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I am outta control..printing patterns...lol

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Oh my friends, I am OUT OF CONTROL!!! My hubby got a new printer from his boss :yay, one that prints pictures from your digital camera card and all, so he said hunny, why don't you use up my ink before I switch printers, SO, I decided to print out as many crochet patterns as I could that I have downloaded and saved to my laptop...oh my goodness, I went through 150 sheets of paper... now WHEN am I going to have time to make all these patterns..I would have to live to be 1,000 years old :rofl. Wow was that fun though, oh I was getting an annoyed look however from him, I bet he was wondering how did she get all THAT???? :lol. SO now that I have MOST printed out, all I gotta do is put them in sleeves and into my binder, you know how you don't print everything to save on ink so how cool was that!?!?!?!

I can sleep now a happy happy girl tonight:c9



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lol, join the ranks. I have more patterns printed out than I could ever use. Makes me wish I picked up crochet earlier in life. Sometimes when I thumb through them I get just a wee bit overwhelmed. Have fun with your patterns! Mine are not in binders, they are all over the place, it would take weeks to organize them.

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lol..Yes he did offer..That is TOTALLY COOL!!!..I bet he thought he had less ink than that..lol


LOL! I would've done the same thing. I have my patterns organized in clear sheet protectors in a binder and it's so nice to quickly flip to what I want. Have fun with all those great patterns!

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when I got my first computer and printer I went wild printed patterns and I still printing.I'm afraid a virus will come along and wipe all crochet patterns out.LOL

Yes your hubby did offer and that was nice of him.

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he DID offer, and there WAS still ink in there to print all of them out w/. you were just being a GOOD wife and using up all the old ink like HE wanted (and ASKED) you to do.



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Well, he offered... :lol


Yes! :laughrollServes him right! :rofl


Our printer doesn't work and my son's last attempt to get it to failed, maybe the ink in the new cartridges was dried up, who knows, and it'll be a while before I can afford a new one, so when I need to work on something if the pattern is not long I copy it by hand onto my Crochet notebook :sigh, otherwise I ask my daughter to print it for me at work. The last two things I've been doing I've followed directly from the copy stored in my laptop, after all I sit almost every night with it on by my side for HOURS... I'm hoping though that one of these days I'll remember to load some of my saved patterns in my little memory "thingy" and then remember to take it with me next time I go near Office Depot. Yeah, "one of these days"...:sigh:sigh

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What a sweet hubby to offer. Little did he Know:lol:lol:lol.


I always print my patterns as I have lived through several computer crashes and am terrified I will loose them all. I am so glad I do, I was really happy I had printed most of what I wanted from Celt's before she took her site down.


I'm so glad you have the patterns printed, enjoy, and you are now officially a member of the Have to live to beyond 1,000 to complete the current projects on file and will add more years as necessary for the growing project pile group. We are all serious pattern addicts, admit it freely, hide them when necessary and panic when lost. We all dearly love our patterns and welcome all who are like us to join our evergrowing group. :hug:yay:yes


Welcome, enjoy your newly printed patterns and



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I was printing out a lot of patterns until we got low on ink. Now I'm saving them all to .PDF and have to put them on my flash drive before I end up losing them! I already have a binder full of patterns, and like you I was wondering when I'd find the time to make them all... but you never know what one you'll want to tackle next so you've got to be prepared! lol And as for the hubby, he offered... it's not your fault there's enough ink left to print out a library of patterns! ;) lol

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I've been going through my 2 binders the last week and can't find some great patterns that I apparently had not printed out in an effort to save ink! :thair Can you hear me screaming inside of my head right now???


Now I print them as I find them - but I'm sensible about it. It's easy to go crazy and print all the pretty pictures and patterns! :yay


Good for you for having the ink to do it!!!! You have fun days of crocheting ahead of you. :clap:clap:clap

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Welcome to the club! lol


I'm actually trying to be a bit more selective in what I print now. Used to be I'd print anything that was a crochet pattern. My logic was that I crochet a lot for other people and you never know what they're going to request.


Anyway, have fun with your patterns!! :D

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Just a suggestion from someone who can print all day if the ink allowed it. I always make the pictures smaller so it doesn't take as much ink. The pics can be so big, they use up a ton of ink! My husband is always surprised when we run out of ink. I don't know why he's surprised. LOL

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I don't have a printer anymore, so I have been sending things to my hotmail and printing off the ones I really want, at the library. I have learned to make the print smaller, to fit more on the page, bad thing is, I don't get the photo with the patterns i copy to microsoft word. I wish I would print on the backs of the pages too.

I also have my patterns in sleeves in a binder! I used up the first 25 pack of sleeve's already and now went back and bought the 50 pack, which I did not see the first time. I bet I fill those 50 up before spring. LOL


Its fun isn't it!

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