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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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But Darski, did you wipe the Walmart out of yarn?? :lol I see a Shoot the Moon award in the making, don't I? Patty


Not quite. But I wanted to JIC :whew


I ended up with a -20 after all that. I am working on one of them already making thick versions of cupcake's Happy hearts for a coaster.


One of them is another of the skein I bought for my latest Harper's granny ghan and now I can make a solid colour border. :yay


I also got 2 pounds of white so I can make sweetheart ripples to my heart's content (boo, hiss pun)


any one buying any of this yet :?:rofl

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Well I did a lot today. I finished a skein making a hat and a glove - yes - A glove. I'll probably frog it and use it for something else instead of buying another skein in that color. But I need to let the person try it on first and see how it fits. So for now that's a +2. Then I frogged a project that didn't work out last Christmas and got three small balls from that. -3. But I used two of those balls making a hat for my son. +2. Whew! So that's a total today of +1 for me.

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I started working on a tank top type shirt today (first clothing item attempt! kind of nervous...) and I'm hoping it will finally use up one of these Caron One Pounders that I've been wrestling with. I'm going to start doing some squares for Christmas presents soon so hopefully that will use up some smaller skeins and give me a score I can actually post.

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I started working on a tank top type shirt today (first clothing item attempt! kind of nervous...)

Congratulations on your first clothing item. Don't be nervous, I'm sure you'll do great! And then you will be addicted like me, haha. Once I started clothes that's all I wanted to make. But the lack of having enough skeins of the same color keeps me doing smaller projects.


I added that ball to my scrap ripple. +1. Think it's about time to take another picture of it, it's getting pretty big!

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Would you be interested in seeing YTD scores from time to time? That way, we can celebrate the big picture, not just the weekly total. I'm thinking that we could post them also on the last week of each month.


What do you think?


I think it is a great idea:hug, if it is not too much work for you.

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Wow!!! I finally made some progress. I worked all day on the black and gray purse, I finished a skein, and rolled part of one into a ball.

I also down loaded a pattern for a yo-yo clown, I look forward to using up a bunch of the small balls that are lurking in my leftover bag. Maybe I can gain some more points. :c9:crocheting busy, busy, busy :yay

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well I have been working each night on these crocheted heart bags I designed for my Sonshine's class as their goodie bags for Valetines Day. I thought I had them done, the ten plus one, then the teacher send home a note yesterday there is one more in the class now! I already got candy and goodies for ten, this is a major pain! But anyway, I got a total of fifteen of the heart bags together and handles on them, now to do the white fun fur edging and intarsia the initials on each one. I am in way over my head on this one!!! Sonshine wants to make homemade heart crayons for the goodie bags too! But all in all I got one skein used up and two balls so far on them!

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Just used up a partial ball of brown on one of my pet blankets.


I also used up


1 full ball of cream funfur

1 full ball of black fun fur

3 full balls of multi brown fun fur

2 partail balls of brown fun fur

1 full ball of cream & brown fun fur

1 partal ball of peach

1 partial ball of cream

1 partail ball beige


Making 2 strand pet blankets


Ok lets add that all up........making a total of...18

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well I got all the hearts trimmed with the white fun fur and what a pain that is!!! Eeeww I dislike using that stuff! So I got another 1 point for today. I am going to try to use up a ball of white RH putting initials on the bags and then I will take some pics and upload them!

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well I don't think I have any plans on buying anymore yarn today almost made progress yesterday but needed another skein to finsih the scarf with

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Ok lets add that all up........making a total of...18

Way to go krazykitty! Awesome job!


And cool hat, Jura. I :manyheart the texture!


I finished up one skein last night making granny's daughters. +2 for me.:D

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well I went a month and 10 days without buying any,but today,I went to a walmart I hardly ever set foot in,and they had the RHSS baby yarn that I needed for an up coming project,so that has me at - 4,was able to finish up a whole skein so only at - 2 I should be okay at the end of the week

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Would you be interested in seeing YTD scores from time to time? That way, we can celebrate the big picture, not just the weekly total. I'm thinking that we could post them also on the last week of each month.


What do you think?


That sounds fine to me :D


I finished off a skein today +2 giving me +4 WTD. The bad thing is I need 2 skeins more to finish this quilt.:(

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Jura that hat is really pretty! That pattern has been in my Ravelry queue for a while, I need to get on that.


I picked up a scarf that I started way back in July and finished that today. Feels good to have that one off the waiting list and now I have an extra gift lying around in case something comes up. I'm going to add the little bit of yarn that's left to my ripple tonight so I'll wait until I do that to count any points. I also finished the gloves and two hats and did a ton of cleaning and organizing in my room. There must be a wave of productivity going around, everyone is doing so well!

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