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thrift shop finds

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I always hear stories from people about the great yarn they find in thrift shops. The few times I have actually seen any it is always dingy and expensive. Today I finally hit the jackpot! Take a look! I got crochet world pattern from '83 and '84 plus a variety of other crochet magazines and leaflets including an old shawl pattern with 22 projects! So 21 pattern books (including some plastic canvas which I also love!), 24 hooks, 10 skeins of yarn and a basket to carry home the booty for.........$5 :yay :yay :yay Keep scavenging those thrift shops and yard sales ladies...you never know what treasure is to be found! It really made my day!


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wow, great shopping day!! Last week or so, I was lucky and bought 2 bags of yarn for about 6 dollars, took it home, cleaned them out and threw out the yucky stuff and still had enough yarn to fill a banana box. You never know what you'll find at thrift shops, yarn and fabric are the first things I look for:)...........................Lise

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Wow that is great! I looked at one thriftstore last week on Friday and they wanted $1 for 4 oz... I figured I could get new RH at $2+ for 7 oz so I skipped it... couldn't find any magazines or crochet books either (I look for books and yarn and whatnot at thriftstores). But yard sales are coming!

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Awesome find! I need to visit some thrift shops near me...maybe I'll see if I can find some right now!

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Don't you just love it when that happens? It makes you forget about all the other days you don't find anything at the thrift store.

Congratulations! I'm jealous!

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:cheer Woot!!:cheer It just gets better. I was on the other side of town today and stopped at the dollar tree (I never find yarn at the one near me) and they had lionbrand striped fun fur in beautiful colors:manyheart ...I couldn't believe it! You know that old superstition that bad things happen in threes? Well, does that go for good things too? If so, maybe I need to head back out and shop!! http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w190/crochet_hen/S4300052.jpg
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i like to look at the sweaters and see which ones lok nice...and then check to see if i can take them apart. i found an amazing one that is a silk/angora/cotton blend......curretnly workiong on taking it apart. it's beautiful yarn!

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It is called "Floral Insertions and floral edgings", published in 1949 and I just found it on e-bay with some pictures of the inside!


Kitten is a thrift store *yunkiee* :devil




Ok so I would love to know whats in that FLORAL book.

That looks yummi !!!!

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