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Bragging on my sister

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My younger sister lives next door, and when I rediscovered crochet this past March, I insisted an opportunity to teach a few stitches to her.


"Well, okay . . . " was her lukewarm response. I taught her the chain and single crochet, figuring she could make a fast potholder and then have the satisfaction of a quick finished project. I let her claim a skein from my itty stash - she chose the ugliest varigated yarn out of the whole bunch. And about halfway through, she decided she hated the potholder. I didn't blame her. It was extremely ugly.


So we frogged it, and I taught her the double crochet and triple. She didn't have to have either one explained twice, and she redid the potholder by alternating rows of single and double. Holy cow! That made the variagated colors block up together very artistically - it almost looks like a Tetris potholder! I even liked it!


Then I decided to teach her crocheting in the round. I read to her, line by line, from a fingerless glove pattern. As she finished each round, I would then tell her what to do next. She finished one glove and it was time for me to go. "We'll do the next glove in a few days . . . something to look forward to." I was afraid of burning her out.


Did she ever surprise me! In a few days, not only had she created the matching glove from scratch without a pattern, but then she redesigned a new pair to include rounds which separate the fingers AND custom fit her hands perfectly! Do you want to know where the expression "fits like a glove" comes from? From this pair!


I never in a million years could just whip up a pair like that. I am so stinking proud of her! She's signed up for an account with Crochetville, but she's not posting yet . . .just lurking. When she begins posting, I'll be sure to point her out.


Proud sister ~ Joy:manyheart

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ur story sounds like me. me being ur sister. lol my sister taughte me chain and single crochet. then i learned the rest online. i have surpassed my sisters skills in just few months. she says she created monster to all her friends


good that you two have that connection

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That's awesome! Congratulations to both of you! We look forward to your posts, Joy's sister!

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I'm the sister! Yep, I'm Joy's sister, and she can confirm this when she gets my message. And... (giggle) ...I think she stretched the story a little. I didn't actually finish the second glove; I misplaced the needle I was using for it, and I actually didn't like it much in the first place because I could feel my fingers rubbing against each other. So I came up with a glove design with fingerholes. Too bad I don't have a digital camera so I can show it off.


~ Cornsilk

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Joy sounds like your sister is a natural! Maybe I should drag her into the tatalong and when she gets it she can teach you :P No wonder you're so pround, not only did she grasp crochet faster than most but she was a natural designer too. Hope we start seeing her about and that she keeps up the designing and such!

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That is so great. Now you both have something in common to share and keep you close.


Hello and:welcome to Crochetville, Cornsilk. We look forward to seeing your work. If your sister didn't get you addicted to crochet, this site certainly will. :heehee

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Joy sounds like your sister is a natural! Maybe I should drag her into the tatalong and when she gets it she can teach you :P No wonder you're so pround, not only did she grasp crochet faster than most but she was a natural designer too. Hope we start seeing her about and that she keeps up the designing and such!


Wouldn't that be a dream! I think I really have to have the in-person touch to learn tatting. I tried so hard to learn from a book, only to flop!

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Welcome cornsilk, and what a wonderful thing you can now share, your crochet skills and patterns and yarn...I wish my sister took an interest in anything I do!

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Yeah, it is cool that my sister and I can share in this. I've always loved arts and crafts stuff from when I was little (mostly from home economics classes when I was in middle school), but I have yet to find a single craft that I really, really, really, really, REALLY like. And I think this is it!

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I tried to teach my sister a while back, but she couldnt get the hang of it. She's left handed, so it was extra tricky for her. I didnt even realize how confusing it would be, then she had to remind me that she was left handed! So, I've been browsing for a left handed tutorial.

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