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"...too many crocheted items..."

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Ahhh, no! And YOU'LL never have too many either! Because I won't give you any more!





That is the best response that I have heard in a long time!!!

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And keep on bringing projects to do over lunch. It's a great way to relax and it helps cut calories! Can't eat messy things with a hook in your hand!



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Today, my hubby asked if I could PUH-LEEEEZE limit my WIP's to ***THREE*** at a time, and to then store all yarn I'm not currently using in the storage shed out back.



Let's see...uh...N-O!


Does he not understand that inspiration comes from petting your yarn, surveying your stash, cruising C'Ville?


Before he retired, he was a grocery store manager for 30 years. He's used to space management.


He complained that my canvas totes of yarn were taking over the living room. (In my defense, only one corner...one very LARGE corner...:devil) So I suggested that next time he goes to Wal-Mart, he gets some Rubbermaid type shelves to stack on my desk, so I can stack the crates UPWARD instead of OUTWARD.


He griped about aesthetics, but got the shelves for me.


***ONLY*** 3 WIP's?.......what IS he thinking? :rofl

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Yeah, my estranged husband used to order me to have my "stuff" put away before he got home from work, when we were still living together. Now, when he stops by, he just about strangles when he sees yarn and projects out, as if I am defying him instead of enjoying doing what I wish to do ~ lots of yarn projects.

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We live in a small country town in Australia where we have one doctor who takes care of an area of approx 200 square kilometres. The nearest BIG hospital is 1 1/2 hours away - so he is often running late when you have an appointment.


He always asks what I am making when I visit because I always have a WIP with me. He also asks which family member it is going to - we see him quite frequently because I help my mother care for my grandmother who is 86 and has quite a few health problems.


So NO you can't have too many WIP's - even my doctors agrees ! ! !

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He always asks what I am making when I visit because I always have a WIP with me. He also asks which family member it is going to - we see him quite frequently because I help my mother care for my grandmother who is 86 and has quite a few health problems.


Sounds like the good doc might need a hat and scarf set! ;)



I limit myself on projects. DH doesn't do that for me, and he doesn't have a leg to stand on about my clutter. He's the world's biggest packrat!!


I keep my take-along projects in small tote bags hanging on a coat rack by the front door, and I have an afghan that has plagued my existence for almost 9 months now. Then there's just one more WIP in a bag on the floor in the den....


Awhile back I decided I wanted to reorganize my crafts, so while he was out of town I put up a shelf in our bedroom. Just one of those big metal shelves. Then I bought big plastic tubs and went through the house gathering my things. When he came home he stood there and stared at the shelf and asked where all that stuff came from. :lol I told him that it was all here before - but now it was in one place. What's especially nice about it, is that as long as I don't buy too much yarn for my three stash tubs, he doesn't ever notice yarn purchases anymore! (Well, unless I ask him to pick up yarn while he's out or something.....he hates to do that, though!)

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I'm very lucky...my DH doesn't say a word. He even helps me pick out colors of 'ghans and such. We do discuss all purchases (usually) before hand, since we're on a tight budget, but we also manage to get the money from somewhere. Most of what I make is for gifts, I think the only time he's ever said anything was when I picked up the Jiffy Chunky Carnival Yarn. "What's that for?" he asked. "A hoody for me," I replied.


:eek :eek "You're going to make something for yourself???" :eek :eek


That's the only comment he's made!! :lol :lol


I do try to keep it to a dull roar...only 1 WIP in the living room. The others (right now 2 flannelghans and a hoody are going) are in the guest room, because the box of yarn was tooo big. So I keep them each in a paper bag with the current yarn being used, and keep one bag in the living room and then swap 'em when I switch projects.


I'm so lucky. :manyheart

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I usually hear, "what do you do with everything you make" and I usually say, "they usually find a home, I rarely keep anything for myself" and then I hear a gasp, and a "you really should sell it". I don't make enough to make money selling it, plus I don't write my own patterns usually, even if I make something up its so simple someone else probably did before.


I just smile when people ask questions like that, they are at least showing an interest in what I do!

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Today my husband got to the mail before me and he brought in the box of yarn I got at an online auction and just shook his head! I am sad when I see donated crocheted items at the thrift stores I visit. The other day I saw a pretty hat and scarf set for a child. So sad that such loving labor was sitting there hoping for someone to buy. Your come back was excellent! By the way, my spare bedroom is a yarn barn! LOL!!! I'm getting to be particular who I give my crochet items to. Slippers and afghans seem to be favorites.:yarn :yarn :yarn

:heart :heart :heart :heart :heart

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I understand. I take my projects to my daughters sport events. There always seems to be time before and in between tournaments to keep me busy. There is one mother who always makes a comment - " knitting again Granny?" (of course im crocheting!!!!) But for the most part some people are interested and even want to learn. They dont know what they are missing.;)

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:rant:yellI have a boss who has no appreciation for relaxation time. When it's lunch time, I only have time to inhale my lunch then it's back to work. Average lunch time is maybe 15 minutes.... :sob:
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Is it the same as when others can't understand how you can read and watch tv at the same time?


:lol I can't read and watch TV, but I can't watch TV without something in my hands!


But I think you're onto something.... maybe some people feel like they should be doing more, so they try to get us to do less! Kind of like the time when I decided that I'd look slimmer if I could fatten up my co-workers... :D It almost worked, too! :lol

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