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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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well I will have a skein used so +2 there but I have to buy a skein so -2 so here I go again breaking even

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Well I did it, I walked down the yarn aisle and 14 skeins jumped in to the buggy. On top of that 12 skeins of clearance yarn joined them. :think


So that -56 plus the -2 I had at the beginning of the week gives me a -58 for the week. I doubt I'll even get another skein finished off this week. I am still sewing ends on squares.


Happy shopping, umm I mean Stash busting everyone! :blush

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Well, Wednesday and yesterday I have worked a lot on this Simply Simple Afghan in Hot Pink. I have 6 skeins of the Paton's Melody in Hot Pink and a skein of Lion's brand homespun in white. I have blown through 5 skeins of the hot pink and I am working with the sixth. I am just getting finished with the center section, and still have the border to do. So If I am going to buy any yarn it will be on SUnday... my day off.

Anyway so far the WTD for the week is .... Drum Roll please


WTD +20

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Well, I can't seem to be able to get past page 357 at this time. Some server somewhere must be down.


I found out Wednesday that I am to be laid off sometime after the middle of August:sigh:kick:grumpy Looks like I will become a statistic. I'm in denial at the moment.


Busted a ball of an old RH jewel tone. Can't remember the name at the moment. It's a dark multi-color/print. That's pretty much it. Have four different squares in the making, but I get distracted and haven't fininished any of them.


But hey! Every point counts when it comes to busting stash.


2009 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: +1 / YTD: -20




2009 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: +1/YTD: -20

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I was at Michael's and Joann's this week and I had to muster all of my willpower to resist the call of the yarns. I didn't buy anything because I kept thinking of my stashbusting numbers.


I finished a shawl that I gave to my DD's bus driver because she's retiring. I used 2 skeins of Caron Simply Soft. So that's +4. Then I finished a partial skein on a beret. So that's +1 for a total of +5. I didn't think I could pull off a +5 in 5 days.

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I'm sorry to hear that Marzee. :hug Good luck figuring something out. I'll send some good luck money bringing vibes your way!


I haven't had much time to crochet this week and when I do I'm working on my socks so no points getting used. But I've finally turned both the heels and just need to finish out the skein going up the leg. Yay!

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This week WAS going to be a good week for me score wise. But my friend's mom is cleaning out her stash (her eyes are not good anymore she says). She gave me 6 really pretty balls of thread. So I went from a weekly score of +10 to a score of



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Well, I can't seem to be able to get past page 357 at this time. Some server somewhere must be down.


I found out Wednesday that I am to be laid off sometime after the middle of August:sigh:kick:grumpy Looks like I will become a statistic. I'm in denial at the moment.





2009 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: +1/YTD: -20

So Sorry to hear that Marzee. I really hope something better comes along real quick for ya.

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So sorry to hear that you were laid off, Marzee. I pray that something comes your way very soon. I certainly am glad I am retired and not in this market scene. Good Luck, Marzee!

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I had went to Big Lots today and got a ton of Lion Brand Incredible around 10 balls in different colors for $1.50 I got some wool for $1.50 by Lion Brand 5 balls, Lion Brand Suede $1.50, Lion Brand Suede Prints several skeins $1.50, 3 balls of Caron thread for $1.50, and either 3 or 4 balls of Lion Brand's Mohair.


Last Friday I hit the jackpot at Dollar Tree. I think Friday might be my lucky day. At dollar I got around 10 skeins of Caron Baby Simply Soft, Lion Brand Fun Fur, 1 skein Lion Brand Incredible and around 10 skeins of Caron Quick Simply Soft

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I won't be around online tomorrow since I hope to do some cleaning during the day, then am going out with my friend tomorrow night. So I'll go ahead and post my score...


WTD: -58 :think

YTD: - 84


Now I'm off to turn up some music and clean the bathroom. Wish me luck in there. :blush


Have a great weekend everyone!

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Now I'm off to turn up some music and clean the bathroom. Wish me luck in there. :blush


Have a great weekend everyone!

:xfin Good luck! At what point do we send a search and rescue party after you???


marzee - :xfin to you on finding a better job soon! :hug we're all pulling for you!

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I only used up a little bit of yarn this week. Broncitis, and an ear infection and a sinus infection really hampered my crocheting this week. I don't think I picked up a hook until Thursday. Just too darn :sick to :crocheting much.


So here's my little score.


WTD=+3 YTD=+13

Hopefully, the :sunwill return and life will be better.


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Yeah, I found a another skein of the lion's brand white in my up stairs stash room, so I was able to finish the border in white only. The hot pink was getting a little much. Anyway I finished up two more skeins of the white on the simply simple afghan in hot pink and white. And then I started a new afghan, I plan on making 6 total for the ladies at the Chemo center my Hubby goes to. They are super nice and really do have to put up with people in pain and needing them to fix it right now. And of course they can't stop the pain one two three. You know, and most of us will bring in something when we go to chemo. Like on Tuesday one of the patients brought in three pizzas for everyone. But that was the other patients as well. Hubby and I have taken in fruit basket the last time, But I wanted to do something that is lasting and there are only six people including the Doctor in the whole place so I thought I would make afghans for everyone. I do have enough time I believe, as he will be going until September 8th. Anyway, I started on a striped shell afghan last night in Patron's Satin in Turquoise.


So my totals for this week are

WTD +24

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another +2 for me, I finished the Spring Green on my prayer blanket, last round, SC border, and 2 points from finishing I ran out. :angry, Now I have to buy another Spring Green just to finish it, if I can find it at Wally World.

I will post now, since I won't do anymore today.

Love & Blessings



WTD +12 ytd 26

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Working like crazy due to Charity CAL this weekend. Can vouch for those small skeins of PC cotton going faster than the cones!


Finished two WIP - babyghans

One teen afghan - project linus

9 spiral scrubbies; 8 dishcloths; 4 hot pads in cotton


Finally making a big dent for the week in my stash! Reporting early as it is time to start working on large family dinner planned for tomorrow and I doubt I'll get anymore done today.


WTD: + 13

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Ok here I go posting my score now since the weather is nice out here today so I don't know when I'll be back on plus won't get much done so here goes



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Wow! It feels good to post again! Our computer died the beginning of May and we weren't able to get one until the last weekend. Then we were out of town for my niece's wedding and then a major telephone cable died in our neighborhood and we were without our phone or computer for another weekend. All that and I'm reporting a big fat zero this week! There's crocheting going on everywhere, but nothing finished. Oh well, at least I'm back!



For week ending June 20, 2009:


WTD: +0 /YTD: -38

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