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I broke down and bought 2 more skeins of the bright yellow for my RR. It just needed it. And I wanted it.

The preemie blankets that I make that are sort of grannie squares but not and the same center row, but then they are done so that the points go out instead of in. I guess I'll have to take a closeup, as the difference doesn't really show up here. They are part of my church's outreach program. They go to the local hospital's preemie unit which averages 100 babies in the unit on any given day. Some stay a few days and some are there for months.


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I know Cara...i laid in bed all last night not able to sleep telling my-self that i should finish the one i started...but i just couldn't get it out of my head and how great it would look on my bed and found myself digging for the pattern this morning and planing colors,its a sad thing i tell you :ohdear


This is all Aprils fault :blink


Yeah, that's it. We'll blame April :yes:lol Glad I'm not the only one that can't get that spread out of their mind :yes

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I broke down and bought 2 more skeins of the bright yellow for my RR. It just needed it. And I wanted it.

The preemie blankets that I make that are sort of grannie squares but not and the same center row, but then they are done so that the points go out instead of in. I guess I'll have to take a closeup, as the difference doesn't really show up here. They are part of my church's outreach program. They go to the local hospital's preemie unit which averages 100 babies in the unit on any given day. Some stay a few days and some are there for months.




Excellent as always Linda :clap You do so much for those babies :manyheart

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The preemie blankets are about 18" across, so they don't take a whole lot of time to make. The unit specified that they be about 14-18" which is a size that works with their little bassinets. The hats are knitted and actually take as much time to make as the blankets.:lol

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:wavingGood Afternoon Ladies :hi

Wow. There are some very pretty things posted. Sorry, I'm too tired to go back through and list everyone's project. But they ALL are pretty. Love them all.


Here is a picture of the scarf I whipped up last night. And it sure did come in handy this morning. It saved my neck from getting cold. I didn't make it as wide as I normally would. I wanted this one to NOT bunch up, but to lay flat. That way I can tie in at my throat and it keeps my neck nice and toasty warm. I have 1 more skein of it, so today I am going to make one a little wider and little shorter. I will use a brooch to pin it closed, and it won't hang down so far and get in my way.





Both clickable

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Karen - You are really moving on that, it is growing so fast, mine is taking forever, or is it that I am moving so slow...:lol


Linda - I really like those blankies and hats...I make alot of the hats for the preemies

but the blankie is so neat...Your own pattern?


Suzanne -I have always liked Dot's things. I have that one on my WIM list....somewhere in the evergrowing pile...


Judy - Your comfortghan is Outstanding, alot of love and work went into that and it shows...

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Mel- love the colors in your scarf !


Suzanne- welcome, and the shawl pattern is very pretty !


Linda- I honestly don't know how you get so many things done so quickly ! Amazing . Those blankies are so cute ! And I believe you about the knit hats, they take me FOREVER to make one.

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OK, Mel, I am gonna start calling you Speedy. I wish I could see you when that hook is flying. The scarf is very pretty and looks so long, what are the dimensions?


Speedy :rofl:rofl


It is 3" by 55". Almost the right width. I could have gone a tad wider, but it serves the purpose :yes

I made this one last night while watching the first hour of "Gone With The Wind'.


The skein is 3 ounces, 85 yards. I just crocheted till I was out of yarn.

I'm getting ready to start the next one. I'll do that one while watching the Bengals :D

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Judy - Yes she is a junior villager now, but is counting the days til she can join in Swaps and stuff.


She posted that lovely story on the off topics area, and then called me to tell me to go look at it because she left me a message...

At first I was emabarrassed by her telling the world about my almost wetting my pants, and then I started laughing remembering what set us off. She was hopping and jumping around, screaming about an attack AC, ooooing and owing and sucking her finger, I started giggling over her antics, and next thing I know we were both laughing. You can't do very good steady work when you are shaking all over with laughter, so she kept hurting herself and we both kept laughing. Of course that all ended when we joined the guys downstairs, but it was fun for awhile. I guess it's a slapstick thing, sort of like the funniest home videos. Later that evening a family member reminded me that when Lee was young, he used to say,"We have 3 kinds of communication here, telephone, telegram and tele Lisa".

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Speedy :rofl:rofl


It is 3" by 55". Almost the right width. I could have gone a tad wider, but it serves the purpose :yes

I made this one last night while watching the first hour of "Gone With The Wind'.


The skein is 3 ounces, 85 yards. I just crocheted till I was out of yarn.

I'm getting ready to start the next one. I'll do that one while watching the Bengals :D

I like it. My scarves are always too short, not that my neck is big mind you, but I am very long waisted and they sort of wind up ending by my bust and look kind off weird, like they are an extension of the cooper's droop. I know I should make one long one for ME, and it is in my WIM, but well, you know how it is, everytime I make something it winds up leaving me for a new home. I am changing "Works in Mind" to "Wishes in Memory" cause that is how far they get...:yes

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It looks like everyone is making good progress on their projects. Very nice things everyone.


I managed to get in time for a few rows on my cardigan this afternoon. I think another 4 rows will get the body finished. Then I have to add sleeves and a button placket. The cardigan is just a little tight, so I will likely make that button placket quite wide so that the cardigan will be a little bigger. I'll have o see what it looks like.

