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Someone selling my pattern on ebay!

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I got a message this morning from someone who saw a listing for my fairy tale finger puppets on ebay. (Wanna see the listing?) Turns out that in order to report intellectual property violations you have to fill out a form you print off and actually fax it to them, so I probably won't be able to do it until tomorrow. I sent the seller a nice message, though, which I am reproducing here in full:


Dear brimorg15, s.gif

s.gifHi there! Just wanted to say (as the designer of this pattern) that I'm faxing ebay the intellectual property infringement paperwork for this listing within the next 24 hours to have it removed. I hardly think it's possible for you not to have realized that selling a pattern available for free online was unethical, not to mention illegal since the license on it has it marked for non-commercial use. Have a nice day!


s.gif- eleorakc

I was mad earlier, but now I'm just sort of bemused. Probably what will happen is that either the seller will pull the pattern, or ebay will make them, and that will be it. :shrug Just thought I would post here since they seem to be a pretty big seller and I find it unlikely that mine would be the only pattern they were selling unethically. Probably photocopying magazines from the library or something. :sigh What a surreal morning. I'll post again if they reply.
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When you go to 'Report this Item' you have to specify what kind of violation the listing is. When you say it's an intellectual property violation, and you are the intellectual property holder, they send you to a pdf download of a legal form you have to print, fill out, and fax in before they do anything. I understand why - intellectual property violations are one of the slipperiest slopes out there, and they need to take actual legal action for it, so...yeah. Bleh.

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I had to go check my favorites to see if I had bought from this person. I haven't, and they are not on my favorite sellers list. Now I will be looking out for this person. I will NOT be buying from them!


I'm so sorry this person has done this to you!

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well the person got your message this is what it says on the listing now


The seller ended this listing early because the item is no longer available for sale



hmm I would be curious to see if they were selling anyone else's patterns.

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I hope you are still planning to fax out the intellectual property violation form. That way they can keep an eye on her listings and if you aren't the first person who sent one in that maybe they will shut her down.

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I know your frustration!

I had this happen to me with a seller in the UK.


She was less than responsive to my request to have her remove her listing.

I reported it to Ebay, and she was forced to take it down.

She doesnt sell under that ID anymore either.


I am sorry you had to go through this!

It certainly makes your blood boil!!

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I just noticed she is selling patterns from Crochet collections ( a book ) I know because I own that book and the pictures she has listed are the same one's from the book. me and my mom were just looking at the snowflake one last night. WOW the nerve of some people.


ETA she says these patterns are gently removed from books or magazines.. is that legal still??

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s.gifThank you for being so quick to reply. This pattern is actually available online for free in a publication, and some friends of mine and I have had problems with ebay sellers taking free patterns and selling them to make a profit off of our creative work (which is upsetting). Thank you again for taking such quick action.


Well, that should wrap that up. I'm still going to enroll in the intellectual property owner program, so that I'll have protection through them. I guess I didn't really think it would ever happen to me. I remember when you had a problem, Kristie, and despite being outraged for you and asking myself, 'how would I feel?' I was not prepared for how I felt when it happened.


As for selling pages out of books and magazines, I personally think it's profiteering and a little unethical, but it's not a violation of copyright as long as you're selling the original copies. :shrug

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It's great that you got wind of this early enough to make a report ... the "little old lady" story does sound plausible but how many little old ladies do you know who are contacting EBay sellers to offer them this or that to sell?


I simply do not believe that seller and EBay needs to follow him/her no matter how many times the Seller ID name is changed.


I looked at your patterns and they are PRECIOUS!!!!!! What a talented designer you are and how lucky we are that you're willing to share them with us.

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Thank you, Nana! I think my grandmothers are pretty proud of me, too. One quilts and one crochets, and I learned from my mother (ironically the daughter of the quilter, not the crocheter) so they all appreciate the craftiness.


I have to say I think her story is possible, but the feeling I get from her is of someone visiting an old woman and making off with her stacks of patterns and old magazines to sell off on ebay. But maybe that's being uncharitable. I have personally had pattern magazines given to me by elderly crocheters who have just realized that they have more patterns than they're ever likely to use in their remaining years, and are happy to pass them on to someone who appreciates them.

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you all seem to have experience with this stuff.. I have several patterns that I have created that I would like to post to allow others to use but I don't want them being taken either... what do you have to do to protect your patterns..

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I can't believe some people! Its amazing anyone would do that. I had someone use a published picture I had taken. (not really stealing since it was in a calendar) They used it to make a display of an item they were selling-a memorial plaque for a deceased pet. Now, imagine me coming across them at an event at their vendor booth and seeing my (still alive) dog on a tombstone!

Not illeagal but very unsettling!

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In her store she is selling the pattern of the Fireman Bear from free patterns.com for $2.99 :eek Man has she got guts!:no




Something tells me that person isn't as 'clueless' as they are trying to make themselves out to be....

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I've had this happen to be before, but not involving crochet. I draw, and someone decided that some of my drawings would make lovely iron-ons. And, yes, they probably would. I HAVE sold tee shirts with my drawings on them before. But, anyway, mine as well as several other people's drawings were being sold as iron-ons. They were reported to eBay. However, while the listings were removed then, they just came back to try again later on when they thought no one would be looking for it.


When it comes to these kinds of people, you have to keep your eyes open all the time. You may report them once and they might stop for good, but the sad reality is that they won't stop. They'll take it down, or eBay will take it down, only to post it again when the fuss dies off and they think everybody's forgotten about it. So keep your eyes peeled! I would suggest doing searches for that specific thing periodically just to be on the safe side.


It's really sad that you have to go through these kinds of things in order to keep dishonest people from messing up a good thing for the bunches of honest folks who enjoy the hard work you generously offer for free... :sigh

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I'm so sorry this happened to you. It really sucks that someone would do this. What amazed me even more was that in this listing she says she designs many of her own patterns. You would think that someone who designs many of her own patterns wouldn't take what someone else has designed and chosen to share freely and try to make a profit from it. :no It is a shame.

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I can`t beleive the cheek of some pple I mean don`t they know we all trawl the net looking for free patterns and then look for something different on ebay.

I made up a knitting pattern for a ferret and was selling the ferrets on ebay. someone actually got in touch asking for the pattern I had put some stuff about it being an origional design one of a kind and all that.

I nearly sold it to her but she would have probably sold the pattern on ebay but I am definitly keeping the pattern under wraps until I get it copyrited.

we could all watch their stuff and get their hopes up lol.

When I am selling I get exited with one watcher lol imagine having fifty and it not selling oooh no thats mean I will just say I am sorry someone is selling your pattern that you gifted to the crochet world. good luck xx

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