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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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Well I used up a skein of yarn today even though I bought a skein of yarn today so for the week I seemed to break even but at least I won't be in the negative this week

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I was a good girl this past week. Mom and I were out shopping :shop and she had to go into Michaels to look for greenery. She was a great mom! :angel She put blinders on me so I could not see the yarn section. lol Thanks to her I am still in the positive this week. :tup

WTD +3

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I earned +2 today! Finished a shrug, and I love the fact that it took exactly one skein! :) Plus, I like the feeling when I finish a skein and when I finish a project. So this is a good day for me. ;)

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Well I had to frog a skein of yarn so -2 there for me but I rolled a skein of yarn into a ball so +1 for me there so my totals for the weekending June 6th are as follows:



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I made good progress this week,was almost at + 14,then in came a skein as a thank you from hubby's co worker for dinner I sent up there,so when I finished the next skein I didn't count it,so remained at + 12 wtd + 12 ytd +238

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I just finished 2 skeins for a baby afghan - but I need 2 more! :oops I can't get them until tomorrow, when my Michael's coupons start. :yell


I need to change my siggy!


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Didn't get much done. Kind of been taking it easy, recovering from either the flu or Food poisoning.



At least it's in the positives.


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WTD: shOPPED.........-10!



Oh, NO!


That's ok. Better luck next week! Did you get anything good?



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I was doing rather well this week with a plus 6 coming into today. Well then I met 11 skeins of yarn that were so sad sitting on that shelf :cry


Poor **babies.


I just had to give them a loving home and a promise of a productive life under my care... yah buying any of this :?


Well the news that's not fit to print is...


This week -16


this year -46


**Speaking of babies.... I bought the sweetest baby doll today. now I just have to design an outfit and get it typed up.



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I haven't accomplished anything this week. Busy knitting squares but i am just at the end of a skein, so I can't count it until I finish it up.


wtd +2

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