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How would you set up a crochet shop?

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Out of curiosity, if you could open your own crochet shop, how would you have it set up, what activities would you offer and what merchandise would you like to see? What would your ideal shop be?

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Oh, questions like this are always fun! I can't wait to hear what everyone has to say.


I'm always interesting in knowing what types/brands/price points of yarn people would want to see in an LYS focused on crochet!

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In my fantasies, my shop is in a building that used to be something else, like a barn or schoolhouse or mill. A lighthouse would be so cool, but maybe a little hard on the customers' legs to climb a spiral staircase. It would have a big display window and comfy chairs and I would use the former building use as a theme. For example, if it had been a barn, I would have a Frequent Flyer Card with chickens or ducks.

Oodles of colorful yarns, of course, and pattern books and magazines and totes, and hooks of all kinds. OK, I would have some knitting needles, too. Samples of projects near the yarn and a coffee and tea corner. Soft music playing in the background.

Sigh... maybe I should go buy a lottery ticket or two.

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I have though of this myself. I live in a very small town in Wisconsin so I know it wouldn't support itself. :(


I would have all the different colors and types of yarn I could. I would also have all different sizes and types of hooks (and knitting needles), along with pattern books and totes. I also like the idea of a "coffee corner" and the big comfy chairs! :D Of course, I would also offer the ability to special order items I don't carry.


Dreams are so fun!

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Funny thing that...


I have a mall near me thats very artsy and eclectic and I've always thought that it would be just the PERFECT pairing to put a ye old yarn shoppe in there


With big comfy chairs and a coffee/tea corner and weekly demonstrations and classes on techniques and spinning, dyeing, threads...oh what fun....


But alas...I am not business inclined - though it's always been my dream to work for myself and not "the man" haha...

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Wow this question is so great!! I have thought about this several times..... :devil

First and foremost I would have super comfy furnature in my store. Picture overstuffed couches and chairs.

I am also alergic to wool so we would have to have a lot of cottons and bamboo yarns andother wonerful natural fibers. I love verigated yarns.

I would have a major assortment of hooks. Not just the standard boye and susan bates. I love bamboo and natural woods for hooks. I also like my addi hooks. So now that we have hooks covered and yarns we can move on to other things.

I would love to teach childern to crochet, I think that is very important. I would start them out on simple projects such as scarves and squares. I think we would have bean bags for the kids. (I still love them).

As far as adult classes I have no clue what I would offer, I think a baby layett class would be a good thing to do as well as a kitchen set.

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I'm afraid I'd be my own best customer! But, as long as we're dreaming.....first of all, I'd have everthing on one floor only, including bathrooms, wheelchair accessible so all could shop! I would carry everything from the less expensive yarns to the very best........The areas could be separated by wide aisles, and every section would have comfy chairs, and tables and custiomers would be welcome to sit and browse patterns, etc. Lots of patterns, accessories, hooks of all kinds, and I'd like a corner devoted to just sit and crochet, share info, projects, and no bad mouthing others for their choices of hook or needle.....Kindness, respect, and above all a sense of fun. coffee and tea with cookies, maybe? (free, of course).......like I said, we're dreaming, right? So this is how I'd like to see it, anyway.

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I like a lot of the above ideas—the tea/coffee section, the big comfy chairs, the variety of hooks, needles, hypoallergenic yarns, and classes. (The ones for kitchen and baby would be fun!)


To that, I'd add an accessory class (like how to make a belt that fits). Ideally, I'd hire someone to teach how to design clothing to fit. (I and several of my friends are hard-to-fit sizes. I'm an hourglass, okay, and I have a friend who makes me look like a board.)


Something that would also be fun for advanced crocheters and knitters would be how to copy something they only see or have good, high-res pictures of. (Think, "Hey, I love that purse but sooooo not in that color!" or "How to copy a family stocking from one of those stockings"—which I've done.) I'd also like to offer classes teaching how to teach, as well as the "how to crochet" (& knit) ones.


A crocheting ring would be fantastic, making things for the shelters around town.


