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DH vs. crocheting

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Nope! Not me, my DH loves my crocheting and knitting. He questioned my multiple WIP's once and I explained that I had long term WIP's and then quick WIP's to break up boredom, he understood completely.

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I let my husband only see one WIP out in the open at a time. The rest are hidden away. My husband, while he loves me, does not understand my need to craft. He doesn't like mess at all. For him to see my WIPs in baskets, etc. bothers him. So I just work on one WIP for awhile and when I want to work on another I put the first one away and get the next one. He probably doesn't pay all that much attention to what I am doing to notice any difference from WIP to WIP. :eek

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I don't think he know what I'm working at any given time. I do show him what I'm working on during the evening. I get very nice what is it?!?!?:think

I did pick up all of my yarn and wip's the other day, and he asked me what happen to it all.

Somethimes when I get yarn at the store he will ask what are you going to make with it.

But when I do finish something he wants pictures so he can show it everyone at work.

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I get the evil eye when my little corner of the living room gets crowded with WIP's. I try to keep just one project at a time in my space but sometimes I have way too many out at the same time and he feels crowded.

Our DD has been bit by the crochet bug this summer. She has several WIP's and keeps buying yarn! DH says I created a monster!

I'm pretty sure he doesn't really mind until we can't find any furniture to sit on.



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No DH here, but I live with my (wonderful, long suffering) mother, and she HATES that I "never finish anything", lol.


She doesn't craft at all, so she, too, doesn't get it. Eventually, I'll finish all these projects. Eventually.

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My husband doens't have any hobbies, either, and he sometimes get annoyed if I'm not working on depleting my stash. I think it's a constant: if the DH doesn't have a hobby, then he might have some problems with ours.

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YES! he says "shouldnt you finish______ before you start something else??" he doesnt have a hobby, so.........


Mine too. He hates the mess and doesn't understand having a stash, and why we buy so much in advance. Hey, it's on sale so I have to buy it. And it's my money. So I do.


I try to only keep one project visable at a time. When working on a few projects, the others are kept hidden in bags so he doesn't say anything. He doesn't have a hobby except golf, which I just think is dumb. Chasing a little ball all over the country. What fun is that?



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I try to only keep one project visable at a time. When working on a few projects, the others are kept hidden in bags



LOL ... I have SO MANY BAGS in my bedroom!!!!!!!! Not counting of course the bins full of yarn!


Are we all ADD??????

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mine loves showing of my stuff when it's done. Especially when it's gifts for family. I get a gentle reminder of "Hun, do you think it's getting a little out of control?" when I pile it up all around my spot on the couch.

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Nope! Not me, my DH loves my crocheting and knitting. He questioned my multiple WIP's once and I explained that I had long term WIP's and then quick WIP's to break up boredom, he understood completely.



That is basically what I told mine when he asked me the very same question? He wasn't upset or anything, just curioous. Mine is very supportive, and even takes things to work with him to show them off. He is okay with me buying yarn, thread, or whatever. He loves for me to make things for his family, he is very proud of what I make. I feel lucky because crochet is one of my great loves and if he was a butt about it, I am not sure how well we could get along.:hook

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YES! he says "shouldnt you finish______ before you start something else??" he doesnt have a hobby, so.........


Same here!! :lol My hubby's hobbies include the guitar and Xbox, so he doesn't understand about having a few things going at once. I just tell him I usually get bored working on one particular pattern and need to break up the monotony. As long as my half of the living room doesn't engulf his (mine looks like chaos even though I know exactly where everything is lol and his looks OCD) and the chairs are cleaned off so his kids have a place to sit when they come up, he doesn't mind too much. He just doesn't get it! :P

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Nope, he encourages my crochet habit. He has been trying to encourage me to open my own craft shop and sell my FO. (like THAT will ever happen). Besides, he brought home a new $100 outdoor camera yesterday for his hunting hobby. I asked him where the bag of $100 worth of yarn was. We both laughed.

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Well I'm not married but my boyfriend always gets mad when I tell him I can't talk on the phone or I can't go out that specific night because I have to finish somehing I'm making.


But, on the other hand he even goes yarn shopping with me!

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