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Sick day to crochet.

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I've been fighting a cold all week. So today, I am staying home and just relaxing and crocheting.


So no work, no crochet/knitting group or anything. Just me and my kleenex and crochet.


Oh, and the tv.


What do you do when home sick? Or do you call in "sick" to crochet?



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Sleep, read, crochet, play games on computer. I substitute teach so there are times when I've really had it after a rough day and just don't take a job for the next day. I have to do that once in a while or I'd burn out. I must have been a horrid child to get the "payback" I sometimes get LOL!

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If I'm off sick I will crochet and listen to music or an audiobook. I'm just anal enough that unless I'm on my deathbed, I will put in a load of laundry, or wash a few dishes, etc. but no major cleaning unless it is organizing my craft stuff!! I will occasionally take a sick day but I call it a "Mental Health Day!":devil

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I SO envy you! I'm sitting at work with massive allergies today and would love to be at home relaxing and crocheting! I hope you've got good stuff on TV or on DVD or something.

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If I'm off sick I will crochet and listen to music or an audiobook. I'm just anal enough that unless I'm on my deathbed, I will put in a load of laundry, or wash a few dishes, etc. but no major cleaning unless it is organizing my craft stuff!! I will occasionally take a sick day but I call it a "Mental Health Day!":devil


At my last job I was only sick a couple of times. The rest of the days off were indeed mental health days. It was just so crazy (and I don't mean busy) there that sometimes you had to take a day to try to relax or you'd go nuts!

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I am a manager at a hotel, and part of my salary package is an all-bills-paid apartment, which SOUNDS wonderful, but the reality of it is that because I live at work, unless I am sick enough to be hospitalized, I have to go do my shift at the desk. I have been here for five years now and have only missed eight days in total, all of which involved two four-day stretches when my legs didn't work because of the neurological problem I have, and while I did get SOME crocheting done, DH and I were so worried both times that the time had finally come when my legs were going to stop working for good that I couldn't even relax and enjoy being home. And what stinks even further is that if one of my desk clerks calls in sick, I have to take her shift because there's nobody that I can call in with no advance notice since they all have little kids that they need to arrange sitters for. So I am insanely jealous of anyone who has the luxury of calling in sick, because there have been so many cold, rainy days when I've been on my way to the lobby for my shift and thought "boy, would I love to just cuddle up on the couch under one afghan while working on another one!"


Do me a favor? Nex time one of y'all is taking a sick day, do it with me in mind and let me know about it? At least that way I can take one vicariously! :lol

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I'm the type that doesn't get sick very often, outside my one nasty cold every winter. When that one cold hits, I'm such a wimp that I can do nothing but lay in bed to sleep and watch a movie.


I work second shift, which fits my internal clock perfect. I have so much time off during the day that I rarely need a "mental health day". They do sound fun though!

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I'm the type that doesn't get sick very often, outside my one nasty cold every winter. When that one cold hits, I'm such a wimp that I can do nothing but lay in bed to sleep and watch a movie.


I work second shift, which fits my internal clock perfect. I have so much time off during the day that I rarely need a "mental health day". They do sound fun though!


Y'know, this is probably why I don't ever attempt to take a "mental health day" either. I work the 3-11 shift every day but Sunday when I work 7am to 3pm, and I'm a night person to begin with, so I have most of the day at home to myself before I have to go downstairs to work, and then when I get home at 11 at night, I have the whole night to myself to watch television and crochet. The time I'm actually at work is time when I wouldn't normally be doing anything anyway, so it's no big deal. I agree, though, they DO sound fun!

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I really enjoyed my day off. I worked on and finished a yellow baby blanket I had started, drank lots of tea, and watched tv. Slept a while too.

I felt much better the next day. I think that was just what I was supposed to do.

I even watched a movie called "Two of a kind" starring John Travolta and Olivia Newton John. It was so nice to just sit back and enjoy these little pleasures by myself.

But it's back to the real world. Laundry, housework, and then back to work again. It was nice while it lasted.


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I don't get sick often, but I have been known to take 1-2 mental health days/year. Luckily my employer gives us 2 days/year just for those types of things in addition to our sick and vacation time. When I just need a break, I schedule a day off and stay home. I do crochet quite a bit on those days - but I could just as easily take time off to sleep and relax.

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