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Who has found a crochet buddy here?

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I wish. I have some friends who knit a bit, and my sister crochets a bit when she has time, but I don't know anyone else would understands what frogging, wips and stash are all about. It would be great if someone else in Moscow, ID, Pullman, WA, Lewiston, ID or Clarkston, WA area were to pop up. There is a SnB meeting in Pullman, and a knitting store that has open stitching times, but I just haven't made it in for those.

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I need a buddy! DH is so tired of hearing about my projects. Sort of how I feel about his fantasy baseball/football/basketball teams. :lol


I second that one!! Hahaha.. At least when I go bonkers on a yarn sale spending spree, I can remind him how we pay extra each month for the NFL channel!! LOL:lol

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I never thought when I joined the Ville that I would meet a friend. I have many friends here on the Ville from joining the swaps. My first swap was almost two years ago and the swap fairies paired me with "cluless". How did they know to do that? We have become really good friends. We have so much in common, it is scarey and it is almost like we are related somehow. :eek We email all the time and have met in person twice now. First time was she came to the hotel I was staying at and had breakfast with my mom and I. Then last January (has it been that long?) she picked me up at the airport and we went to lunch and shopping and then she dropped me at my hotel. We had a blast.


I travel to her area about 4-5 times a year - most times, not for long enough to get together, but we have managed and will do so in the future I am sure.


The Ville is a Good Thing!

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I wish. I have some friends who knit a bit, and my sister crochets a bit when she has time, but I don't know anyone else would understands what frogging, wips and stash are all about. It would be great if someone else in Moscow, ID, Pullman, WA, Lewiston, ID or Clarkston, WA area were to pop up. There is a SnB meeting in Pullman, and a knitting store that has open stitching times, but I just haven't made it in for those.


Sounds like you are farther away from me...DARN! I'm SE of Boise :angry

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Wow! I posted really late last night and had no idea I'd find so many replies already! :D It has warmed my heart to read several of your stories, so thanks for sharing them! I do want to comments more individually about some of your posts:


Lady of Roses & mythunderbird:


In the 8 months since I joined I've become familiar with your nicknames as we've been to many of the same threads and I've admire your FOs, so it pleases me to hear that you are both as nice as I suspected and that you have become good friends.


To all the other lucky ones who found a friend, I'm very happy for you, it's great to have someone know what the heck we're talking about!


TillyUK, Ldyjarhead, gumby28, fc1123, walker1021 Feedeerofthepack, Cliffnote, ZoeZoesmom, sharlaelizabeth, appy_lover:


Don't give up ladies, because for the longest time I'd felt WPB was filled with superficial people and did not find it very easy to make friends here, so my hopes were not all that high. In fact, the few times I saw anyone looking at yarn when I was shopping it was usually someone a lot older than me, but I generally prefer to be optimistic and it paid off, someone actually contacted me first! Now, the 2nd person I spotted at the "Introductions", she just wrote "S. FL" (and in the past the few others were pretty far from me and I don't like driving much) but I just hoped. Turns out she's right here, at a reasonable distance. After I gave her my e-mail address and phone I didn't hear from her but I wrote her again asking if she was OK; she'd been getting ready for her Mom visiting for Christmas and when I mentioned I'd recently lost mine that really broke the ice. Last night we exchanged some personal info and she sent me her phone # number and I plan to :phone today.




I wish you good luck with this new contact! Merry Christmas!




We both felt she was kind of rude or snobbish but who knows, when my daughter started HS she used to come across as a snob but she was just shy... I'm kind of shy in group situations sometimes so I can understand that.



Frankly, that sounds a little paranoid to me unless the person is very young. But I'd think that most people past a certain age, who have some life experience, should have learned to judge people well enough to "read" both good and bad signs. All it takes is a few e-mails and phone calls to get a good feel about whether we're dealing with a normal person and/or someone we'd like to meet. I've met quite a few people through the internet (mostly men in the past) and only once met somebody who seemed weird but we met at a book store so there was no harm done. I found that the more I conversed with different people the easier it became for me to "weed out" the weirdos, losers and simply incompatible. I'm also very selective which probably accounts for my still being alone...:P


Ashley'sMom & MrsLewis907:


I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you, sounds promising!




As Ashley'sMom said, age and looks should not matter for friendship, so keep your hopes up! I know I'm nowhere near but you can write me anytime if you like. :) My best friend who crochets (but mainly knits) lives in DE so we cannot get together but we have exchanged links and discussed our projects via e-mail and sometimes over the phone, she was the first one who could understand when I got back to crochet and that felt really good too. But I understand your reluctance to join events, I'm more of a one-on-one person myself.




I enjoyed that, serendipity at work!



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I'm far from anyone who crochets, though I did teach the sister of my brother's friend (yup, that's right!) to crochet and parted with three of my precious hooks to get her going! :D In fact, last year I made some baby blankets for a local charity and the organiser was very grateful - I was, so to say, replacing the woman who used to crochet stuff for them ... she had died that year, well into her 80s :(


I have become very fond of a few of the women here and I'd love to meet many whose names and posts have become so familiar. Wouldn't it be fantastic if we all had one of those Star Trek beamer-thingies, so we could all meet up for a nice weekend of crocheting ... maybe somewhere pleasantly warm ... with an enormous yarn store ... and nice food ...

