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the granny hexagons of your afghan pattern works out quicklly and turn beautiful

i made 4 and i think i`ll make 8half-motifs of it to match them for a tote and i`ll complete the tote with black yarn

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Morning ladies, to all the old and new !


Good to see so much action in here, although I havent been good at keeping up with it all.


To those who say they don't have anything in their house for themselves, I think almost all crocheters tend to be that way, we make stuff to give to others. I have nothing I made .

I have the afghan that several of you ladies participated in making, but have nothing i made .


Sam has a grey afghan in his truck that I made for him to keep in there in case he or anyone else ever needs it, but that's it .


I have been working hard this week on my flower-garden ghan and it's looking pretty I think. I will post a photo tomorrow . :)



You all have a good day today .

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Greetings to all. I enjoyed seeing everyone's work. I have lost myself on this thread ... everytime I return there are so many pages to read!!!

I have been progressing with my Granny and will post a photo on Friday. I am finding that as I am using blue for the background I am somewhat limited with the colours I use for the flowers.

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Morning, hello everyone. There are really good ideas in here for ME things. The only thing I have that I have made is a double bed blanket, just a big granny square made from leftovers. DD has that on her bed at the moment until she gets one. I still have started the Casa, but still need to get the yarn for it. :)

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Shine, welcome!! What "girly" colors are you using for your ghan?

...and what's your first name??


Tab - tough love...you're good at that, I think! And it does seem that kids ALWAYS have to learn the hard way.


Linda - good to see you chime in here:yay . We'll be here whenever you start YOUR project.


Mel, that's a great idea for the P&C yarn...and like you, Carol, and most of us here, after over 30 years of :hook I have a small handfull of things I've made and KEPT!


Valerie, I never thought to ask you (senior moment, forgetting you DO work for CVS!) - but I know Kathy would be thrilled to have a batch of discounted products to add to the donations box next time.

Thank you:hug

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Morning ladies :flower


Well, my messenger bag isn't gonna happen just yet :no Didn't realize it took boucle or chunky yarn. Don't have either on hand and after all that Vanna's Choice I bought last week my yarn money jar is empty :lol So I'll start my blankie today :D


I've got 35 years hooking experience too. But I actually have several things here that I made. Of course, they're not mine. I have a hubby that loves crochet goodies so he has scarves and hats and pillows and ghans but I only have one quilt and a handful of dishcloths. :lol

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I've got about 50 years of crocheting and have a handful of things that I've actually kept for myself. I've got a ripple afghan that I did for a king size bed many, many years ago; a short sleeved sweater; a matching hat and scarf set; and a few thread doilies. That's about it. I've got a few other things that I knit for myself, too.

I tried starting the the Shelly scarf yesterday using the ribbon yarn, but frogged it. It just looked muddy. Then I tried it using Bernat Boa, but frogged it, too, because I coulded find the stitches. I've started it again this morning using a combination of the Boa and RH Soft. It doesn't show off the pattern terribly well, but I think I like it anyway. I'm going to keep going for a bit and see how I like it as it progresses. It'll be something to give me a break from saltines.

The pattern is here: http://www.crochetme.com/shelly#comment

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Hi to everyone just joining us, glad to meet you. Just checking in before I run to PO and a few other spots. I made it to row 19 on my glan, only 93 more rows to go...:lol. I'm counting on you guys to keep me motivated, or I will wind up drifting off to do something else...

I am glad I am not the only one afflicted with the giveawayitis thing, maybe it is something in the yarn...:think

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Oh boy, never got to leave, saw the link to Linda Ts scarf, and now I have another one to add to my list. I will never be leaving this Thread !!!

BTW, I made a boo-boo when I said how many things I kept for myself, I forgot my furry flower hat. I think I look like a clown in it but folks keep complimenting me on it, so I keep wearing it...

