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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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I can say this the 2009 stashbusting is going to be a blast.:cheer I sat down with all my lovely yarn, and put it into clear bins with categories. What I thought would be great for baby blankets. Afghans and lg grannies. :hookAnd then into scarfs and hats. Then scrapes for "general blocks" or fridgies. I then grabbed some little balls and decided to start on a lg scrap granny for :crochetingnonies blankets. this I can take with me when I go into town and take my son to the laundry mat and grocery store or waiting for hubby in the hardware store. So here it goes. Count me in.


Stashbusting 2009 CAL Starting in June 2009 =/- 0. Until I got to town that is. :devil Mental note, do not go to thrift stores for a week. Do not buy yarn until I use some. Yea right.:lol

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Just a stash story I thought you would all appreciate. I was talking to a friend last night on the phone. He is in the middle of organizing his Mom's quilt/yarn room (what a good son). He said he filled 6 clear totes with quilt fabric, all sorted and organized. Then she came in and informed him those totes were for the yarn...he was confused until the opened a closet that was totally full of yarn. I think he was flabbergasted at the sheer volume of her stash. (those 6 totes were just the beginning) Poor lady has 3 boys with no interest in yarn/fabric, and none of them are married to crafty woman. I feel kinda bad that she has no family to appreciate it. To bad she lives so far away...

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Yes, I'm back after 3 weeks off work (and 4 weeks off health club :devil). Couldn't get to visit here last week as I was inundated with backlogged work.


Spain was lovely and I would sure like to do it again soon.


Didn't get nearly the airport terminal and :plane crocheting that I had thought I would. Spanish security made me pack my scissors in my checked bag, so that was a bit of a problem on the return. Should have taken them out after going through customs, since those itty-bitty scissors are allowed on now in the US. Something I learned: nailclippers just don't work all that well for cutting yarn.


I'm really excited about the new photo posting possibilities. I just got my first digital camera before my trip. Still learning how to use it, but if I do anything to take a picture of, I'm ready.


Have to read through 42 pages of posts since my last visit on page 300. That will keep me busy during my lunch. Speaking of which...I've got to go.


I'll have to pick up my hook and start :crochetinging again. Will post my scores on Friday.




Stashbusting CAL: WTD: 0/YTD: -25


Welcome back! i'm glad you had a good trip. We missed you!!!:hug

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appy_lover, I think your siren visited me not long ago over the internet. I need to :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting like :loco before my order comes in -- gotta get to zero with Texas Sugar!!! We can bust this stash, though, because we are AWESOME!:cheer


Texas Sugar -- I have been thinking about you. I spent 2 hours in Michael's during my dd's first cake decorating class. I didn't buy a thing there (except cake decorating supplies after class.) I was tempted though! I need to fly so my order won't put me too far behind. I was :devil.


I did complete another skein. I actually need some of the yarn I ordered to complete my snuggli afghan. I also wanted to try the afghan that fades from one color to another (a 4-strand afghan.) I bought yarn for that. Can't wait until it comes in!


Current WTD is +2, YTD is -29

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I was doing so well this week. Trying not to buy any yarn at all, which is hard to do.


So today, I come home and there's a package on my doorstep. It's a skein of Red Heart from Coats and clark because I had complained.


So there goes my score, again!



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I tore out the shawl I was making last night, 4 skeins worth of ribbon yarn, but I restarted and got through 2 of it again with the bigger hook. so tearing it out only out me down 2 skeins. I hope that makes sense to someone else. Man I need to bust out some small skeins to make stuff out of and boost my score...No projects from pounders for awhile for me.

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Well I finished the overlay to the baby gown I am making, and the bonnet and part on one bootie, then my hook broke... I already contacted Jimbo and he is going to fix it for me. So tonight I will start on this beautiful Tote I have in my mind's eye for my swap partner. This should be fun and I hope easy to get through. ;)

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Texas Sugar -- I have been thinking about you. I spent 2 hours in Michael's during my dd's first cake decorating class. I didn't buy a thing there (except cake decorating supplies after class.) I was tempted though! I need to fly so my order won't put me too far behind. I was :devil.