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I'm far from anyone who crochets, though I did teach the sister of my brother's friend (yup, that's right!) to crochet and parted with three of my precious hooks to get her going! :D In fact, last year I made some baby blankets for a local charity and the organiser was very grateful - I was, so to say, replacing the woman who used to crochet stuff for them ... she had died that year, well into her 80s :(


I have become very fond of a few of the women here and I'd love to meet many whose names and posts have become so familiar. Wouldn't it be fantastic if we all had one of those Star Trek beamer-thingies, so we could all meet up for a nice weekend of crocheting ... maybe somewhere pleasantly warm ... with an enormous yarn store ... and nice food ...


Your having taught someone is a great thing, it not only spreads a wonderful craft and benefits the pupil who just acquired a) a new skill, b) a wonderful way to relax, c) a way to give meaningful gifts to others, but she in turn will make crochet better known in her own circle.


Also, having contributed to a charity who sadly lost "their crocheter" was great too. Since we reap what we sow you'll eventually get a nice return. And I love your idea, wish it were possible! A big yarn store and nice food :clap - I already have the warmth, too much in fact. Just now my son and I were lamenting that the weather turned warm again, it had been very pleasant for weeks, then it warmed up, then it rained and cooled off a bit for a couple of days then back to warm... I'd prefer to be in the 60s right now...

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Frankly, that sounds a little paranoid to me unless the person is very young. But I'd think that most people past a certain age, who have some life experience, should have learned to judge people well enough to "read" both good and bad signs. All it takes is a few e-mails and phone calls to get a good feel about whether we're dealing with a normal person and/or someone we'd like to meet. I've met quite a few people through the internet (mostly men in the past) and only once met somebody who seemed weird but we met at a book store so there was no harm done. I found that the more I conversed with different people the easier it became for me to "weed out" the weirdos, losers and simply incompatible. I'm also very selective which probably accounts for my still being alone...:P



At the risk of hijacking the thread, in my very humble opinion, some skepticism towards the Internet is healthy. It is very easy for people to distort things online. Anyone who has been on internet forums to any consistent degree is familiar with the trolling, drama, etc. that can happen. It may shock newcomers to know that Crochetville has had its share of drama, too, long ago and hopefully never again. No Internet forum is immune.


Having had my pc with personal data stolen when my house was broken into, I am 'paranoid' about making sure that I shred every single little piece of paper that enters my home, even junk mail, if it has my name and address on it. Way too easy for people to hijack personal information, steal your identity, and saddle you with thousands of dollars in debt and years of battles to straighten it out. A number of my acquaintances had their credit card numbers stolen at a national dog show last month, and it appears that a hotel employee may be responsible. Charges are still showing up a month later. Reverse phone directories + your name + phone number = instant access to your home location.


So being wary of meeting people in person, in this day and age, is appropriate. I certainly don't want to discourage villagers meeting. But be prudent. Meet in a public place. Don't give out too much personal information until your gut tells you that it's okay. But I know too many women/people who've wound up being stalked, had identities stolen, etc. to think that exercising caution is foolhardy. Of course, as the granddaughter of a policeman, I may be a little too cautious.


One never knows what experiences someone else may have had with bad situations that started off innocently enough.



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Patty, I completely agree with you. You can never be too cautious! I had an experience with my own stalker several years ago... I met him on the internet in a chat room... of course he completely mis-represented himself online. I thought I had been careful not to give away any personal information, but from the little tid-bits I did give away he was able to find me and followed me to where I lived... I was VERY lucky that he gave up after I moved... But I never forgot that. It was a very scary experience.


The wonderful thing about the internet is that you can be anything you want to be and no one knows any different... You have to exercise extreme caution when it comes to meeting anyone! Not just those you meet online.

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Frankly, that sounds a little paranoid to me unless the person is very young. But I'd think that most people past a certain age, who have some life experience, should have learned to judge people well enough to "read" both good and bad signs. All it takes is a few e-mails and phone calls to get a good feel about whether we're dealing with a normal person and/or someone we'd like to meet. I've met quite a few people through the internet (mostly men in the past) and only once met somebody who seemed weird but we met at a book store so there was no harm done. I found that the more I conversed with different people the easier it became for me to "weed out" the weirdos, losers and simply incompatible. I'm also very selective which probably accounts for my still being alone

Maybe it is paranoid I don't know. But it's not the very young. In fact the very young tend to be far too trusting.

It's hard to judge people on the internet. You only know what you see, what you think you see, and what they want you to see.

I've met a lot of people in person that I've met online. I met my husband on a message board.

I've also met online some messed up people. I thought they were my friends. I thought they were sincere and I trusted them. Everything they said about themselves were lies. They later hacked my email and stalked me around the internet. I have no idea how old they were because everything else they said were lies. I do know I am not that young and in real life I have excellent judgement of people.

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What shocked me was to hear that she had contacted someone else (who lives closer to her) before me suggesting they go together someday to a certain LYS and the other lady just replied "No, thanks" and that was that; I would've thought that people who join a forum about a common interest would be open to making friends:think.


