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I don't know what project to make next! :think I'm having a complete brain dead day and can't think of what I want to make. There are SOOOO many things I need to make, but none of them seem appealing. Something MUST be wrong with me. :eek


Things I should make: *but don't want to :lol*

Blanket for my mom - was her birthday present... :oops

Blanket for my parents for christmas

A couple doll outfits

DD's holiday outfit *still need to find a pattern I like*

A frog baby set

Please send hooking dust my way:hook

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If I get to that point I try to finish up something that I need to make (but don't want to work on) and then reward myself when I've made a lot of progress or finished it. My reward is either yarn or a new fun project.

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I would work on the one that has the least amount left until completion. That helps get me motivated to work on something else next. Once I cross one thing off the list, I get excited about crossing more things off and that in itself is pure motivation. :)

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Start on one of the blankets and on the doll cloths. So when you get board of doing the blanket you can pick up the doll cloths to do. Then when they are done you can start on the holiday outfit for your daughter.


At least that's what I would do. In fact that's what I did do last month!


:mdust Good luck! :mdust

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Blow off the burnout - so far, I'm different from the other posters.


Do something mindless, or make a potholder or bookmark, something quick with some particularly enticing bit of thread or yarn.


Or go to a yarn store & just wander around mindlessly, petting the yarns & looking at new patterns. Pay particular attention to interesting-textured yarns on clearance, or pick up a new hook, just a little "happy" for yourself.


And I - the irreverent Maggie :2magic- give you permission to do something different from crochet, should you so desire, like bake a cake or something.:lol


Just a different take on things.:devil

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i go with the potholder idea. i am also suffering from burnout. and cant stand it that i am not crocheting. so i got the old peachs n cream and hook and started the potholder. am almost done. i will be making another right after this but i can feel the old fingers starting get itchy for another project that i have but need to get the yarn together...or maybe you just need a couple of days break.

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That's my problem also! I keep starting projects and deciding I hate them and frog them. I have a bunch that I NEED to get done. Well, one at least that is on a deadline but I can't seem to get too motivated right now for it. I figure tomorrow after my work for school is done I'll work on that but i wish I could just like what I make for a little while instead of being upset at everything and hating working on it!

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I have been in a crochet slump as of late, don't know why....I have made a few pot holders, a few coasters, a few hats, finished two blankets, made a few hat an scarf sets for my oldest dd's friends bdays, and just started a new blanket I wasn't liking the stitch but I have made myself stick with it through a skien an a half and now it's going a bit better.

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I would suggest you crochet something you want to make rather than something you feel you have to make. I have a list too, with Christmas coming, but sometimes you need a break from that.


Not long ago I decided I was going to learn some things I didn't know how to do, and had just never gotten around to doing. I didn't know how to do a mitered square, and I love the look, so I found a couple patterns and finally learned.


So I did my first mitered square and I was so pleased, because I not only now knew how to do it, but I did this little one in rainbow colors, and had changed color every 2 rows. It came out so cute! I really enjoyed myself. I know it seem like a silly little thing, but I really enjoyed it.


Because of that, I discovered I liked doing the rainbow, so I made my Aunt a V shaped rainbow table mat. Now I'm doing a couple more projects with rainbows in them. Of course, not all my projects have rainbows.


But the idea of doing something you consider FUN ~ that's the idea.


Real Deal

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I never thought there was such a thing as crochet burnout! Not until I started REALLY crocheting ~ until the addiction started. :( Before I was a weekend addict..now all I think about is crochet. I was starting to get burnt out, am burnt out. So I decided to do something fo rme. I do not have time to "take a break" as I have such a list to do, birthdays, christmas ~ I thought this would work...no. I don't even want to finish the top for me. I was SO excited that I was making a wearable and it was FITTING! But now...I could just put it away...

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I never thought there was such a thing as crochet burnout! But now...I could just put it away...

ya know something, it happens sweetie, do you do any other crafts/ knit, loom, anything else. or maybe take a break and organize your craft room, read a book, bake some cookies,if you keep crocheting your going to notlike it after a while, will be well boring. we all have some burn out, one year i decided i was going to make all of my family afghans all my sisters, brother ad 2sets of grandparents and my own kids very intense afghans(i made tweety and taz and xs the whole pattern on) i can tell you by the time christmas came i was in total burn out of crocheting, so i decided to dust off my knitting needles and did some of that, finally i totally quit for about 3 months and read my novels i had been neglecting. course then i found wind fall

and started up again, right now am getting burned out making purses have one more to make and then will be done:clap :clap and its almost done:clap :clap so shall continue to march on. phew now a tired from typing:blush :blush hope you feel better very soon:manyheart :manyheart

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That's what I mean. When your crochet is no longer fun because you feel so pushed, or hurried, or overburdened, something's gotta give ~ and it shouldn't be your love of crochet.


We've probably all done it. I want to crochet something for everyone for Christmas, but realistically I can't. I put the burden on myself to try to do it, but not anymore. Enjoy what you make and it will have those good "vibes" in it.


Too often, we're trying to make a lot of afghans for a lot of people. If I do that again, it'll be 1 afghan for 1 person per year. Otherwise I can't do other holiday items, birthdays, charity work, and yes, something for myself.


You know what women and girls really love? Bags. Any kind of bag, because it's personal. It can be the size of a cosmetic bag, or purse or tote. Whatever. It can be a little 2" x 4" drawstring bag for a little girl and she'll never forget you made it for her "special." You can pare down some of those big projects to items like this and your recipients will be very pleased.


Most of all, love what you are doing.


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