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Crochet Fear

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Some say that their fear is that they will forget how to crochet...mine is that I will never learn!

I look at all these beautiful things that people make and worry that I will never get to that level of skill.

That Seraphina shawl scares me to death. I look at those directions and think "no way can I do that!" I bought the JoAnn's yarn, so I'm committed to at least try it, but, dang, I'm skeert!

Granted, I am just starting out, and teaching myself at that...but I want to do more, more, more and do it well, well, well! I'm afraid that I will get frustrated and quit.

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My ear is the same as Shea429's, that I'll never be good enough to post anything here! I know, practice, practice, practice. I fear losing my sight, too, and never being able to read again. I enjoy listening to book son tape, but it's just not the same to me as reading.


As for the carpel tunnel surgery, my dad had it more than 20 years ago and it worked great then. Imagine how much better the surgical techniques are today, with faster recovery times. Don't worry about that as it's something easily correctible.



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My main fear has been mnetioned but it is not having what you made appreciated by non-crafters. Some people really appreciate the intracacy & work that goes into crochet but some do not. Sometimes it's hard to tell if someone will like & take care of what you made them. The keyword is like--because if they don't like it they won't take care of it & it ends up in the closet, goodwill donations, etc. I only make big things for close family/friends so usually it goes well & is liked.

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  • 3 months later...

My biggest fear is DEFINITELY all about the quality of my work. A. the possibility of it falling apart and B. the possibility of someone not liking what I made for them.


A few months ago, I was (attempting to) make a blanket for my now 11 month old neice. A male friend found out and asked me to make him a blanket. Up until then, I had only really made scarves(and they didn't even really look good!). But, I agreed to make him a blanket, and I got started on it right away. It turned out....quirky to say the least. The foundation chain was WAY too loose, and the sittches got tighter and tighter as I went along, so the beginning end is about a good foot longer than the other end. None of the stripes are the same width. The weaved in ends are no longer weaved in. The blanket, when laid the right way, isn't long enough for his bed, and when turned the other way, isn't wide enough for his bed.


I keep telling him that I'll make him a better one, but he tells me no every single time. I cringe every time I look at it, but that man loves his blanket. All because I cared about him enough to spend over 70 hours over the span of a month making it for him.


I just wish all receivers of crocheted goods were as appreciative.

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I have a few. I fear that I won't get to pass it on to any children of my own to continue it in my family. I fear that someday a relative down the line may destroy something that I have made. I fear ridicule, too. I really worry sometimes about what people think of me as I sit there and stitch.

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My very worst fear is that I will not be able to crochet someday. :cry If something was to happen to my hands or eyes It would be horrible. :yell I just can not imagine life without my hook. :eek
That has always been my worse fear, too! I think that losing my eyesight would be worse, because then I couldn't even LOOK at other people's creations. I love color, and seeing bright colors makes me happy. BUT my hands are very important to me. I paint, draw, crochet, sew, make jewelry as a profession, etc, etc, etc. I'm constantly working something with my hands. Not being able to do that would be terrible.
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I have 2 primary fears:


That I make a gift and the person I give it to doesn't want or appreciate it and throws it away. :angry


That I will never really know how to crochet. I keep on trying. I make great scarves and afgans but whenever I try anthing else, it always looks "off". :blush


I decided to make a doggie bed for my sister's pooch Desi who is a chiuahua. I wanted to make it nice and big and then felt it. I made a beautiful round flat circle and then stopped increasing so it looked like a bowl. Then I started the felting process... but the thing just would not felt! THEN I found out you cannot felt acrylic yarn! :eek


So here I have this thing (what else do you call it?) that's very big and round, but doesn't lay flat. My entire family cracked up and finally I cracked up too! :haha I gave it to the vet's office and they said it was great to put in their BIG cages as a snugglie. At least it went to good use.