I'm happy for you that you have found a local friend to spend time with, but I have to say, I would have the same reaction as the other lady if someone asked me to meet in person.


You never know what her personal experiences may have been to cause her to be so prudent in her decision... I'm sure she had a very good reason and it's not for us to judge.

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Maybe it is paranoid I don't know. But it's not the very young. In fact the very young tend to be far too trusting.

It's hard to judge people on the internet. You only know what you see, what you think you see, and what they want you to see.

I've met a lot of people in person that I've met online. I met my husband on a message board.

I've also met online some messed up people. I thought they were my friends. I thought they were sincere and I trusted them. Everything they said about themselves were lies. They later hacked my email and stalked me around the internet. I have no idea how old they were because everything else they said were lies. I do know I am not that young and in real life I have excellent judgement of people.


I agree with you ;) Usually young people trust no holds barred. My son many years ago was talking to a girl online I told him make sure you're not talking to some weirdo guy :lol He had no idea, no clue that people would actually do that :lol He flat out asked her & has a different perspective of people he meets online now.


There are so many people online who are pretending to be something they aren't.I've seen it at many many message boards people get duped. I think it's better to be safe than sorry ;)

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Well, I don't have alot of friends either, but I sure have met alot of nice people on the ville.

Thunderbird and lady of roses are some.

I hope people find me very sincere, and nice.

Cause I am who I say I am.

Anybody else from saskatchewan??????

It is *******g cold here and snowy today,and to top it off I don't feel good today.

But I sure do value the people I meet here.


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I'm happy for you that you have found a local friend to spend time with, but I have to say, I would have the same reaction as the other lady if someone asked me to meet in person.


You never know what her personal experiences may have been to cause her to be so prudent in her decision... I'm sure she had a very good reason and it's not for us to judge.

I probably could've worded the part of my post where I said I was "shocked" differently. Also, I don't think my friend outright asked her that because she didn't ask me, I believe she suggested that as a thing they could do eventually.


I'm not denying that one has to be careful but I'd say I'm cautious rather than "wary", that to me implies fear and I refuse to be ruled by fears anymore (used to be pretty anxious...). After years on the internet having dabbled in chat rooms (not anymore!) and various forums I know what you're all talking about, I even got a virus that way once (but my son was able to get rid of it). Another time there was some wacko who wrote me several times at two different free dating sites and I can't deny that at that time I felt a little paranoid myself but I soon began to recognize suspicious messages, they were always very exhuberant whereas those from serious people were not, anyway, these days I hardly ever go there precisely because of the abundance of "rejects".


However, I also believe I've learned to listen to my intuition a lot better; in each case when someone turned out "wrong" I did have the feeling and in some cases ignored it. Some people are not intuitive and/or don't have good sense, for those I believe it's definitely a good idea to be more cautious and not take chances but that is not to say you immediately reject someone without good reason.


Right now this is the only forum I come to regularly but I soon discoverd an easy way to see other sides to people's personalities; in the off-topics section, you'd be surprised how much you learn about people by watching what their interests are and what kind of posts they usually reply to and how.



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What wonderful stories.

I have not found a buddy but I am not a very good people person so meting strangers is hard for me.

Now if some one reached out to me I would make the effort. I have a couple people I call friends but were not that close. Just dont have a lot a comon mostly cause I have no kids or grandkids.

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No, I haven't made any crochet buddies from the 'Ville. Wish I would, though. I'd love to meet someone who shares my crochet passion.


I'm in St. Louis, Missouri, by the way.


LegalWoman, There aren't very many of us on here from MO. I'm about 4 hours west of St Louis... I think the closest person I've met online is about an hour and a half away from me... just too far to drive... but we still enjoy our online friendship. :)


Anyone looking for a local crochet pal should check with your local library to see if they know of any crochet groups that meet regularly in your area. They often meet once or twice a month in a public arena such as a library or senior center, etc...

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To those who haven't been able to personally meet a buddy, you might try being a little more specific in your "location", without giving out too much info. For instance, Upstate NY covers over 350 miles east to west! I took a leap and put in my county, which is how I met Tigermom and Crochettreasures. :U We have a great time getting together at Applebees and then yarn shopping, and hopefully a larger get-together in a few months. :hi

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Yes I have met a ville buddy on here, MainelyCrafting.. First we chatted online and through emails. We sent pics of each other too. Then we talked on the phone and before we knew it we met in person. We have become very close. We have alot in common besides our love for crocheting and knitting.

I just found this thread this morning and was going to write about how we met and how well we get along and also how much we have in common... you beat me to it!

It's still amazing to me that after all the time I have spent alone in my yarn and fabric obsession, I have found a friend who shares the same interests! :hook


Charlene also has me interested in starting to crochet with thread - I'm going to be starting my first doily after the holidays. The first day we met in person, she brought her patterns books and a whole bunch of her doilies with her and she is so talented! I hope to be able to make something half as beautiful as the doilies she creates! It's funny because I love to knit socks, she wants to knit socks. I want to learn to crochet with thread, she's an expert and we both have an interest in quilting. :c9

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