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All your bookmarked crochet links

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I don't know about you, but I had a TON of crochet web pages bookmarked. You know all those free patterns that we are going to make...someday... :think


Well here is your challenge: Organize them!


I did it, you can too! :cheer Here are the folder headings I organized them into (of course you should customize to your needs): wearables, doll, baby, Barbie (I have a Tyler doll), home decor, thread, amigurumi/toys, purses & miscellaneous, stores


It will be so much easier to find what I am looking for now!


Now where did I put that D hook...

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Man! I needed a coach. Where were you Saterday when I was looking...looking...looking at my bookmarks and couldn't find what I was looking for. So I said to myself "Self maybe you should put some MORE folders." Right now I have only the major ones and all I have for my crafts is a crafts folder...now that one needs SUBfolders. Well eventually I found what I was looking for then lost all steam for the organize thing. So I think this weekend I will do just that....:D

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I don't keep actual patterns bookmarked too often unless I need it for a quick reference to recommend it.


My categories are


Crochet Reference

Crochet items


Believe it or not... I can remember which one I put a site in most of the time.


however, the patterns that I save to my computer are all categorized when I save them.

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I have all my bookmarked items organized! :cheer I actually organize them as I add them!


Now I need to organize the ones that I have saved to my computer, and the ones that are printed out. :(


My categories are:


---Free Patterns






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Mine are under crochet patterns, crochet reference, yarn sites, crochet message boards and eventually (probably this weekend) I will organize the patterns into type of pattern to make things easier to find

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Since websites seem to go awry so often, I tend to print off the ones I want to make some day, save it into a Word doc (carefully filed away under the elaborately structured name convention LOL), and only bookmark the main website the pattern comes from.

So, my links are mostly in check! :yay to make it even easier, I stored the free pattern link sources on my blog. :hook

Maybe I should migrate all the yarn and etc. links onto there too, now that Blogger has made that sooooo nice and easy with the new page element system.... Hmm.

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I had to go through all of mine the other day. several were gone. I too copy and paste free patterns into a word doc, if I don't have time to hand copy the pattern. Although I usually have one file for patterns and just make sure that I bold the title of the pattern for easy looking.

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I can still add bookmarks, but yahoo won't let me organize them , or add new folders, unless I upgrade to their new bookmark thing - which I can't. Their new thing doesn't support W98. Drives me nuts.


Some nights, though, when I have nothing to do and the boards are inactive, I browse my bookmarks to see what some of them are :-) Strange what I sometimes save, and where I save it ... I don't have a folder for 'genetics' so all that stuff is under 'quilting'. I suppose DNA is a quilt, pieces sewn together to make a random functional design, or something :-)


I suppose my 'quilt' needs repaired, the batting is bunching up into cellulite and my thighs are starting to jiggle when I walk LOL

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I also recommend printing or copying patterns to a word doc. I have the patterns that I have printed out organized (except for the ones from the past month!). The ones on the computer are not organized except for the type of craft (quilting, crochet, knitting, etc). I have way too many patterns (almost 1000 of just crochet) to ever make them all but I keep adding more. :blush

Another warning - back up computer files! I was backing up on CD's but then I found a travel drive (Memorex) on sale really cheap. :yes Kept the CD's though.

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I also recommend printing or copying patterns to a word doc. I have the patterns that I have printed out organized (except for the ones from the past month!). The ones on the computer are not organized except for the type of craft (quilting, crochet, knitting, etc). I have way too many patterns (almost 1000 of just crochet) to ever make them all but I keep adding more. :blush


Another warning - back up computer files! I was backing up on CD's but then I found a travel drive (Memorex) on sale really cheap. :yes Kept the CD's though.


i am so with you on these.


I have learned that you cannot count on any pattern to stay on the net so I don't put too much faith in saving links. If I really want something, I save it and then to CD. If I am thinking it might be neat, I may bookmark it and decide it's fate on housekeeping days.

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I have copied the patterns I want to my hard drive in word or pdf formats and then I have them all organized into categories. Then I went one (anal) step further and made a thumbnail picture of the patten put it in a word document and then hyperlinked to the actual pattern. I got tired of having to open all the patterns to see what they were so now I have an index for each category. Click on the hyperlink and the pattern opens.


This was on of those things we do when we are trying to make it look like we are busy and have nothing else to do!

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I have copied the patterns I want to my hard drive in word or pdf formats and then I have them all organized into categories. Then I went one (anal) step further and made a thumbnail picture of the patten put it in a word document and then hyperlinked to the actual pattern. I got tired of having to open all the patterns to see what they were so now I have an index for each category. Click on the hyperlink and the pattern opens.


This was on of those things we do when we are trying to make it look like we are busy and have nothing else to do!


Wow, you are good! I think that is a really neat idea and would save on paper and ink! I've removed links (on line) from items in a work document but how do you make a hyperlink to some thing on your own hard drive? :think If I had known how to do this I wouldn't have the notebooks upon notebooks of printed patterns. :yes

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I love the idea of the thumbnail document! I am getting so many patterns on my hard drive that I don't know what is what!


I also need to save everything on a disk, I just haven't done it yet. I should know better too since I have gone through 4 hard drives in the last 7 years!:eek Computers don't seem to like me too much!

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I use a freebie program called Evernote to store mine into categories. That way I can access patterns locally on my computer even if the internet is out (perfect crocheting time lol). I use the basic categories like wearables, toys, home decor, accessories, bags & cozies, kitchen & bath, & instruction (such as crochet charts). It really helps me find them again when I want to print one out to crochet.

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I save all my bookmarks to delicious, that way it's always online and accessible from anywhere, plus I can share links and can tag everything (clothing, baby, crochet, patterns, library, afghans, etc.). For saving patterns, I use Furl, a free web site that acts as your own way-back machine and saves a copy of the webpage as it is now; no more disappearing pages!!

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I have my crochet bookmarks in subfolders:

patterns, general instructions, communities, searches, supplies, freepatterns/day/month, teaching, charity, with subfolders within each. I bookmark if the page has some information I may want to refer to later. If it is a pattern I like, and think I may actually make, I'll print it. Or I'll download it into an Excel workbook I set up for crochet. Each pattern has its own page within the spreadsheet.

For patterns I find without pictures, I copy and paste into a text editor program called Notetab, ( www.notetab.com ) where I've set up an outline for crochet. Each pattern has it's own topical entry. I also use Notetab for the notes on my crochet projects.

I do download pdfs I like into a folder under "my documents". Sometimes even print 'em. I'm starting to slow down on the printing options 'cause ink is expensive, and so far, since January, I've filled up two 3" binders with printed patterns! LOL!

For organizing bookmarks, there is also a website called myHQ. There are several large crochet link lists there already. But I've started using it lately to organize some of my regular browsing.


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I use a freebie program called Evernote to store mine into categories. That way I can access patterns locally on my computer even if the internet is out (perfect crocheting time lol). I use the basic categories like wearables, toys, home decor, accessories, bags & cozies, kitchen & bath, & instruction (such as crochet charts). It really helps me find them again when I want to print one out to crochet.


I hope you back up your database regularly. I lost some patterns I was saving to Evernote due to a crash... on both computers I had it on. Thankfully they weren't patterns I really liked, just some I thought I might want to look at later so I archived 'em there... If you don't back it up, do so ASAP just in case!!!


Maybe I should try this Notetab thing too :)

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The patterns that I want to keep I transfer to a word document and then store then on a memory stick. I have heard horror stories of people losing their bookmarks, so I have just never done that. I have different folders... afghans, baby, edging, holiday, kitchen, etc. {too many to list}. I also have a folder for website links.

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