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WOW! This is the quietest I have seen this group since it started :lol:lol


I just finished my wider, shorter scarf. This one will work better when it is still chilly at work, and won't get in my way while I'm putting product out. I'll be able to pin it closed to keep my neck warm.






Here is a sample of my Vintage brooches I wear with my scarves & shawls. I love collecting vintage jewelry.


all pictures clickable

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Yeah, that's it. We'll blame April :yes:lol Glad I'm not the only one that can't get that spread out of their mind :yes

I'm sunk, too...I have purples, pinks, blues, in my stash....it would be so restful a blanket:c9

I just don't want the exaggerated peaks of the ripple....please, April: give me a hint as to how you think it's done.

*pretty please*:hug

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I just looked through all the pics...beautiful work going on here...and some very speedy hookers!


Carol, I've had those laughing fits where I almost thought that "embarrasing moment" would rear it's ugly head, too - hasn't happened yet, TG!

You and Lisa are the second mother/daughter members that I know about here!

Thanks for checking out the comfortghan...I think that ghan is why the ripple blanket is looking so appealing to me at the moment:lol:lol


***...and Phil mentioned that when we go on vacation in Dec. I should bring my crocheting.

I stared at him...almost wanting to feel his head for signs of fever. This is the same guy who thought I was doing it too much???

He ALSO will check with TSA on his next flight out of Newark Liberty to see if crochet hooks are allowed as carryon. I don't know this man any more:think

The hooks are allowed, I believe, from what I heard here...but at any rate, the wooden ones definitely should be allowed. How sweet that he wants to get it straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak.:manyheart

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Judy, it won't matter when the boys get their ghans, I know they'll love them; it just was driving me NUTS to get the one started...I HAD to do it but now I know it's going to be simple grannies (got the first two done) and now I can relax. It was just one of those WIMs that won't get out of your head no matter what. So, I started it, now I can put it aside and do things in order.


Homework for tonight finished, so now I can relax and enjoy the evening (I hope). Tomorrow I have an eye exam, so who knows how long it will be before I can see to crochet again. I love those drops...NOT.

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Thanks for checking out the comfortghan...I think that ghan is why the ripple blanket is looking so appealing to me at the moment:lol:lol


***...and Phil mentioned that when we go on vacation in Dec. I should bring my crocheting.

I stared at him...almost wanting to feel his head for signs of fever. This is the same guy who thought I was doing it too much???

He ALSO will check with TSA on his next flight out of Newark Liberty to see if crochet hooks are allowed as carryon. I don't know this man any more:think

The hooks are allowed, I believe, from what I heard here...but at any rate, the wooden ones definitely should be allowed. How sweet that he wants to get it straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak.:manyheart


Judy - Here is what I've figured out with a ripple: Your increases have to equal your decreases. If you've got one stitch where you dc5tog, then you need another where you dc5 in the same stitch. To do a smooth ripple, I would try this: chain however many you think you'd like for a test. Then, dc2tog three times. Then do a series of straight dc (count these - we'll call this "NUMBER"), then do FIVE stitches with 2dcs in each. Then do NUMBER straight dcs. Then do FIVE dc2tog (over 10 stitches). To make your ripple "flatter" or more subtle, change that FIVE to a lesser number, and/or increase NUMBER. The MORE stitches you do together, and the fewer NUMBER is, the curvier (word?) your ripple will be.


And Phil sounds like he's coming around! My MIL just took metal knitting needles on her flight, so I don't think it's much of an issue anymore. Still, it's good to check!


it just was driving me NUTS to get the one started...I HAD to do it but now I know it's going to be simple grannies (got the first two done) and now I can relax. It was just one of those WIMs that won't get out of your head no matter what. So, I started it, now I can put it aside and do things in order.


I thought *I* was the only one that had this problem! Once it's started, the "FIX" is done and I can move on! :lol

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I'm sunk, too...I have purples, pinks, blues, in my stash....it would be so restful a blanket:c9

I just don't want the exaggerated peaks of the ripple....please, April: give me a hint as to how you think it's done.

*pretty please*:hug



This is the pattern here or one like it...i even tested it to make sure and it is a wave.



Well after digging through my stash i have picked out enough colors that match my bedroom and my living room like she did...i have 12 that im going to use :P i placed them in the Stripes generator thing

and have been refreshing the page for like 2 hours...im starting to see stripes everywhere i look now :hyper even my potato's had stripes on them at dinner :lol but i have narrowed it down to 4 that i like,so we will see...now to figure out how wide to make it becouse i want it to cover my bed(King).I guess i will just chain till it fits my bed width :think.

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Well after digging through my stash i have picked out enough colors that match my bedroom and my living room like she did...i have 12 that im going to use :P i placed them in the Stripes generator thing



That is the coolest thing!! Wish I had that when I was trying to figure out my current project :lol

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Haven't taken pics of "Me" stuff. I made a scarf earlier in the week. Trying now to finish up some WIP's but think will work on my candy apple shrug tonight for points in Sky CAL.

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"Here is a sample of my Vintage brooches I wear with my scarves & shawls. I love collecting vintage jewelry." by Kathy


They are really sooooo pretty.

I had tons of it from my Grandmother, gave most of it to my granddaughter, and some (like watches), I had repaired and gave to daughter & DILs. Only one or two pieces left that I had fond memories of and kept.

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