Let me know what she thinks about the classes!! And yeah it is hard to walk down the yarn aisle and see the new stuff they have out. Then see the clearance bins and walk away empty handed. :)


I finished my clearance afghan: http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?p=1756500#post1756500


I have three small balls left, but I am gonna write them off as finished skeins. I plan to bag them up with a note to not count them again. There isn't near enough to do anything with right now, and since it is the bulky yarn I can't just mix it into just any project later on.


This week has been a good week since I get to add another +4 to the +4 I already have. :yay

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I haven't been here for a week at least :think. I used 3 balls making 2 small purses and 2 balls :crocheting my afghan together (+5) :cheer. My afghan is almost done, 30 squares joined, 6 more squares and the border to go :cheer.

WTD: + 5 YTD: + 76

Ellie 13

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Used up three small balls making grannies. So my score is a little better now.


+4 and it's only Thursday.


I have my knitting/crochet group on Friday, so I should get a few more points.



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well I haven't bought any yarn this week finishing up making this scarf from the happy hooker book though I made the scarf all one color since I don't really care for fringe for myself

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I'm going to be very busy this weekend again, so I'm putting in my totals now. I managed to get through one skein and one small ball, so...


Stashbuster Total: WTD +3 YTD +88


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Well I am still working on my scarf might have to get some more yarn so I can finish it off it's looking pretty cute so far

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I'm very early, but I won't be able to be online tomorrow morning as I have a volunteer commitment. I finished up edging a blanket that used a leftover skein from a Project Linus yarn kit, and the little bit leftover got added to my stash, so that makes my

score for week ending 6/6/09: -1

I've got today off and plan on crocheting a lot, but I'm working on a filet piece that is huge and using a ball of thread. I can't wait to get this piece done!



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I'll try to get in tomarrow to post since I have a little to do today, and hope to get out of being so far in the negative. But for now my score is wtd-49 ytd -50. I cranked out 2 skeins last night, and hope to finish off the 3rd tonight.

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:lol :thinkforgot on Wednesday to post that I had used up another skein!!! Got it now though. This seraphina shawl is taking up a lot of these smaller skeins of yarn!!!:lol
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Well, it looks like the Victory Junction Gang Camp charity will not have a second round this year, so I'm left with all of these 6" squares that I have been making using the lefover RHSS from the afghan I finished and sent this past spring. I'm sure that I will find a home for them, so I am continuing to work on the yellow. I can actually see the end in sight, so maybe, just maybe, I'll have at least a +2 next week.


I haven't even opened the bag of kitchen cotton I was gifted before I left which bumped my YTD to -25. So with another week gone...


2009 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: 0 / YTD: -25




Stashbusting CAL: WTD: 0/YTD: -25

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i may be in big trouble this weekend... i went to A.C. Moore to get the new copy of Crochet Today and of course it wasn't there. But sugar and cream yarn was there...4 for $5. All i could think of was making cute amigurumi turtles and maybe a purse. My saving grace may be a big bear i'm making for a friend of mine. i may use up a whole skein on him.:yarn

i'll post tomorrow...there's still lots of time left. Right? :crocheting




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I better get working on something this week......so far all I have done is purchased 3 skeins of yarn and 2 balls of thread, and created 5 bookmarkers (they surely do not eat enough yarn :()

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I am so disappointed... I thought that making my chair cozy would use up at least 2 pounders. :( so not going to happen. I ended up using half of 2 of them - working 2 strands hence 2 half done. :sigh


Well at least I have my chair cozy/cozy chair.


Will figure out the tally tomorrow. Too tired today to deal with it.

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Well I bought a skein of yarn so -2 there for me so far but I will be using up a skein of yarn

so +2 so this week I'll break even will post score tomorrow

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I finished another skein of yarn on my snuggli afghan. That was the last of the yarn I had on hand. I'm waiting for my order to come in so I can continue. Meanwhile, I'm working on an "angle wing" shawl made with Lion Brand Suede. CroJulee made the pattern and it is a dream to work up!!! I used a skein on it already, (I started this afternoon) and I hope to complete another skein before bed. Gotta get some yarn used up before my order comes in!!!!:eek:crocheting:crocheting:crocheting My WTD is +8, and my YTD is -23.

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