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Where's the Strangest Place You've Ever Hooked?

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I get strange looks and/or am just told out-and-out that I'm crazy when I tell some of my friends that I crochet at red lights, in traffic (I can get quite a few rows in this way on my way to work!), and even tried at the movie theatre (it worked okay until the lights went down, then it just depended on how bright the screen was during certain scenes (this was a movie I went to for/with my children). But I have a feeling this is nothing out of the ordinary for you folks, and that you could probably easily outdo me on these locations. So I was wondering, where's the "strangest" place where you've pulled out your hooks?



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Mine was at the Mexico City airport during a layover. It turned from one hour to four hours because there was something wrong with the brakes. I was just hoping the plane would stop when we got to O'Hare!:lol Brakes seem to be inportant on a plane.



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I don't hook. It's against the law. ;)


I've crocheted while waiting for movies to start, especially Spiderman 1 and Star Wars, where you have to early to get a seat and wait for an hour or more. I stopped when the previews came on and the lights went down.

I've crocheted a lot at airports before 9/11 and it was no big deal to get to the waiting area.

I've crocheted at lake and river banks while my ex fished.

I've crocheted on hunting trips while my ex hunted. And camping trips.

I've crocheted at doctor offices and any other office where I know I'll have a long wait.

I've crocheted at picnics and fire works displays.

I've crocheted as a passenger while someone else drives. I'd never do it while driving, not even at red lights as you need to pay attention and be ready at all times.

I've crocheted at family and friends.


I don't think any of those are strange and I'm sure there are more. lol

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I crocheted at Disneyland, standing in line for what seemed like days (it was actually only 6 or 7 hours!), with my sister to purchase a Marie Osmond doll and have her personally sign it.

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Most recently a basketball banquet. My sons coach is notoriously long-winded. Give him a captive audience and he will drone on and on about nothing. I took 2 small balls of yarn, hook and scissors in my purse (just in case there was an opportunity). Another mom and I were working on granny squares for a comfortghan...I can do that with an occassional glance downward. So, we sat at the very back table near the door, kept the work in our laps and maintained eye contact most of the time and got several squares made. I doubt anyone had any idea we were crocheting. We were pretty discreet...I saw several people sleeping, which might have happened to me if I hadn't brought the crochet!

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Not that strange but like most of you. At the airport while traveling, in lines for different events, at drs offices, friends/families house, and have the great opportunity to do it at work during and in/between calls.

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On the street corner. Oh wait that's where you are supposed to hook :eek


Actually I have hooked on the street corner while waiting for a Christmas parade to start :D


I guess I don't really consider anyplace off limits. I think I have crocheted just about everywhere except the bathroom.


I have crocheted in Church but never during services.

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The association with certain activities with certain other activities may make the bathroom an undesirable location.


Besides, for larger families, the bathroom may well be the busiest room in the house!

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The association with certain activities with certain other activities may make the bathroom an undesirable location.


Besides, for larger families, the bathroom may well be the busiest room in the house!


Oh,duh. There's 3 of us and 2 bathrooms. Sometimes I go in and turn the fan on for some peace and quiet - nobody bothers me in there. lol It's my relaxing little beige room with candles and popourie.


I just love that stuffed greyhound!

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Crocheting in the tub isn't hard if you've got fishing line to make scrubbies for pots and pans :lol. The best part is it's okay if it gets wet.


I also crochet walking to and from dropping and picking up my youngest DD from kindergarten. Then there's also waiting rooms for appointments, long drives (I'm never the driver), cadet functions, soon to be at soccer games, and at work.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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Crocheting in the tub isn't hard if you've got fishing line to make scrubbies for pots and pans

I don't understand why you'd want to though.

When I take a bath, I usually do so to relax or help with my RLS. I use an expensive line of bath products that smell heavenly and are full of cocoa butter. I either just lay back and relax or I read.

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I have crocheted in the bathroom. There are times when that is the only quiet place in the house. And who's going to begrudge you a trip to the bathroom or question why you've been in there so long!

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I crochet everywhere. Once I had problems and ended up in the bathroom alot. After the 2nd, time I took my crochet with me. Now if I'm working on something and nature calls, it goes with me - LOL.

Ellie 13

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