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Afghans, afghans... What do I do with them all?

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I guess this goes with anything any given crocheter makes a lot of. Doilies, plushies, scarves... in my case it's afghans.


I love to make them. I have several books of patterns for them. There are SO many I wanna make!


But after I've made them, what do I DO with them all?? :eek I could donate some, sure, and probably give some as presents. I have trouble selling them, unfortunately.


What do y'all do with the things you've made you just can't possibly keep?

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I usually have a charity in mind before I make most of my items. I have a personal bias about donating to a shelter. I have no problem if the item will stay at the shelter or go "home" with a needy person, but if you donate to the homeless your blanket may be discarded when the weather warms up. Because I am not heartless, I donate garage sale blankets or fleece blankets to the homeless and the all crocheted blankets to more permanet type of charities. I actually have gotten really into preemie blankets. I took 10 to the hospital and by the next day all but three were already on isolettes.

You might also ask at your church, they often know who needs some extra love and warmth.

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When I have done the usual gifts (have to start a baby afghan for a shower I was invited to on January 26), I do a lot for charity, including afghans, hats, scarves, headbands and even little pocketbooks for the younger set to go with a hat and scarf (like to use leftover yarn). I am always working on a donation pile, keep it ongoing. Anyway, I donate to a different place each year, this year was an outreach, other times to a hospital for their neo-natal unit, back to different outreaches. I am going to call the local Red Cross chapter in my area to see if they will take these type of items, probably will but like to make sure.


LI Roe

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I've not been able to get enough items built up to worry about this yet (a bit slow crocheter due to time limits and usu have folks in mind first) but this time of the year (at least around my area) we have been having a lot of house fires. Thusly folks losing everything might would want something like that as part of getting lives back together after it. As a reminder of folks caring. it's an idea. :)



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My husband is a firm believer that you cannot have too many afghans. So, I haven't hit the point where I have this problem. The way I look at is that until the backs of all furniture are covered with an afghan, then there aren't too many.

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Every afghan I have ever made, with the exception of the multi-colored round ripple that I made for DH at his request has been given to someone either as a gift for some occasion or just because they liked it and I felt the urge to tell them "then you may have it". :) One of these days I may make one that ends up staying here for me, but I enjoy giving them to people.



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There's always Project Linus, a charity that gives blankets to children in the hospital and other stressful situations.


It feels good to give them away, knowing someone will love them forever.


Find a group in your area.



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I don't make anything just because.

Either it's a gift or it's being kept. I don't make that many afghans right now since I made one for almost everyone several years ago. My house isn't that big and I have very little storage space. I only need one or two blankets in a couple of the rooms. Anything more and I'd feel closed in on.



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The Afghans I usually donate to either the teen center or the chemo center, I have boxes full of table clothes and doilies I have made.......if someone is looking for a certain style or color they just go through the boxes....I just crochet for fun so don't have anything in mind when I start a pattern (most of the time). Right now I am doing Kathy (Katchkan's) Snowfields Table topper ((Which she designed for Me...THANKS KATHY)) and also working on a couple of afghans for my niece who is having a baby the end of Jan.....since she doesn't know if it is a boy or girl, I am doing both colors, and whichever one I don't give her I will donate....or find someone who is having the oppisate sex....

not much help am i????

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I give them to charities that can use them...there are several listed here at the ville, I'm sure someone would be thrilled to receive a handmade afghan.

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I'm in the afghan making-mode right now. I wanted to make afghans to match the new paint job in the family room. Unfortunately, I'm also trying to use up my stash. So, my blue family room is getting a rr in shades of purple! Of course, when my stash is downsized to a manageable level I'm going to really go get some yarn in shades of blue! LOL! I'll be in the same boat with you.:yarn:yarn

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I either keep them or give them away. I have a couple extra stored, and use one on my sofa and one on the foot of the bed, to keep my toes warm. And am in the process of making one each for my d.i.l.'s (which I promised them several years ago.) Every year I go through a slump and get tired of crocheting for awhile, so I'm trying to get as much done as possible before that slump hits again. Hopefully, that won't happen for awhile yet.

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