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I have this burning question...

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How do you organize your stash and your WIPs?

yesterday I decided to organize my room and to my horror, the yarn stash and WIPs took over 1/2 of my closet. And I have a nice walk-in closet. So right now my dilemma is to organize the stash and the WIPs so that I can have more space in my closet. Otherwise I feel like I can't breath.


Unlike other lucky ladies, I don't have another room to store my stash. I'm a student who lives in a space-limiting apartment. Although I try to restrain myself, it's hard to go to JoAnn's and not bring home any yarn. As I get more yarn, I need to find projects for them. And in the middle of one project, I usually get bored and start a new one. Now I have 4 WIPs going on, each of them separated in a plastic bag. So now my stash is in a big clear plastic container and 4 WIPs are in 4 gigantic plastic bags. Not so aesthetic looking at all!


And how do you deal with left-over yarns? I can't throw any yarn away, even when they're just a bit left. Do you wind them into balls?


I don't know how to deal with the stash issue anymore. I need some room in my closet, otherwise I can't breath!



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I'm in a small apartment too. Which may be why I don't have much of a stash -that and the limited income. I hate to say it, but one of the best remedies may be to buckle down and finish the WIPs. I try not to start another if I already have 2 going. It motivates me to finish something. Most of my recent projects have been small, which helps as well.

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:rofl Tracyleigh :lol That was too funny!

My stash and WIPs are a mess right now too, but when I do organize, I keep all my yarns in those large plastic bins with lids. If I get more yarn, I have to get another bin, lol. I also keep an extra bin for my WIPs, so I can find them....rather than scour the house to find them hidden in a bag somewhere. I stack my bins to save space.

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Hm, right now I have some of my stuff in a hope chest in my craft room. Which is in a completely different building that my actual living area.:lol

I also have a 2nd cedar hope chest in my living room which is full of yarn :D That hope chest is piled high (almost to the ceiling) with more yarn :devil

Well hey...at least I'm not hiding my stash:think

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I bought a storage shed! :lol :lol But DH STILL complains the stash takes up too much space from all his yard tools!

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Yarn - goes into storage tubs and the new huge Ziploc bags. All - well mostly all of those - stacked onto a storage rack.

WIP's, well those lay on a table, in a closed room, to keep my cats and their fur off it, LOL.

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i bought a rubber tote and a cheap notebook. (yay dollar store!:cheer ) i sorted the stash into full skiens and partials. i rolled all the partials into balls, and wrote down EVERY single skein and ball. i included how much i had (i guesstimated on balls) what weight it was, brand and fiber. i also wrote down if i had an actual project for the yarn. as for the WIPs; i use canvas totes you can buy at wallys for cheap. HTH!!! :yes

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I have a tote that I put full skeins into. And then there's a Rubbermaid storage box that I keep partial skeins, balls, hooks and other equipment, and WIP's in.

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I took project cards (like you can use for needlepoint) and put a sample of each yarn on, and noted down what brand and color the yarn was. Then I throw the "scraps" of yarn that are of similar type together in a ziploc and put them away. (Like RH Super Saver, and Caron Pounders together, etc) That way stuff that washes and works up about the same is together for future scrapghans. :)

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It took years, but I finally conditioned myself to only having 3 WIP. Well maybe 4, well maybe 5. Okay, i really try. I an now doing projects to use some of my yarn in the stash:lol :lol :lol

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What I used to do decades ago, when rocks were soft and storage space limited, was once a year make a firm (yea right) deal with myself not to purchase any more yarn until I'd used up what I had. Since I was poor and had a small apartment that really wasn't a problem.


Now I've got 5 rubbermaid totes in the downstairs bedroom (the last kid moved out a year ago) along with 2 large HL shopping bags, a 6' buffet in the living room filled (this is all full skeins) and 2 WIPS in tote bags in the guestroom, a cardboard box of scraps (to make squares for my scrapghan) in the guest closet, a ottoman filled with various WIPS and WIPS stashed in the new bookcase in the TV room. I thought I was running low (since I only saw the totes and bags) until I opened up the buffet to look for a serving dish and discovered it was full of yarn!!! Is that organized?

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I have a spare/guest room. My full skeins are in totes and the huge ziploc bags and a trunk.

