL today trying to find more yarn for the infamous pink blanket. They did not have what I needed.


I had some time to kill so I began looking around. They had their Yarn Bee Cameo on sale $1.99 for a 142 yd skein.


I found the perfect color for my Godson who needs a prayer shawl. Alas, only five skeins were on the rack and I needed at least 6!


I put them back and moved on to see what else they had. Well, on a non sale rack I found another skein of the Yarn Bee cameo sale yarn! That made 6 skeins! :clapThen I went back to get the other five and what do I see on yet another rack! YUP Skein number 7!:yay


I bought them all and now I can Cro-pray a shawl for my Godson!


This shawl is meant to be!:c9

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God bless you for making a prayer shawl for this little one. I just finished a prayer shawl for my son's best friends mom who I found out has a very aggressive breast cancer.


Good luck with your meant to be shawl

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Wonderful. It is amazing how those things just seem to work out :hook Makes you realize there is more at work than just a thought, idea, want. Now you can cro-pray to your hearts content. :hook

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  • 4 weeks later...

Actually the yarn I found on the end cap was left there by a previous shopper, it was not another display of the yarn.


ANYWAY, the shawl is now in the hands of my Godson. he is having a medical procedure on Monday and he will have my prayers and the shawl with him.


Anyone else wishing to keep a good thought for Gilbert please do. Thanks!

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