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I find myself in unusual places...

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Doing crochet!


I've recently begun keeping a scarf pattern, yarn and appropriate hook in my car to while away waiting time: waiting for a child to get out of school, to bring in to the dentist's office while waiting a turn, in line in the post office, etc. I've crocheted in bed, in airport waiting rooms, even a restroom or two. (Crocheting in the restroom at Dillards in San Antonio was decadent!)


What is the most unusual place YOU have ever attempted to crochet?

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I crochet at bingo...while waiting for the games to start....LOL....I get LOTS of...."what is she doing?" comments.....and I've also crocheted at my gynocologist's office....waiting my turn....fun times!

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LOL! Great thread. I look forward to my son's gymnastics lesson each weekend because it is the ONE hour of uninterrupted crocheting time I get each week...bliss! I get a lot of strange looks from the other parents but :loco to them. I have also crocheted in coffee shops, airports, airplanes, my car, etc.


I like the idea of a to-go bag. Will have to start doing that when I can remember...



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I crochet while waiting for a train, waiting for kids at school, waiting in the dentist/Doctors office. Waiting in the car while some one decideds they have to run inot the store for a minute, while waiting to meet my dd in a town half way from her college. Never know when the car will break down and you have to wait for a tow truck Hey I had that happen not to long ago :rofl

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in the Dr.s office (when the kids aren't with me), in the car, camping, sometimes at MIL's house...(my kiddos aren't "in" anything right now where I have to drive them or be there...so that's out.) my sofa. in the kitchen waiting for the pot to boil (see I'm not watching the pot, so BOIL ALREADY :rofl) hmmmm...where else have I ...oh yeah, waiting for the kids during Sundayschool (which is after the main service). I also keep a "to go" bag. Oh YEAH! I ALSO take it to work! I used to work in a LYS...now, not so much, but a gal still needs a break! :):yes

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The soccer field during practice and before the games. All the kids are curious and come running over and want to see what I'm doing - most of the grown-ups just kinda try to look without getting 'caught'. Some people even want to see what I'm making.


My husband and I had errands to run last week and we stopped for lunch at Ruby Tuesdays. I grabbed my little goto bag and he says "Can't you just leave it in the car?!?" Do you have any idea how many people look at us when you pull that out?!? You just whip it out like it's nothing.


Then he says "It's weird - I'm getting used to it but it's still weird - you're not old enough for this yet."


I just stood there and laughed at him.


It took so long to get our order I complained half the time that I should've brought it in anyway. lolol

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I am a teacher and I keep a small project in my bottom desk drawer. Times are few and far between, but I'm glad its there when I need it!!!


me too, and it's gotten several of my kids interested in crocheting, I've also crocheted in meetings, and during breaks in my Master's classes, in the car a lot.

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What I find weird is that you all think all those places you mentioned are weird places to crochet.


Now, if you were climbing Mount Ararat, looking for Noah's Ark, and you were crocheting in your tent before going to bed. That would be weird.


In the space shuttle, or the space station, that would be a weird place to crochet (although, I'd be interested is seeing how crocheted/knitted fabric acts in zero gravity)


Crocheting while giving birth would be another weird spot (but, if the baby afghan you're making isnt finished, then I might understand it)


Crocheting while being interviewed live on tv about something not related to crochet, that would also be a weird place.


The places everyone mentioned dont seem weird to me at all...especially in doctor's office waiting rooms. I was knitting in the exam room yesterday at my doctor's office (went to get a flu shot and to get things set up for b12 shots, and my doctor is notorious for running more than an hour late) My doctor came in and asked what I was knitting, and how was the afghan I was crocheting the week before was going. (his wife just learned to crochet)


I'm half tempted to knit him a Harry Potter scarf. (we talked about Harry Potter last time I was there, he's apparently a big fan)

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I took my yarn bag with me when I went into labor, to the hospital!

I actually didn't end up doing it because I had to have an emergency C section, but my theory was this...if I was going to be in labor for a long time, I may as well make some washcloths while doing it. hahaha. yeah, i'm sicko!

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I took my yarn bag with me when I went into labor, to the hospital!

I actually didn't end up doing it because I had to have an emergency C section, but my theory was this...if I was going to be in labor for a long time, I may as well make some washcloths while doing it. hahaha. yeah, i'm sicko!


Ok...that is weird.


But, it sounds a lot better than having to sit and read 5 year old magazines.

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Ok...that is weird.


But, it sounds a lot better than having to sit and read 5 year old magazines.


hahaha I hear ya! A few days before I went into labor, I had an ultra sound done. This was the first week of May...and I was reading a 2005 OCTOBER women's magazine. Needless to say, when I got home, I prepared a bag of "stuff to do for the 12+ hrs I will be in labor".

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I'm with Erin. Actually, I don't believe that there is such a thing as a weird place to crochet or knit. If you were to exchange crocheting for reading a book, do you think that there is a weird place to read? I don't. It is just a way to pass the time and I choose to do that with crocheting or knitting. Yes, I take it with me to the doctor's office, and even after I've undressed and am waiting for the doctor to come in, I am stitching. I always have several projects going, and make sure to have several small ones packed and ready to go at a moment's notice. DH bought me a dozen canvas bags that are very similar to a bank bag, with a handle built right into the bag. Just the perfect size for projects such as a pair of socks, a scarf, etc.


I knit/crochet standing in line at delicatessens and the post office, anytime someone else is doing the driving, and while waiting for my meal at a restaurant. I sometimes even go out to my car during my lunch or other breaks at work so that I can knit/crochet.

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A crochet project of some type or another goes with me everywhere. I've crocheted at red lights, in traffic jams when you're just sitting there on the highway going nowhere fast, while waiting to get my oil changed, at the doctor's office . . . you just never known when you might have time for a few stitches !!

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