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I've only been crocheting about 6 months and have found that I have given away almost everything I've made, and the stuff I haven't, I'm still looking for a home for! Glad to hear this is 'normal'...:)


I frogged my Scallop Wrap and am going to start over today....the yarn I bought for it is a lighter weight than the pattern calls for and it was coming out too 'loose'.:( Meanwhile, I finished a poncho I was making. It's the Hiawatha Poncho pattern from http://www.stitchdiva.com I really like how it turned out. I used a Tibetan wool from the Himalayan Yarn Co and it was totaly cool to work with. It is a rough textured wool with bits of old silk spun into it (plus the occasional piece of straw or hay...) I'll post pics on Friday. I may even keep this one for myself! :yes




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Kim, definitely keep the poncho for yourself;) !


Cara, what about just 2 strands of RH for your messenger bag?


Linda, I've seen that scarf pattern beofre....love it, though haven;t made one yet.

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Judy - Yeah I tried that but that was way too hard on my hands :( I'll pick up some Jiffy next month :yes I'll just stick to the blanket for now. Think I finally have it figured out now :hook Sometimes it's hard to whittle the colors down. I wanna sleep with this blanket so I don't want it so loud it keeps me awake :lol

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Judy - Yeah I tried that but that was way too hard on my hands :( I'll pick up some Jiffy next month :yes I'll just stick to the blanket for now. Think I finally have it figured out now :hook Sometimes it's hard to whittle the colors down. I wanna sleep with this blanket so I don't want it so loud it keeps me awake :lol

I guessed you might have tried the 2 strands...thought I'd mention it anyway. Sorry you can't do it:(


Hmmm, maybe my blankie will be too loud for my bed, too - might need to keep it downstairs in my little all-purpose room... Could be I should make either linda's purple and green ghan (saltines:eek ) or use the purple I was gifted and make a 3SUB! That would be fast. I do love the purples :c9

Decisions, decisions!


Back to my comfortghan -it's square-joining time!


See y'all later:hug

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Cara the designer of the bag also said 2 strands of sport weight would work. I'm going to attempt to use the Homespun on it. I love that yarn but it's kind of hard to see the stitches to work with it. :)


The messenger bag is going to be my Tuesday project :D I'll get to start on it as soon as I get all my loose ends done this week.

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Julie Kay...who you callin old? That's gently aged, thank you very much!


Still haven't worked on the socks, the sockalong is delayed a week, due to illness, so I've been reading. Finished a rental book around 3am, and still couldn't sleep thanks to a rude bed partner. Who would think 12.2 lbs of dog could hog a whole double bed? Apparently SarahJane likes to stretch out...sideways. I kept putting her long ways on the bed, and she'd move back across. Luckily she can go back in the crate tonight as her Elizabethan collar is coming off.

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Kathy, our Sparkie never got the memo about sleeping LENGTHWISE on the bed, either!:lol :lol


Did you get to WW yesterday? I'll wait till next week - want to get my monthly weigh in over with that day, too!

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Who would think 12.2 lbs of dog could hog a whole double bed? Apparently SarahJane likes to stretch out...sideways. I kept putting her long ways on the bed, and she'd move back across. Luckily she can go back in the crate tonight as her Elizabethan collar is coming off.


:lol If a 7 pound cat can do it SarahJane should have no problems :lol


Good luck getting her back in that crate :yes


Judy - Oh good grief if something as big as Sparkie started doing that I think I'd just give up and sleep and the foot of the bed :lol

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:lol If a 7 pound cat can do it SarahJane should have no problems :lol


Good luck getting her back in that crate :yes


Judy - Oh good grief if something as big as Sparkie started doing that I think I'd just give up and sleep and the foot of the bed :lol


I tried that once...to see what he would do.

He never moved:lol

At least he doesn;t stay on the (king-size) bed very long. He loves sprawling out in the middle of the floor for hours before he finds one of the two blankies I have for him on the floor and curls into what I call "snow-dog" position: nose tucked into his tail.

He snores sometimes, too - I get stereo...Sparkie and Phil:lol :lol :lol



Megan that shawl is looking great!

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Isn't it awful how we spoil them? :lol We always joke that the cats have their own room with a king size bed and an electric blanket. It's the guest room really but the blanket does stay turned on for them and Misa loves it :lol DHs mom asked me shortly after we bought this house what style I was decorating it in and, without missing a beat, hubby goes, "Cat Toys" :rofl

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