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Opinions on Crochet World

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I just saw an unfamiliar crochet magazine in (gasp) my local Kroger grocery store. Is anyone famliiar with Crochet World? Any opinions on the general nature of the magazine? Good patterns? Mostly home decor?


~ Joy

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I just subscribed to that one and got my very first issue today! I have found some very pretty patterns in there and I love the 2 columns that they run. One has all kinds of tips and Q & A's and the other is a page of different patterns that people are searching for. I am very pleased with my first issue...did you buy the one at Kroeger?

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I haven't bought it because money is that tight. But I hadn't heard anyone mention it before, and I only had a second to flip through it, so I was wondering if there was a consensus on it.

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i'm a bit "umm and ahh" about it. sometimes there are the cutest patterns and then sometimes there are patterns that really make me think we never left the 70's (ok, well I was never in the 70's but anyways..). They do a broad spectrum of toys, clothes, home decor and some thread etc. Almost all aspects are covered at some point. I guess I sometimes think that the things they print as patterns you wouldn't need a pattern for. Now, remember this is my own opinion and not meant to disrespect those designers. Good on them for being published and all!! Also, being an Annies Attic thing a lot of the patterns end up online at some stage or another. Crochet World's own website has a free pattern or two every month.

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If I had to guess, Crochet World's target audience skews a little older than some of the other magazines. Most of their patterns are very traditional, almost to the point of being cheesy sometimes IMO. (I think the magazine has been around since at least the '70's - I remember having an issue of it when I was a kid, with a Barbie dress pattern.)


Personally, I wouldn't subscribe to it; there's maybe one issue a year I buy. They do have a website - http://www.crochet-world.com - and their free patterns are very typical of what's in the magazine in general, so looking through there might give you an idea as to whether the magazine is for you.

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I have always liked Crochet World! Of course, I am in the "little older" group!:D


I also like Crochet, Crochet Today and Interweave. Depends on what you're looking for.:yarn :yarn


If you are more into current fashion patterns, then I don't think Crochet World would make you happy.:no

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I have been a subscriber to Crochet world for about 7 years. I just love it. To me, it's one of the better magazines out there.


I too, fall into the "slightly older" catagory. I always seem to make at least one or two projects out of each magazine.


I think it is very good.



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I like the older magazines of theirs better than the new ones.

I have some dated back in the 70's. Just a few that I found some patterns I always refer back to.

I don't really care for the magazine today.

I am in my 50's. I like the older patterns they had. Pinkroses

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If I had to guess, Crochet World's target audience skews a little older than some of the other magazines. Most of their patterns are very traditional, almost to the point of being cheesy sometimes IMO. (I think the magazine has been around since at least the '70's - I remember having an issue of it when I was a kid, with a Barbie dress pattern.)


Personally, I wouldn't subscribe to it; there's maybe one issue a year I buy. They do have a website - www.crochet-world.com - and their free patterns are very typical of what's in the magazine in general, so looking through there might give you an idea as to whether the magazine is for you.


Ditto-I agree with this. I got a sample copy and looked at some at the library. Definitely more "traditional" and lots of afghans, household items, and the amt of fun fur is a bit scary. ;)

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As Pinkroses said, Crochet World has been around a long time. I remember issues from the 1970s (I wish a kept some of them).


As a plus sized woman who doesn't crochet what she can't wear, I read CW for its afghans, stuffed toys and other home decor items. Plus I'm still stuck in the 1970s. I even listen to disco in the car radio.

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Not older, but like it. I think it's more suited to people with simpler tastes who are less into the wearable aspects of crochet. The patterns are easier than a lot of other mags which makes it nice for beginners, although I would hardly call myself a beginner any more and I make lots of stuff from them. I like to crochet to relax, not rip my hair out making armholes...lol!!


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Hi, I'm new to Crochet and I just received my "free" copy of June's Crochet World magazine. I'm not sure if I want to send in the invoice for $21.95. It looks to have alot of younger children and preteen type patterns (booties, baby sets, young girl's flip flop socks, t-shirt skirt,and ballerina blanket). I don't have children and wouldn't be interested in such patterns.


My question is does Crochet World cater more to the "older" style or preteen type of patterns or are they a cool mag that I just haven't seen enough of yet? :shrug


I'm waiting to receive my Crochet! magaine to check that one out as well.




Thanks for your help

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Sigh... I have also subscribed to Crochet World for almost 10 years, and that's the one magazine I've never let the subscription lapse! Am I "slightly older?" I've always liked the mix of different types of patterns it has... something different all the time!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm in that "little bit older" group, too, and personally, I don't like Crochet World enough to get a subscription. I've found a pattern here and there that I liked, but never consistantly enough to want every issue.


As far as crochet magazines are concerned, I think Crochet Today and Interweave Crochet are the two best out there, and I have a subscription to both of them. I think it really depends mostly on what you like to crochet as to what magazines you'll like and dislike.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Definitely not my cup of tea. I find the kind of patterns they publish an embarrassment to crochet (((cringe))). I just now looked at their website. Hmmm.......it is about the same quality as their magazine.

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