Offering some premade items for sale would be nice (consignment for crocheters/knitters who shop there, maybe?), and a "suggestion" box by the register would be a must for people to request things they wanted. I'd also want to offer free flyers of tips and ideas of what can be used to substitute for common "required" items in patterns (like stitch markers) if you either dislike the markers or don't have the money to spare or space to store 'em. (Personally, I prefer paper clips.)


However, if I ever did start a store, it would have to start small. Normal yarns with some hard-to-find colors and yarns, Boye hooks and needles (and wooden, and, unless there's some sort of contracting conflict, Susan Bates when they could be afforded). I'd also prefer to offer tips of where to find things I didn't (yet) offer. Looseleaf tea and fresh (not burned!) coffee, though, I'd like to offer from the start.


*eyes above* Well, maybe God will bless me with a successful novel once I finish the last few chapters.

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Oh, I love to fantasize about this sort of thing! I love fancy yarns (alas, I have champagne tastes, but a beer budget) so there's be all manner of luxurious yarn, thread, and fibers. Noro yarns and theirs fabulous colors would definitely have a place on the shelves. SWTC yarns fascinate me (soy, bamboo, corn, milk-- how cool is it that you can make yarn from that!). As for types of classes-- How to choose and mix colors, Freeform crochet/knitting, Making wearbles (esp. how to fit them), as well as basic "how to" classes (crochet, knit, spin, dye, tat,weave-- all fibers arts would be welcome!)


It's a fantasy store, so perhaps not economically feasable, but lots of fun.

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I think I'd want to have a complete needlework store: crocheting, knitting, needlepoint, cross-stitch. Nice yarns, with a good selection of non-wools, lots of books and patterns, an area for people to sit around and work on projects, classes. All kinds of accessories, hooks, needles, etc.

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I would love to have a store fashioned after the old time general store,maybe a log cabin type, with a fireplace of some sort for the cold days, with the comfortable chairs, and rocking chairs and the refreshment center, which would be free for all, but a donation jar on the table to help pay for the beverages totally up to the customer if they want to help. Classes in the afternoons, and evenings to work with everyones shedule. And free patterns with every purchase. Hooks, and yarns of all kinds and sizes. Books and pattern books. I would call it OFF THE HOOK

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I've thought about this a lot.

There would be all kinds of yarn from inexpensive to the higher end. Of course they'd be lots of notions. I'd have coffee, tea, hot chocolate and possible cookies, crackers, etc.

I'd have comfortable chairs but not too overstuffed becuase they're not always comfortable. I'd have it cozy but more modern than old fashioned.

I'd have examples of things for display and other things for sale, probably consignment.

Knitting would be included because I believe in equal crafting.

I'd carry books and magazines, especially crochet because they're so hard to find.

I'd offer classes on everything and hopefully could find teachers to teach them. I'd offer them for less than most I see around here.

We'd have groups that just met to crochet and knit together. We'd decorate for holidays and we'd do exchanges. We'd have a yearly 'yard sale' where everyone could exchange, sale, or give away old patterns/books/magazines.


I probably have more ideas.

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Walk with me through my shop.............

Door opens... its a beautiful morning... we open early.... so come on in for breakfast treats...the lovely smell of Cinnamon is in the air......... why?... there is fresh breads and pasteries on the counter straight ahead near the coffee. Now for those tea drinkers ... that would be found over on the other end of this counter near the homemade cinnamon/pastry chips.

You look around and found lovely round tables with such comfy chairs ever so neatly tucked in. Off in the corner is a lovely display of afghans.... Oh look... those are for store use. If you get cool and dont have a 'ghan of your own to cover up with... you can barrow one of mine. The walls are lined with racks of books and shelves of yarn. There are hooks.. needles and all the like..... along the walls with the books and yarn. Oh...look... a sign up sheet for classes next to the coffee and tea stations. Those look fun. There is a new class every month. And some repeat... whew... that means if you miss one ... you can catch it later. Gosh... the smell of those pastries is too much... lets get one while we look around some more. Yummmmmmmmmm!

