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Meg- your baby doll outfit is very pretty. Can't wait to see it with the hat and booties too .



Linda- thanks for the answer about the babyghans . :)


You guys are funny talking about your husbands not paying attention to you . Sam always says " Why are you asking MY advice, you'll do just the opposite anyhow ? "


TRUE, but that's how I DECIDE things. If he says it aint a good idea, I DO it .

If he says it IS a good idea , I don't .


I just need somebody to bounce stuff off of to help me make up my mind .


Do any of your husbands try turning the tables on you, and saying ( Remember, I told you about that dinner at work, and I need cupcakes in 10 minutes before I leave for work ? )


Now come on, ladies, as seldom as he talks, don't you think I'd sit up and pay attention if he DOES say something ?


So, in a case like the cupcake thing, I inform him there's a store open downtown 24 hours and they might just have a box of HoHos that will be a big hit at the dinner .


* Something tells me the box would have ......ahem....... a few hohos missing before he got it there .:lol

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Welcome Cindy, just pull out your hook, and join in the fun. Lots of ideas, help and fun for all.


Hi all, what a day, we had to move my cedar chest and my bed (has a heavy cannon ball headboard) to get to the window the AC is in. Well, I tried sliding it on the carpet and it was too heavy so I yanked on the frame and the wheel came off. My DD was trying to lift the bed while I am on hands and knees trying to get the wheel back in. Where are all the men? Watching TV of course. Then she is pulling AC out of window and I am trying to help her balance it on the headboard while we are being called to by the downstairs couch potatoes. Well (2 hours later) it is finally done, my curtains are up and the furniture is back in place.

Now I have to make dinner while the guys discuss how it should be made. I am so tired I just wanted to throw it at them and tell them to make it themselves. But I keep my lips sealed, cook and serve dinner and clean up afterwards.

Now I will take some ME time and try to relax with my afghan in progress. Hope you all had a better day.

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You must have more patience than me-- the air conditioner would have been tossed down the steps and I would have used the thing that broke off the bed for a weapon .

They would have learned their lesson .


Sam sure knows when I'm mad, I am slamming things all over the place. he just backs slowly away ......

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April, I love the wool ease - works up great! And Goth colors are good...somehow I don't see you with a country-style scrap ghan:lol :lol ..but correct me if I'm wrong...;)


Yeah not so much with the country-style look. :) Part of me is leaning toward goth colors since it will definatly match throughout the years. Part of me is leaning even more toward something really scrappy. I think I kind of want something comfy-homey to snuggle up in. I can't be spooky all the time. :devil

Actually it's partially of finding this totally amazing ripple afghan that really makes me lean toward a scrappy looking ripple.

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Yeah not so much with the country-style look. :) Part of me is leaning toward goth colors since it will definatly match throughout the years. Part of me is leaning even more toward something really scrappy. I think I kind of want something comfy-homey to snuggle up in. I can't be spooky all the time. :devil

Actually it's partially of finding this totally amazing ripple afghan that really makes me lean toward a scrappy looking ripple.

I saw that picture...and my first words were "WOW"! It is very, very cozy-looking. I would make something like that myself!

It's also not an exaggerated ripple. Have you seen the pattern for it? Or is it the one on the first page here....? I think I have one here...

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Wow...love her ripple...now mine looks boring :lol but i know if i did one like that it would look yucky.


I checked out the ripple along blog and some of them are really nice and there is one that is like the one im doing with simply soft.


Come on Cara...you can do one of those in your sleep!!!

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The only way I would make a ripple is with a design like that...soft waves. But I just don't need another pattern book!


I could always just make the vintage blanket (straight design) with my stash as it accumulates. So many ideas are running around in my head:eek


Time to sign off - see ya in the morning, ladies.:hug

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:hug Hi everyone, sorry that I have not been around much this week nor have I started on my "ME" crochet project. This week I started taking care of my 7 weeks old grandson so that my daughter can return back to work and go back and finish college. I forgot how challenging it was to take care of a new born. The first day when I got home I was so tired that all I could do was jump in the bed. The next day I made sure to take my vitamin which may me feel so much better. LOL I guess once my body and mind get use to the new routine I will be okay. Wow so many post and so many beautiful crochet items. I plan on starting my afghan some time tonight. I probably will do a ripple for I know how to crochet the ripple pattern and it will be easy for me to take with me when I am babysitting. Hugs to you all. :manyheart
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I have gotten my cardigan down to abut 6 inches past the armholes. It must be turning out alright, my 19 year old daughter told me she would wear it. However, if it goes according to the plan in my head, it will to turn out way too big for her.


Cheeria, I know how you feel. I babysit my two grandsons one morning a week and it can feel like hard work, even though its lots of fun. I usually need a nap after they leave.