P.S. I never did make the bed because I haven't been able to find the right kind of wool yarn and I'm still a little skittish about it! :blush

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Falling apart is one fear I have. I try to wash it first to make sure, and nothing ever did fall apart. Through the whole wash cycle and I am literally on edge waiting. If it did fall apart, I don't know what I would do about it! The second is, when it's a paid job, is that they won't like it once it's done.

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Well for me I have several fears...


I am always afraid that what I make for someone will fall apart or that they won't like it...


I am also constantly afraid that with my impending CTS that I will have to put down my hook and all hobbies for months...


I can relate about being afraid of kitties peeing on projects. My little Tweety won't pee on them, but she is constantly jumping up in my lap while I'm crocheting and then jumps right back down almost always getting one of her paws wrapped up in yarn. The other night (no lie) she jumped off my lap and started running around the house all the while I'm yelling at her to STOP as my project was unraveling right before my eyes! My hubby was laughing his head off. Problem is that I always leave my WIP next to my chair in the living room and that's where Tweety likes to sleep while I'm at work. Sometimes when I come home I'll notice my yarn scattered all over. Boy I sure do love her to death, but geez!


But I think my biggest fear of all is that the person that gets one of my home-age creations won't actually appreciate how much time and effort I put into the gift. I personally always prefer a home-ade gift to a store bought but it seems like most non-crafters don't understand what goes into these things.

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I have to agree with yall on your fears -- falling apart, perfection, appreciation.


However, you left out two of my biggest fears!


1. Hubby will find out how much I really spent on crocheting last year. ;)

2. If I don't buy this pattern now, I will never find it again! :eek




In all seriousness, I have resolved some of my fears by accepting that I love crocheting..in style or out of style. I will gather as many patterns as I can right now while it is so stylish. That way I can enjoy it when they are harder to come by. I hope I can keep my hands and eyes, and I will be set! (Since I now have a lifetime of patterns to get caught up on!)



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My fear is making something as a gift that's not perfect (not that anything I make is perfect!) and having the recipient look closely at it and find all of the flaws.



That is my fear exactly - that the recipient will know that I made a mistake and find it! :eek Fortunately, the only gift I have been brave enough to give was well received. :manyheart

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My biggest crochet fear? All of the above, plus making a sweater or other garment for someone and have it not even come close to fitting. This is why I'm only giving hats, scarves, and mittens until I've successfully made sweaters for myself. animal0083.gif

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isn't it nice to be wanted :lol :lol i did that the year of my car accident and was i ever in trouble. so while it took me a long time in 2001 (i started in janurary) i was able to make the ornaments that everyone loved so much.:lol :lol :lol

I always worry that when I make something and give it as a gift the recipient will laugh in my face. Then tell me "You call THIS a gift!". I didn't make my traditional ornaments for my coworkers last year because of this fear (and I thought nobody enjoyed them). Then at the Xmas party many people were upset because I didn't make them anything. They told me they keep all my ornaments on their trees every year. :eek:think:blush:yay I better get started on this years ornaments! The inlaws up north are already asking what I'm making this year.
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I have several fears that I never voiced until now.....having a major stroke which will prevent me from picking up a crochet hook again, having a professional crocheter critize my work or laugh about it behind my back, crocheting a beautiful sweater for my daughter and when she wears it people look at it and laugh because it looks awful "you'll never catch my daughter wearing anything like that!" remarks. I don't know, maybe I will just have to grin and bear it.

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My fear is that I'll never progress enough to complete an "Intermediate" skill-level pattern! I'm afraid I'll just spend the rest of my life doing rows of SC and HDC!

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My very worst fear is that I will not be able to crochet someday. :cry If something was to happen to my hands or eyes It would be horrible. :yell I just can not imagine life without my hook. :eek


I have thought of that, too. I fall asleep with a hook in my hand. I dream about projects and who I will make them for. I started quilting because I could make a blanket faster than to crochet it but alas, I didn't like it nearly as much and now find myself shamefully cutting fabric into strips so I can crochet with it!


Mare :yay

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