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Traveling hook III- raising awareness for FA . UPDATE !!!!post #509


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Hi Everyone! Sorry it took me so long to get here today. DBIL is sick. DH just left to take him to the doctor's. Anyway, here are my final 3 squares made before the hook left for it's next destination! :hook Your going to love this hook, Ada! Enjoy! :hug





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I'm soooo excited, this month's charity blitz is for a group I'm in, so I'm getting all kinds of really GREAT mail :lol and now the Hook is coming too! I almost feel guilty because when it gets here I'll have 3 Jimbo hooks (my CHOPHOOK, My Lacewood, and the traveling one)... ooo they'll need to get together for a play date!!!

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Hi Everyone! Sorry it took me so long to get here today. DBIL is sick. DH just left to take him to the doctor's. Anyway, here are my final 3 squares made before the hook left for it's next destination! :hook Your going to love this hook, Ada! Enjoy! :hug






awesome....I can hardly wait for my turn!!!


Angelfire - I'm sorry if ths has been asked before, but is it going alphabetically? And, I will be moving in a little over a month from now...so I'll have to send my new address, privately of course. I am probably not scheduled to have the hook for a while yet, though.


Thank you for this project!!

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I almost feel guilty because when it gets here I'll have 3 Jimbo hooks (my CHOPHOOK, My Lacewood, and the traveling one)... ooo they'll need to get together for a play date!!!



3 Jimbo hooks!!! I'm jealous!!! LOL! I have my Chophook and I think it was a little jealous of the Traveling hook while it was here, lol! I've been using it almost exclusively, but didn't pick it up at all the whole time! :eek I think I've got some making up to do, lol! ENJOY!!!:hug

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Is it still possible to join in? I'd love to make some squares for such a worthy project.

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how much does it cost to send the hook out internationally??

Ada, if you want, send it back to me and I will send it to Ireland. This is the only time that this individual has free to use the hook so I must schedule her after you. :eek I understand your concern.

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I received the hook about 3 minutes ago :cheer I'm going to get to work on some squares.


angelfire- I can't mail this beauty out until hubby gets paid next friday, I know that's longer than i'm supposed to have it... is that ok???

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Wanted to show you all some pictures, I'm going to be up a bit longer making a couple more. They are all patterns from the 200 crochet blocks book, I have a list I want to make, we'll see how many I get done before I ship the hook off. They are squares # 9,14,19,35,47- not showed in that order I don't think, I'm not quite that organized :lol








Hope you like them.

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Wanted to show you all some pictures, I'm going to be up a bit longer making a couple more. They are all patterns from the 200 crochet blocks book, I have a list I want to make, we'll see how many I get done before I ship the hook off. They are squares # 9,14,19,35,47- not showed in that order I don't think, I'm not quite that organized :lol








Hope you like them.


they are all beautiful squares

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Wow... somehow I have just turned completely MIA with this thread.


First of all, the squares that I have seen are all absolutely BEAUTIFUL.


Second - where is the list of who gets the hook when? I see the first list, but that is alphabetical, where is the list of the order it is going in?


Third - where is it now?


I know, I'm so full of questions!

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Wow... somehow I have just turned completely MIA with this thread.


First of all, the squares that I have seen are all absolutely BEAUTIFUL.


Second - where is the list of who gets the hook when? I see the first list, but that is alphabetical, where is the list of the order it is going in?


Third - where is it now?


I know, I'm so full of questions!

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Here are some more picutres, not sure if I'll get anymore today or not, probably will, but anyway..... these are numbers 64,69,71,78,86 and 145 from the 200 crochet blocks book...


This one is called The Chocolate Box, and I think it's my favorite in the whole book!








the one on the left here is called Fudge, and it's another favorite, I'd love to make a whole ghan of this square and the chocolate box one above! Yummy sounding isn't it???



Hope these meet your approval! :)

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I wanted to share some of the drama that's been happening here ever since Jessica showed up....


Here is Lacey, a happy well adjusted crochet hook... (i know, i know you're thinking "who on earth NAMES their crochet hooks?!?" and I'll tell ya... the lady who spends $42 on them does :lol)... Lacey was recently welcomed into her new home here in Pennsylvania, has been shown nothing but love and affection since she got here, and has adapted very well since leaving Jimbo's country home... :hook:yarn




I tried introducing Jessica to Lacey, thought since they are from the same homeland they'd hit it off talking about the old days by the creek... Well, as you can see Lacey turned her back to Jessica, as Jessica pleaded that they could be friends... :(




As Lacey threw a fit and started gathering the purple yarn about her Clark happened by, he kept Jessica from walking away while he talked some sense into Lacey. (See, Clark was adopted a little bit before Lacey, and she knows her big brother understands how she feels, and she listens to him.) He assured Lacey her place in our home is secure, and that she's not going anywhere, and it's unbecoming a lady to be rude to a guest! :yes:angry




Lacey finally had a change of heart, and welcomed Jessica with the ceremonial sharing of the purple yarn, it had to be purple, because it's the most precious yarn in the basket, this was a true sign that Lacey had accepted Jessica and was glad to have her visiting.:cheer




Feeling pleased with himself Clark sat proudly in the yarn valley with his sister and their new friend, gazing out at the endless strands and wondering what beautiful items they would make of it all.....:c9




Now i'm wondering how I'm going to handle sending Jessica away, Lacey has become quite fond of her.....:think

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