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I bought 3 skeins of Gemstone to start me out today :D I hope to get the rest of the colors soon.


Pogo welcome! Looks like we are in the same neck of the woods! I live on the Donelson/Hermitage line. We eat in Lebanon at Demos alot. Yum!!!

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Pogo welcome! Looks like we are in the same neck of the woods! I live on the Donelson/Hermitage line. We eat in Lebanon at Demos alot. Yum!!!


Thank you for the welcome. We used to eat at Demos a lot but my husband got tired of it so we haven't been there in awhile. I love their Mexican Spaghetti and their sweet tea is...well...:c9


I went yarn shopping tonight but cannot find all the colors I want to use in one brand of yarn. I also cannot find a good variegated to go with my colors.


I ended up with 4 skeins of Vanna's yarn in colors that aren't quite what I want but as close as I could find in one brand. I'm going to work these up a bit to see how I like the colors before I invest a lot of money.


I also want to go back to HL. They were out of a lot of colors of I Love This Yarn (aptly named). I found a perfect burgundy but that was the only color they had that I wanted. Maybe they will have restocked by next Friday and I can look again.

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Yes, HL in Hermitage. I try to stay away from Rivergate. Do you know if they have a better selection?

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I find this disturbing...isn't that why it took them months to get this pattern back in circulation, because they needed to fix the errors???


Not sure about that...:think

The pattern was published in 1996...eventually went out of print. Copies were then on sale at E-bay priced at $60 to $80 when I first tried to get one. Annie's eventually responded to our request for a re-print. I heard they were seriously considering this about a year ago.


Now.. there is most likely more gossip I've missed. :eek


I've still not had any trouble...and I have less experience than most :crocheting


Counting on our elders here if I stumble. :nworthy

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I got so stressed out that I let DH pick out colors....it worked and now no matter what, the decision wasnt mine.


Hi Pogo, welcome. and WELCOME to anyone else who is newly joining (or rejoining). Its such a help to have encouragement from people who are doing what you are doing.:ghug

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Although I am new to crocheting, I love this pattern and have ordered it for my "collection" to work on in the future. I received it today along with a few other patterns I ordered. I think it is absolutely beautiful. I do hope that the new reprints are not the ones with errors. I guess only time will tell, huh? Anyway, it is still truly a classic.

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Hi Pam I cheated and copied off of Shay cuz I loved the one she did with painted desert I thought it was absolutely gorgeous. I love the painted desert anyway and I feel you can use just about any color with it.

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I ordered the pattern today AND bought all the yarn! I'm soooo excited!:cheerI happened to catch everything at 30% off at Michael's today. :yay(Sorry, today was the last day for that sale.)


I like to post pics, so you'll be seeing mine at every step alone the way.:yes



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Yes, HL in Hermitage. I try to stay away from Rivergate. Do you know if they have a better selection?



They don't really. I think they have even less yarn all the way around then Hermitage.


Cool Springs unfortunately is always well stocked. The lady in Hermitage told me that they are something like the 3rd to get shipments and so the the first ones get all their orders and then they run out of the yarn in the warehouse before they get their order.:think I guess Cool Springs is the first. Hmmmm I wonder why? :think:lol


I Might have to talk to a manager about it cause it's not very fair. :(

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I Might have to talk to a manager about it cause it's not very fair. :(


No, that's not fair at all. Thanks for the info though. I work in Nashville so I guess I could head south before heading east one evening. I also have a gift card I need to spend at the Cool Springs Mall. :D

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I got my Christmas Money and ordered the pattern,but they are temporarily out of stock!!:( I applied to join the yahoo group but haven't

heard yet.:( But reading all of your experiences with this afghan makes

me itching to get started!!:cheer

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Isserlie, I really think those colors will look great together. My husband never gets

involved in colors choices (even in painting the walls) because if anyone doesn't like

the colors he can blame ME!! LOL

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Plaid Kitty what colors did you use? They are really beautiful!! The afghan is really

coming along. My pattern is on back order because they are all out so who knows when

I will get it. In the meantime I am trying to make up my mind about colors!!

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I really love your color choices. In fact I am making lap afghans with the

Painted Desert, Windsor blue and the Claret. I was wondering who puts

out the Aran Fleck. I have never seen it. All of your colors choices are

beautiful. My second favorite of yours is the Gemstone, purple, teal and black.

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Buttercup, thought I would answer you since my aran fleck is sitting right here it is made by RedHeart it comes in super saver size, i just got mine at Pat Catans, not sure if Michaels carries it or not, I know that the JoAnn's around here dont carry it, they are limited in what they carry unless it is that weird yarn that is maybe 1.5 oz lol.

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Buttercup, thought I would answer you since my aran fleck is sitting right here it is made by RedHeart it comes in super saver size, i just got mine at Pat Catans, not sure if Michaels carries it or not, I know that the JoAnn's around here dont carry it, they are limited in what they carry unless it is that weird yarn that is maybe 1.5 oz lol.


Yes, I saw some at Michael's just yesterday, at two different Michael's in No. Virginia.

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Here's my update, after a hard weekend of crocheting..:hook


Just when things were starting to get a bit boring.. around and around.. with my number of stitches so automatic I avoided frogging after a small mis-count now and then.. ( it shows as you look back pretty clear..so I never had to go back much at all BTW ) anyway.. auto-pilot...no need to look at the pattern..around and around...:yawn


Well.. finally I get to the part where we build tiny pyramids..in order to add the first row of large heptagons... easy enough.. but that's a story for tomorrow. ;)


I needed something a bit different there for awhile.. so I skipped ahead...

My 15 lg. heptagons are now done..:woo


NOTE ...all the ends are woven in too !


And !!!

At the point where I am now.. I can see they will fit perfectly !:jumpyay


Well.. I'm back to a tedious part of all this... the future update. haha..:P

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Buttercup, usually DH never ever makes ANY decision about anything ever. Then he can blame me when something goes wrong. "Dear which way should I turn [the car]?" No matter which way I suggest he goes the other one and no matter whether I was right or wrong. I was <cough> ...well you know.:devil


So. The fact that he made a decisioin was so stunning that I hand no choice but to go with him. whee not my fault, right Pam?:devil:devil


Im almost done with the bearghan and I have one more to start before I can concentrate on section 2.:)


I love the colors Pam...wtg!

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well Ladies i am done with mine...my DH says its big enough for what he wants...he wants to hang it on the wall behind the sofa and if its eny bigger then it would go way down behind it.


So here is where i stoped.Its all weaved in and ready for him to hang.



I will still stop by and see how you ladies are doing.

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