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Dishcloth Tuesdays~2009 CAL


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good job Cindy!! I threw mine out!!! LOL


That's too bad. Once I got past the first couple of rounds it was really easy, (until I got to the last round. I had to experiment with that a bit.) But I did think the pattern was a little hard to foloow.

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Hey, I'm new to the dishcloth world and I have a few questions. Should you only use cotton yarn or will anything work? After you finish crocheting, do you need to do anything else or can you just start using it? Thanks so much for the help!!

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Wow, everyone's newest cloths look great! Tammy, I have been wanting to try that one. Yours looks great (I like the variegated you are using~ my kitchen is red :P).


Amhmsh, I like that daisy one, that's so cute!


Gardener, I like your spiral one. I should try it soon. Just got so much going and I wanted to make a 'Gone Fishin' one for my Dad (he does the dishes while my stepmom is still at work).


Amy, I usually use cotton for dishcloths. I have a friend though who knits only dishcloths, and she says she prefers to use acrylic yarn for better scrubbiness. I guess it is up to what you like best. I do make my spiral scrubbies with acrylic yarn, though. HTH!! :hug



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Amy, I haven't ever tried anything but cotton for dishcloths. when I make acrylic squares for people, I usually wash them and I hate the way they feel when wet. Cotton is nice and soft when wet, and it is quite absorbent as well.

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Be very careful with acrylic in the kitchen especially around heat and flame. It melts and catches fire very easily. When I first learned to crochet I made potholders with some pretty acrylic I had. I went to take something out of the oven and it melted to the pan and to my hand. NOT a very nice experience. SInce then it is only cotton in my kitchen.

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  • 2 weeks later...
hey gals what are we making this week??? I am off to the hospital in about an hour to spend most of the day there with my son who is having his tonsils and adnoids out and figure I better take something to do!!!! Off to find a new patter!


Hope all goes well with your son's surgery :hug

I have put the dish cloths on the back burner for a bit.....working with cotton tends to wear out the hands

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Hope your sons surgery goes well.


I don't need any dishcloths at the moment, but I am going to make a dishcloth today, probably from this pattern, which I like a lot:



I need a bunch of dishcloths ready for a gift in early summer, and for once I want to be prepared ahead of time.

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here is what I did today, I could have done about 10 of them for the amount of time we were there! Everything went so-so, surgery procedure great, but recovery was bad, he apparently has the same reactions to anesthesia as I do. But this is the pattern LegalWoman17 put up a few posts back and thank you so much!!! It literally took maybe 45 minutes!


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Amy, that is great news about your son coming through okay. I hope all will be uphill from here w/ his recovery. Your cloth looks great, too. :hook I like the way the variegated is slanted like that. Looks neat.


I have started a 'Gone Fishin' cloth; but it has just been sitting there for a couple days.



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But this is the pattern LegalWoman17 put up a few posts back and thank you so much!!! It literally took maybe 45


Can you link us to the pattern, or to her post? It looks like a great pattern!

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okay, finally found it!!!!:clap


Thanks !! It's a very simple pattern.


NOTE: This is not my pattern. I found it on the internet but no longer have the web site. I make no claim that this is my pattern. I only wish I knew who to give the credit to.


Ch 32 or any even number.

Round 1: SC in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across. Ch 1, turn.

Round 2: SC in first sc (ch 1, sk next st, sc in next st) across, ch 1 and turn.

Round 3: SC in first sc (dc in next ch space, sc in next sc) across. Ch 1 and turn.

Round 4: SC in first sc (ch 1, sk next dc, sc in next sc) across. Ch 1 and turn.

Repeat rows 3 and 4 until desired length.

Final row: SC in each st across. Finish off.

If desired, sc around all edges, putting 3 sc in each corner.

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Okay, okay, here is my Rose Dishcloth. You can't see the rose very well, but it is there.

But I love these dishcloths, now I have to make a set of M&M's for my Son-in-law.





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