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If you had cancer, what would you

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like?? I just found out a friend of mine has cancer......I am totally shocked, she lost her only son/child 4 years ago to a car accident, it about did her in, but with her faith and a strong support group including her husband she is surviving that, but I just found out tonight that she has leukemia. I know she will be doing chemo and want to make her a comfortghram..... I have some really pretty sage green and a variegated that will go with it, do yo think she would like that??? I am just so shocked I can't think straight.....

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Oh Vonnie, my heart goes out to her, and her family, and you for being suh a good friend, by all means, being a breast cancer survivor, she would indeed LOVE a ghan, and a couple other things I may suggest, a basket of things to do, to keep her mind off things on bad days, and on treatment days, like seek and find book, a good novel, chocolate, always does a person good, some bath salts, tea,even a little Chicken Noodle Soup for a friend Book, if you need ANY help, please PM me, I would be more than happy to help you.:hug


JoAnn :manyheart

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Vonnie, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. My thoughts and prayers will be with you, your friend and her family. :hug:hug


I think she would love anything you were to give her. The sage green and a variegated that matches would make a beautiful comfortghan. She would see and know that every stitch includes your love for her.


A side note....I found 2 more balls of the thread for you. I have 3 for you so far. I will be checking a few more stores tomorrow, then I will box it up and get it in the mail to you.

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Green is a lovely underated colour, I would love a blanket made with me in mind what ever the colour. she will know that your love has gone into every stitch.

green and bright colours go so well. How about brightly coloured granny squares then go round with green and another colour mabey white they would look like flowers.

I made one a while back for my neice but I wouldnt use black though with yours....

jemimasblankie.jpg good luck with your choosing. all my love and thoughts Sian xxx

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I think she will love anything you make for her. It will be a special way for her to connect to her comfort zone.


I pray she is blessed with a miracle...and finds a healing!!! She has suffered so with the loss of her son.


Blessings to her and her husband!!! And to you...a special friend!!!

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Your title caught my attention - "if you had cancer what would you do". I also have a blood cancer - multiple myeloma. I can imagine how your friend feels. Oftentimes, when something so traumatic happens to you, you are given a special strength to get through. I know that I was more worried about those around me than I was for myself. I'll pray for your friend and those around her. By the way, after several treatments and a stem cell transplant (bone marrow), I'm in remission.


I'm sure your friend would adore anything that you give her. It truly is the fact that others care and would take the time to do something special for you. I know she'll love it - no matter the color!:manyheart

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Vonnie, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend :hug Personally, I find a stuffie is comforting when in hospital. You're never too old for a squishy friend :manyheart

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Vonnie I am so sorry to hear about your friend, the blanket will be great, when I dear friend of mine went through chemo she lost her hair. Soft hats, good friends, cups of coffee and someone to cry with...it all helps. My prayers are with her...

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Vonnie, so sorry to hear about your friend. My thoughts are with her.


My husband is on his last 3 treatments of radiation for oral cancer. He also had 6 rounds of chemo. I think a comfortghan would be perfect for your friend. As we sat in the room where my husband was getting his chemo, many patients had afghans covering them. Hospitals and Dr.'s offices can be cold this time of year with airconditioning. I think that everytime you friend gets that ghan out, she will think of you and how much you care about her.


Good luck to you....and her.

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Anything that you do for her will be so appreciated because it came from you. I have a lady friend who has had leukemia for years. Some people handle it quite well and get treatment and lead a productive life. Don't think the worst. Just be there and support your friend when she needs you. :manyheart

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When my best friend had cancer--last go round was in her liver and bones--I made her a prayer shawl. She loved it and wore it everywhere. She was on dialysis as well as chemo and she felt like wearing her shawl during those times was like being wrapped in a hug.


Sadly, she did loose her live to this disease. She was always so bright and positive. She had 3 kidney transplant and uterine and breast cancer. She said, "I am so thankful God let me live long enough to raise my kids and see my grand babies" She was truly a special lady.


When she died she wore her shawl in her casket. She will be wrapped in her hug for eternity.



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I'm so sorry about your friend. I recently made a comfortghan for a friend of mine that has cancer and is going through treatments for it. She told me she loved it because it keeps her warm and she can just toss it off when she gets too warm!

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I'm so sorry to hear about your friend--I know from experance that she will love anything that you make her. I love your idea for the cofortghan and sage green is a great color chioce. You all are in my prayers.

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When my aunt was dx'd with stomach cancer, I made her a Cancer Survivial Kit. I can't remember everything that was in it..but I made n afghan, a hat, knitted handwarmers,book, magazine, Bliss shirt (it's a really soft cotton shirt by Hanes), crossword puzzle books, hard candy and treats, humor books and cartoons that I cut out, a few headscarves, big flowers to wear on the scaves that I made out of fabric, the cd/book set of "Live like you were dying", and journal. I am sure there were other things..but that's all I can recall. I put it in a nice basket with a top, tied a bow and put a tag that said Cancer survival kit.


One of my favorite humor sites, because laughter is sometimes the best medicine, is linked below. For my aunt, she wanted to feel normal. She didn't want everyone going go-go over her just because of this illness. She didn't want to be defined by it, she wanted to be herself as much as possible. The site also gives tips for supporting a friend with cancer.




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You gals are just great, I am sitting here crying over all your sweet posts. You all have great ideas and such caring thoughts. I really appreciate all your thought and prayers. I can't wait to get home to get in touch with her and see how she is doing. I have started her prayer shawl/comfortgram....I am crocheting/crying/praying for her all at once I hope to have it done when we leave for OR on sat.....

Thanks again, I can't wait to make her a basket and go visit her......

She and I sold Longaberger baskets together and they have a Horizon of Hope which is a Breast Cancer basket they sell so I am going to get her one of those and fill it with goodies for her...... Thank you

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I think she would love it! A good friend of mine had lung cancer and when she was undergoing chemo, I made her a lapghan. She lives in Florida, and was undergoing her chemo last spring/summer, so I made it lacier, but the chemo really played havoc with her system, so she'd get cold, and she said it was perfect.


BTW, despite the odds, she's now in remission, and doing very well.

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:hug You & your friend will be in my thoughts & prayers. I bet she would love the lapghan as it is so cold in the hospitals & Dr.s offices, especially to those w/ low immune systems going thru treatments.

I have finished one for my MIL as she is going thru breast cancer.

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How about asking your friend? If she's likely to lose her hair, you could make some cool hats (there are free patterns all over!), I made about 4 hats for a friend when she was getting treatment for breast cancer about a year ago.


Though if she needs reassurance more than fashion confidence, a stuffy would be very cool too, or an afghan! Just make sure that whatever you make is soft and full of positive thoughts. (Pray but don't WORRY while working on it.)

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I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. The Sage and verigated that you have sounds like it will make a beautiful comfortghan. She and her family will be in our prayers

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I have started the comfortghan and it is coming along nicely. I hope to have it finished before I get home. I am thinking about makeing it so it will roll up and button close and put on a handle to make it easier for her to take with her to her appointments. I will post a picture once I get it done and figured out..

Thank you for your prayers, I am sure she will appreciate it....you guys are all GREAT!!!

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I can answer this from experience. I just had my bout with breast cancer. I had a dear friend that made me some chemo caps, and also an afghan for when I was having chemo. I cherishd all of them.

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