Whats that..........? A Daycare... are you kidding? In a craft store? The sign says that on Tuesdays and Thrusdays... there will be a sitter here from open to noon..to tend to your children here in this room while you visit and crochet or craft..... with your friends. Wow... that sure will be nice for moms to get away for just a couple hours.

Just look at the way this store is decorated... Omy........ a nook with a couch in it..... and a little tv where you can watch 'how to' videos or catch a craft show on. Oh... how cute is the bathroom ... everything covered in crochet. I love all the crochet flowers that are set about.

Now... did you happen to notice the neat little crocheted RED roses that are meant for table markers. You place one in the vase along with the other crocheted flowers on your table... it stands a bit taller and is a beautiful bright red.. so its noticed from a distace. Its there for ladies that have trouble getting around. That are in wheel chairs on use walkers... or generally find it straining to move around. By placing this rose on your table.. you will be waited on. Look here I come now... to see if you would like a refill on your drink.. or need a bite to eat... or maybe a little help winding that yarn. Gosh... its getting close to lunch time.... wonder where to go to get some lunch. You can stay right where you are if you like... soup and sandwiches are available over on the counter near the coffee and tea.

Well.. we have had a lovely walk through of my store... I'm sure we may have missed something.. but what I think you saw... may bring you back. Dont forget to check out the sign near the door on your way out... for the Thrusday Night Bible study. Its a lovely time.. bring a snack and your bible... read your own scriptures and discuss what touches your heart. No formal thing.. just a chance to be in the Word with other ladies and have fun.

and there you have it...

Thank you for coming.... I would love someday to have this dream come true and have you all visit!


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hm, most of what I'd do has already been said. the only thing I could add would be:


A computer permanantly on display, permanently on Crochetville!

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I agree with most everything said. Definitely comfy chairs to sit and crochet but the one thing I thought was a really good point is to make sure that if you had classes you had them on weekdays/weekends daytimes and evenings. And rotated which classes were held when. That way more people would be able to take what they wanted in a time that fit their schedule.

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Everyone has such great ideas that the only thing I can think to add is a special order desk for those hard to find things. Not everyone is computer saavy so having someone at the shop to check auctions and whatever for the out of print patterns would be nice too.

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Let's get a bit more specific. Would you stock the same brands as more knitting-focused yarn stores or would you stock the same brands as craft stores? If you're stocking what craft stores carry, how would you make customers want to purchase from you instead of the craft stores and discount stores (where they charge less than suggested retail and/or have regular sales or coupons)?

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All of the above and a corner with a comfortable chair and space on the floor for wood shavings from a visiting hook whittler.

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Let's get a bit more specific. Would you stock the same brands as more knitting-focused yarn stores or would you stock the same brands as craft stores? If you're stocking what craft stores carry, how would you make customers want to purchase from you instead of the craft stores and discount stores (where they charge less than suggested retail and/or have regular sales or coupons)?

Yup I would try to get the craft store yarn as well as the LYS yarn.

I'm hoping my stock of hard to find crochet books and magazines would be a big draw. Even Wal-Mart rarely carries the magazines anymore. I'd offer more than the 'set' colors that craft stores carry. How often do we go there and not find a color but know it's online? How often do we go there and not find the yarn at all? Microspun is hard to find. When you do find it, not all the colors are carried. Hancock Fabrics had a lot of Lionbrand yarn but a most of their stores closed. Hobby Lobby has cut way back on most yarns so they can fill their stores with Yarn Bee.

I'd probably try coupons or the punch cards or club cards.

I seriously would try to work something out.

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By 'craft store' yarns, I'm assuming you mean the Caron ss, RHss, TLC essentials, that are usually readily available at the big box chain stores. By 'knitting' yarn, I'm assuming the stuff we mostly find only online or at a lys.

I'd try to stock some of both. To encourage sales with me instead of the big box store, I'd incorporate the coupon/club card ideas. Or possible a discount to the big store price for bulk purchases (say, 6 skeins or so).

No tv's, we're trying to escape here. Or maybe for viewing how to crochet videos, or feel-good movies. Mostly just classical music.

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