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^^^^Smoke Signals ^^^^^^^


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If you have a photobucket account (it's free ) ,and maybe some of the other ladies know of other ones. It's the only one I use, so not sure about others .

Anyhow, you will have to upload your photo into something like photobucket. Once you do that, then you will click on the little white box next to the picture you wanna show us ,then at the bottom of that screen, there is a big grey bar that says GENERATE HTML CODE

Click on that, then you'll see a page with big white boxes with lots of letters in them -- I think it's the 3rd one, it says CLICKABLE THUMBNAILS FOR MESSAGE BOARDS .

Copy all the writing in that box, then come in here, click on REPLY, then PASTE the letters you just copied -- WA-La, the photo is there .

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Well Cat, have ya got ya sum place online where you kin store yer photos? Like a blog or Flicker or any of them? You gotta upload yer photo to the web then link it here on the 'Ville. Least thas how I git mine on here.


Weel, Ah signed up for Yahoo 360 but haven't looked at how to use it yet. Looks like it'll hold pics. If flicker is one of them free ones I'll look for that now too and see if I can sign up.


Cat, still growlin a bit, hope to be purrin soon.

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Well wouldn't cha know it, just whens I get all ready to take one of those thar picutures, i finds out i needs new batturies, gotta figure out what them thar things are first i guess. I hope everybodys ailments are cured right quick and shore am sorry to hear about them thar mistakes that some of you's are making and hopes that you get them figured out real quick.



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Boy, fellers, I am right proud of ya'll. You have got yerselves into this lingo til it actually sounds like we live in Dodge City back in the good old days .

This has been lots of fun .


Well, I'd like ta say it's cuz I's real talented but I've jus' been parrotting my family what lives in East Texas. They all talk like this here in real life :rofl

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Thanks so much for all yer suggestions

I got me a photobucket account. Just don't have the energy to figee out how ta past the photo here, but here be the link. Hope it works:



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Thanks so much for all yer suggestions

I got me a photobucket account. Just don't have the energy to figee out how ta past the photo here, but here be the link. Hope it works:




Them thar colors aren't really as bright as in the pic. Thems more kindly like country colors, should be a bit dustier lookin.


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Cat - Well tht there did th' trick! That's a right purdy color combo you've got goin' thar :yes


Tab - Well I ain't seen you in a coon's age! Well okay it's only been a day or so but still :hug

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Hi all, just popping in to say hi. I've been offline since Wednesday because of working a conference here in town (I chaired the conference), and my air conditioner dying (it's now fixed but not before it got to almost 100 in my apartment), and taking my kitty to the vet for a 6 week check up (this is the kitty with cancer) and he's gained half a pound the first weight gain he's had since November, and well, stuff.


I'm sitting in a library (my last day of vacation today) and leaving soon to do some mundane things like shopping for groceries and doing laundry, but I wanted to pop in and say hi to everyone. Oh, and I'm sure there's no way I'll be able to catch up, hhehe.

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Cat, them colors are lookin mighty purty.


Howdy there Pocahontas. Good ta see you stopping by for a spell. Good ta hear the livestock is gaining some weight. I understand thems mundane chores. Have to go rustle up grub at tha local trading post tomorra. Might be able to sneak some yarn into that basket o mine too :yes


Hey Tabby we were just talking about not seeing ya in a bit. Good ta see ye agin.

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Cat- the colors are real nice -- they will look might perty on you .


Hey Miss Calamity ~~


Cara- I'd love to hear them kinfolks of you'r talk .. We dont git much of that up here in the Buckeye state .


Hey Miss Renee- Good to hear from you .

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Howdy gang! Hope everyone is keeping outta trouble! I promised a pic of my progress and I can't be breakin' no promises with this bunch! Never know what could happen :lol


(Pic is clickable)



I'm at about 47 rows now. It's in black, royal blue, periwinkle and white. I started with ch 125 and it will be a lap-blankie when it finishes growing up :yay

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Well it's Squanto again

and I am happy to report that I have done a few rows and here are the colors....still unsure of the Turqua in it

Colors are Turqua, Chocolate Brown, Taupe and Winter White



Thinking of changing the Turqua to Real Teal Still or maybe doing carrot between the winter white and the turqua between the chocolate brown



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Well since ya asked Squanto. 'Twere it me, I'd make the single row of Turqua the Brown color instead. I think that'd ground it more. I like them thar colors together though :yes Jes' my 2 cents :D

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So are saying Chocolate, taupe, winter white, aqua...I may want to play with the color scheme


Ok I was working the colors on an excel spread sheet and I agree I have them in the wrong order

Looks like a bit of frogging in the tepee

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Crazy- your projeck is lookin good. Does yer horse seem ta like it to ?


Squanto- I like the turqua with the browns- it adds some western flair to it, since it looks like the turquoise gemstone them thair minin' fellers find out thataway.

I think I'd agree with Bull,though and use more of the brown and a smaller amount of the turqua, or if you decide to use the darker teal, then I'd go with just a touch of the carrot color. I don't think I'd put carrot in with the turqua.

Jist my ONE CENT . Today is payday and I aint been to the bank yit.

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Crazy- your projeck is lookin good. Does yer horse seem ta like it to ?


Why, thanks for the compliments. My horse does seems ta like it. When I git workin' on it he's right there pokin' and nudgin me with his fuzzy lil nose - guess he's wantin it done up fast :manyheart

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Crazy Horse - That's a real purty blanket ya got there! Keep it hid though, I hear tell theres blanket russlers in yer neck a tha woods!

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