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Oh, Blast & Thunderation! :irk I said that I wasn't going to buy any new yarn for this ripple and just go with what I had on hand. I was just going to go with whatever hit my fancy. Well, my fancy wants more rows of bright yellow and I only have enough for one round and maybe one row of it blended with the cornmeal. I want more bright yellow, but that means going out tonight to WallMart to get more. And I really don't feel like getting out again. But I'm on a roll and don't want to stop crocheting. It's starting to look so bright and chipper. Arghhhhhhh!!!!:thair :thair :thair :thair

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Linda, I hate it when that happens. When I was making a ripple ghan for my Mom, I told myself I would only use the variegated I had in my stash. Well, as time went on, I realized I was going to have to duplicate one of the strips of variegated, and I didn't want to do that, so I made a late night run to WM to get a variegate I didn't have. And I had quite a few variegates, so finding one I didn't have that would go with the others was not an easy thing to do.


I feel for ya!

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The baby doll outfit, the ripple, the ..... I almost get side tracked every time I see another gorgeous piece. But no:no !!!! I must stay on task. All the show and tell is very impressive.

Yesterday I took a photo of my Granny Garden so far and then ended up spending the day in bed. Some tummy bug. Today DH is down, I must have passed it on to him. The photo is not the best but it shows the random colours I am using.



Today I have been working on my Scrap Granny. For this one I am also using scraps from the pile I have.



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I just finished a scarf for ME!!

I stopped at Hobby Lobby on the way home and bought some yarn. I sat here tonight while watching 'Gone With The Wind' and whipped up a skinny scarf. My neck starts hurting real bad in the cold, and it has been cold the past few mornings. So I thought a nice toasty warm scarf would be the thing for me to make.

I'll take a picture of it tomorrow when I get home from work and post it. The pictures I took tonight are too dark.


:yawn I'm off to bed. I have to get up at 4:30 am :eek:eek

Night ladies :night

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Now this is my daughters version of what happened today with the AC.

She posted this on off topics. When she was small we called her the newsreporter, because she would tell everyone anything that went on or was said in the house.


abusive airconditioners.




Today I decided to visit my mom. I have'nt seen her and my dad in two weeks. We arrived at my moms house at 11:30. She proceded to give my husband and I our b-day presents. Then she figured while I was at the house I could help her take the ac out of the window. Well little did I know that my mom had an abusive ac. She failed to tell me that this particular ac liked blood. We started to take the ac out of the window, well it did'nt want to come out and decided to bite my finger. thats when it got its first taste of blood. Then as i was pulling it even further out of the window, it decided to step on my finger. Now im ready to throw it back out of the window. WE finally got the ac out and i set it on the bed. I ran away quickly befor it jumped on me. Well it must have passed its agresive behavior on to the window. As i was trying to put the window back in the window decided to take a bit out of me too. now i have 2 cut fingers and 1 smashed one.(not what i came into the house with mind you) then the shade decides to poke me in the knuckle as to say "its my turn now" Now ive had it and im running down the stairs away from the abusive ac, window, and shade. My mom calls down to me whered you go. AS if she didnt know. Meanwhile while all this was happening she told me to stop making her laugh she was going to pee her pants. Well atleast i can amuse my mom in her old age. I love you mom, BUt the ac is not going back in the window.



"Children are a great comfort in your old age. And they help you reach it sooner too."

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Shay - It'd have to be done in my sleep because I just don't think I can squeeze in one more thing :lol


Judy - I liked the striped one, too :yes


Carol - Oh that post of your daughter's is too funny :lol


Ines - Fabulous work on your ghans! They're lovely :clap


Linda - Isn't that just frustrating? :yes I hate when that happens especially since I have to wait for someone to take me to the store :lol


Well, I'm up to row 77 on my blanket :yay That's a little shy of the halfway mark. It's going faster than I thought it would especially considering it's all sc :yes Well, back to it :hook


Have a great evening y'all :manyheart

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I saw that picture...and my first words were "WOW"! It is very, very cozy-looking. I would make something like that myself!

It's also not an exaggerated ripple. Have you seen the pattern for it? Or is it the one on the first page here....? I think I have one here...


The pattern she used is the soft waves that comes from the book 200 Ripple Stitches. After googling every free ripple pattern I can find and seeing what different stitch combos produce I think I may have figured it out. The book is kind of cool but I've heard it has a lot of mistakes and no erratta so I may just play around until I figure it out on my own.


Yeah the fact that it's a soft ripple is why I really like it. The really sharp pointed ripples are just too harsh for my liking.


I was laughing, reading the description of the creation of that afghan, Oh so true!


Yeah her whole saga of the ripple afghan is pretty funny :)

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Hi everyone


Cindy its great to have you in here. The crop cardigan your making looks great, I wish I could wear clothes like that.


Linda your yellow blended ripple sounds great. I cant wait to see it. What is a reverse granny square


Megan I love your Angel doll, Its beautiful.:clap


April I love that ripple ghan, its amazing and a great way to get rid of scraps.

Are you going to make that one.


Carol that post from your daughter is so funny.:lol


Ines great job on the granny garden and I like your scrap granny ghan as well.:clap


Cara you just amaze me with how quick you are at getting these projects done.


I have done the black trim around my hexagons and joined them together. Getting there slowly as Im busy with other stuff.

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