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Cathedral Window-CAL


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It helps that hubby is cheering me on. After dinner last night, hubby asked if I was going to work on "our blanket." How could I say no? :hook


My husband is the driving force behind this project for me as well. I am taking a little break so I can work on the Kitchen Swap this week. I should be back at it after this weekend.



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Here's my progress so far. I didn't make the 8 separate triangles like the pattern said, but crocheted aroud the pentagons in one piece, as per a suggestion in this CAL. It made it alot faster and easier!


I'm really excited!



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This is copied and pasted from the following URL. I hope that it helps





Did anyone try crocheting around the first section with black rather than making and sewing all those triangles? I don't like to sew and tried this by following the pattern for the triangles backwards - crocheting right on to section one. I slip stitched in the extra stitch and did 2 sc instead of 2 dc on tips of the hexagons. It looks fine to me. Maybe my pentagons aren't as pointy as they should be. I'll have to post a picture to see what you think.


Here's how I did it. The "meat" of the triangles occurs in the second row, as it's written in the pattern: "sl st in first 3 ch, sc in next 2 ch, hdc in next 2 ch, dc in next 4 ch, hdc in next 2 ch, sc in next 2 ch, sl st in last 3 ch." This is the row that gets stitched to the outer edge of the pentagons. Once I had my pentagons sewn on, I attached my black yarn so that I could start following the pattern directions at the tip of the pentagon. Then the pattern instructions become:


Starting at the tip of one of the pentagons, sl st in first three stitches of edging; sc in next 2 stitches; hdc in next 2 stitches; dc in next 4 stitches; hdc in next 2 stitches; sc in next 2 stitches; 3 sl st to get to next pentagon tip. Repeat 7 times, join back with sl st in original tip of pentagon.


To verify that you're doing it right, you should have made the first 2 double crochets "in front of" the join between the two pentagons, and the second 2 double crochets after the join.

Once you've finished this round, do another round of single crochet all the way around. You should have 18 single crochets in every "segment" between the tip of one pentagon and the next.

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Does anyone have any advice for the part right before the heptagons and after the popcorns? The part where you have to finish off and restart each piece. I really don't like all that finishing off and restarting. I used the method that others have mentioned for the triangles and was hoping that someone had some good advice for this section as well.

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I've just come across this pattern-never seeing it before-and I immediately started a search on it. I see that the CAL was a long time ago, but I'd like to make this. Is there going to be another CAL? Or is there an old link to where the CAL was done so that I might be able to make this?





It seems diamond and I had the same idea today-a Cathedral Window Afghan CAL.


I have some space and can host it if anyone's interested, I've started this afghan but it will go slow so that maybe I won't have to frog it too much.


I even made a button:




It's hosted at ImageShack so if some of you don't have webspace to host images you can link to it with no problems.


Email or PM me for any other details.


Edit: Here's a list I have so far, if it needs correcting one way or another let me know so I can correct it




Kimberly:Woven N Spun

Julie: JulieP

Lani: dhaunae

Sue: Smyz64

Julie: Chatty

Cheryl: diamond

Stacey: dixieredhead

Faith: faithpa76

Elizabeth: threeolivemartini

Ginger: gingerrtay

Sondra: 123mama

Laurie: sunshine1977

Lisa: summerysmile

Kristina: klouised

Melissa: CatsCradleCreations

Michelle: MiCountess

Anne: cajunwhacko

Laura: lauravee

Julie: Yarn Duck

Trish: princesstrish

Andrea: crochetdiva

Renee: Nay



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Smileygirl, I just finished that section a couple of weeks ago. What sort of advice do you need?


Beverly, I think that this CAL has bee restarted again. There are a few of us who are doing it now. COME ON AND JOIN US for the fun and mayhem.

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I just got my pattern yesterday. I hope you girls dont mind another one joining in. I've been dying to do this one ever since I first saw the pattern. Now I have to pick my colors. This is going to look great on my wall. I love Crochetville.

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Welcome to the gang, Barbstitches.


I carefully carried the color I wasnt using along the back of the row. The first few times was a little tricky, but I managed to keep it so that its hidden from the front and mostly hidden from the back.


Try aligning the alternate color along the back ridge of the back chain loop. It will lie snug in the back there and when you crochet over it, the yarn gets held in place, and its pretty much hidden.


I hope I was clear. I will try to take a picture of what I did over the weekend.

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CHristina I took a look at your afghan and I must say it is beautiful. Love your choice of colours. I haven't started mine yet. Still have to finish off one other project and part 2 on my Cross stitch then I'm here.

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Christina I love your afghan! Ocean is such a pretty varigeted yarn. I don't use pastels much but I have 4 skeins of Ocean in my stash and I also have a HUGE ball of #10 thread in that color!


I am about 1/2 round beyond the popcorns. I just have not picked it up at all this week. I wish I had read the post about the triangles sooner. Those little buggers were a pain to attach. Maybe I'll just have to make another one, using all the shorcut tips I have gathered on this thread!!!



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My pattern came today!! Makes me want to run out and buy yarn!! My only thought is this:I was trying to find an afghan to make for a xmas exchange gift. could this one be done in nautral enough colors for that?

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Sheryl, I definitely do plan to make this one again...maybe in reds and burgundy...and yes I will be using the 'tricks' I learned this time:hook


Hi Brenda - WELCOME

I think that the purpose of the colors in this CAL is to choose something that moves you. Cathedral windows are usually vibrant, but my colors are much more earthy in their color scheme. I think that if you find colors that suit your plans, then go with them. We will all be delighted to see what you come up with.:crocheting

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I have been watching this CAL since the beginning because I so admire the skill it takes to crochet this specific afghan. Every time I look at Cathedral Windows, no matter what the colors combinations it gives me joy. But I actually never imagined myself really venturing forth and buying the pattern and yarn and doing one myself.


Then LegalWoman17, Debbie, generously offered to share a pattern with with some of us who didn't have one. She was true to her word and sent it to me in the mail shortly after I responded to her e-mail. Felt like Christmas again at our home and I am one step closer to starting my own Cathedral Window. I have several WIP to finish up before beginning this one so I hope this CAL keeps going for awhile.


Thank you Debbie.:hug




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