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I'm glad that was asked and answered about swaps, I'm new too and was wondering when I'd be able to participate in them. I'm looking forward to it.

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I couldnt figure out what was going on with that either :lol I saw all this talk about em but then didnt see a forum for them ... good to kno


ETA: hey look I just got my 40th post :lol how funny is that

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JesseCat, go to Community Center, there is a heading there called 'Crochetville Swaps'. At the top of the listings is a thread for the Swaps for 2005.... Swaps for 2005 Choose the one(s) you would like to join, note the sign-up dates and then sign-up when that time comes. Simple as that. There are several swaps ongoing at this time but more start frequently as well. Hope this helps some.


Note: you won't get an email or PM (Private Message) inviting you to join the swaps or anything like that, in case you are waiting for one.

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Thanks Cheryl,


I appreciate the explanation, I thought something magic happens when you reach 40 posts....I will check it out.:cheer

You're welcome. And something magic did happen. The Swap, custom avatars and other things became visable to you once you reached 40 posts. You couldn't access certain things until then.

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Personally, I think this is a great feature here - it gives us a chance to get to know you, and you get a chance to know us before making the commitment to a swap. Once you can access the swap forum, I highly recommend you also read the thread titled "What should we do?", it lays out some of the concerns about potential problems with the swaps, such as folks signing up and then disappearing, leaving their swap partner in the lurch. :eek Also be sure to browse through some of the threads from past swaps, so you can get an idea how it all works here, that'll help alot too.


This is a pretty relaxed and informal forum, and I'm sure I'm not alone in wanting to see it stay that way even as we grow (rapidly, I might add - have you seen how many members we are now??? :hook Go Crochetville! :cheer). The swaps are much more fun when you have a chance to get to know each other a little better, makes it easier to come up with crochet projects (patterns, colors, etc) as well as the other little goodies many like to include in their packages.


Welcome to Crochetville! :yay

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Great tips, Goldi! When I first started the swaps, I read the previous posts to get ideas as to what was being sent, how many items, and things like that. It was a great help to me with my first swaps. I still check what others send too just to keep up with things and to make sure my swap partner isn't being 'cheated' (although I do hate that word but couldn't come up with a better one at the moment).


Also, new members to swaps, keep in touch with your swap partners (if you choose to do a swap). It's amazing how many extra things you can find out about a person thru emails/cards/PMs. Usually there is a form you fill out when signing up for a swap that you answer questions too about that particular swap....yarn type, hook type, what color is your kitchen/bath, any allergies, etc. But those are the basics, it's nice to receive a gift of a more personal nature. Something you know your partner likes to collect, read, certain pattern they would like. Read thru the Wish Lists for your swap partners name and get more ideas there. It's a great place to start.

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I live in India. Does it make any sense at all to join any of the swaps? I mean, think of the postage!:eek:eek:eek:eek:eek


People all over are involved in the swaps -- the Phillipines, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, etc. On the swap questionaires, one of the questions is, "can you ship overseas?" We normally have a fair number of people who choose to ship overseas. :)


So, yes, it makes sense to join a swap you'd like to be involved in!

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Swapnae, it doesn't matter where in the world you live. I am one of those that does ship internationally and I love receivng from different parts of the world. It's just so cool getting things from Australia, Sweden, Philippines, Germany, England, etc. It takes a little longer for shipping, so you have to allow for that but otherwise there's no other special rules.

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Xantha, Diamond, thanks for clearing up that question for me. Once I reach the magic figure of 40, I'll start enquiring about costs of shipping from here to wherever. It wouldn't make sense to ship a package if shipping costs are more than the value of the contents. (Except the thought that counts, of course!):lol:lol:lol:lol

Sorry if I sound mercenary....:think:blush

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I'm curious about the swaps - I'm really pretty new at crochet. How do people feel about relative newbies joining swaps? Is there a "quality" level you should reach before joining?


They sound like so much fun, but to be honest, I wouldn't envy whoever wound up with my stuff! :lol



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Mary, I've only been crocheting since late December and I'm in a swap. I feel the way you do--some poor person is going to get stuck with mine. But, remember, it's all about someone taking the time to make it for you, so even if that birthday cake get burned, or that finger-painted picture is indecipherable, or that crocheted bookmark is a little sloppy, it was still made just for you and that means more than anything. Plus everyone' s beginner at some time, right?




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^What she said, it's the thought that was put into making the item and it doesn't have to be perfect.


If you're nervous, join a swap for dishcloths or bookmarks, something small and easy to do things.


I might join a swap starting next year when I'll probably have all these other things out of the way....maybe :think



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