My partial skeins that are big I have in a giant ziploc. Some I roll into balls.

My 3 WIPS are in a basket on a chair and in canvas bags. I only ever have 3 or less wips and I don't start anything until I finish one WIP, so I only ever have 3.

Finish your wips, get a nice basket or two and store some yarn or wips in them.

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Plastic Bins @!


I have meows with urinary rebellion issues and anything that gets left down other than the floor gets wet on out of spite:no


I find lots of cheapo plasti storage organizers that tuck neatly into closet or roll to living room that stash my stash !

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Well, I *try* to put all my yarn into containers/drawers, but that doesn't always work...


Right now, I have WIPs on my bed, yarn tucked down beside my headboard and a chest at the end of my bed, in a big plastic drawer unit I need to empty for baby clothes, and WIPs, yarn, and FOs in two big pink Rubbermaid bins in the basement. I should probably get another bin just to move everything into one spot, but I'm lazy *lol*

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I try to keep mine organized in the plastic storage totes, but that sometimes doesn't work. I have a wicker basket that I keep the projects that I am currently working on in by the couch. I sometimes think that yarn reproduces just as bad as rabbits do.

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When I start a project i buy a gift bag to give it away in. It's great for keeping the yarn and the wip all together. Now if I could just stop starting projects and start finishing them I might get somewhere.

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We're space limited as well.


I recently did a major destashing (about $450 in my Paypal acct after fees). I decided that there was no reason that I needed yarn that I did not have projects in mind for - save the staples that I use for stuff all the time (I make a lot of baby blankets so I allowed myself to keep the CottonTots in white and cream, of which I have over 20 skeins each). I also allowed myself to keep a few of the things I bought on vacation or that were a little pricier that I REALLY wanted to use but was waiting to "speak" to me. Otherwise, just stuff I had projects for. That's it. I have about 1/4 of what I did before.


That really helped a lot. Now, I know where everything is, I know what I want to do with it. I don't forget I have it or have to pull everything out to see what I have just to run to the store and buy something else just b/c I didn't want to work with what was in my stash already.


As for being organized, I have a couple of plastic drawer things (2 with 2 big bins each and 2 with 3 smaller drawers each) in the closet. My yarn is in plastic ziplock bags with the other yarn like it and then placed into the drawers.


I have a basket downstairs along with my small take-along tote box that holds my hooks and notions for my WIPs.


Oh, and I also have some yarn downstairs that I use for "decorating." I have a metal stand with 3 hanging baskets that are full of yarn and a basket on top of my entertainment center that has some neat yarn in it, too.


If the yarn is a natural fiber, I put it in a baggie and then I'll toss the bits into the chiminea when I light it up. If it isn't natural or it's just a little too much to burn, I put it in another baggie that I save and then give away (I posted it here last time I did it and someone asked for it - she did lots of little projects).

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Thanks for all your lovely comments so far. You all make me feel much better now as I thought I was the only person who has the stash problem :D


My own issue was I did not have a proper storage place. So I stored all my yarns in a card board box that a friend of mine sent a while ago in one swap (Hi Sherri!) As I did not see how much yarn I have, I kept on buying more and more, thinking that I would use them of this wonderful project and that incredible pattern. Well, wonderful things don't happen everywhere and now I'm in a phase that I would be extremely happy just to crochet or knit some couple of hours straight.


However, time constraint still could not keep me from buying more yarn (because I didn't see how much I have, really!) Until yesterday when I cleaned the closet that I realized how much I really have. Compared to a lot of people here at c'ville, my stash is a baby. Really, they don't cost me that much because I used my coupons wisely and I never buy anything from the LYS. But the facts that WIPs are pilling up and yarns are everywhere really bother me to no end.


I was thinking of the garment hanger for once but it will take a lot of difference in my income to have such a stash to use such thing. But I'll keep that in mind :D


Now my stash is pretty much under control. The full-skein yarns are in one plastic container so that I can see how much I have EVERYDAY! The odd yarns will be winded into balls and I'm thinking of getting a ball winder. I'm about to cross one WIP off my list and it's a big relief! The other 3 are just fun projects since I tackle the big one first.


I guess I will never say "no" to yarn. It's something so precious not to buy, and touch, and pet, right?

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