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Anyone have their holiday list yet?

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Or is it just me? I never seem to get anything made for people so I am tryng to do things in advance. Do any of you try this and does it work? It is just that I get a bit down if I spend my time making a pile of things for other people and not me (as I am not sure they will be appreciated and wonder if I should bother etc...) To date I appreciate my crocheted items the most with dh second. Also dh is from England so I have to mail everything early so it gets there in time. I am alternating presents with things I really want to make because I want to try a new technique or I think it will be a great thing to make. I also want to get some things done for the charity group I crochet for. I just don't have enough time!:lol



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I make Christmas gifts and birthday gifts for family and close friends. For Christmas gifts I pick a specific theme (?) like doilies, pot holders, afghans, and make them throughout the year. By Christmas I've got stacks done and can just wrap them up. For birthdays, I do the same thing (this year it's slippers) and make them for the specific people, since there are size/color issues. In between these ongoing items I do special requests and make things for myself and I ALWAYS have at least 45 min-1 hr in the morning that is "just for me" when I work on what I want. I had to do that or I was never getting anything done for me. Since I have always made gifts, I know by now who appreciates them and who I'd just as soon buy a gift card for. This works for me, it's just about being realistic about my time and what I can actually accomplish. I've had to come to grips with my desires/aspirations vs. actual ability.

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I too pick a theme. I just started afghans for each of my husband's 5 sisters and brothers. They all live in Pennsylvania, so they will be appreciated. I leave myself enough time (from now til Xmas) so I don't get stressed and worried that I won't finish someone's on time. Relax and enjoy your crocheting!!:c9

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I pick a theme, and this year I am making afghans for my family members and friends. I joined the Christmas CAL so I would have encouragement while making all these presents. And I haven't even started one yet. I have a few projects I have to finish before I can start on Christmas presents.


I will be making other things while making the afghans, just to break it up and so I can keep my sanity (or what's left of it) :lol. Just make sure you don't get stressed to the point of putting down your crocheting. It's not worth that (been there, done that).

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I have decided to make mittens for my in-laws on dh's side because they buy everyone gifts whereas my side is mostly Jewish so I just give something to my mom and grandma and that's it. We sort of have some low key present giving in our house (like many inter-faith families) and I plan to give afghans (I do live in the Yukon!). I decided on mittens as everyone can use mittens can't they (in England and Canada that is)? I had tried to make presents last year but we moved around this time of year and I was so behind by the fall that I was not having any fun. Picking themes seems like a good idea. I think I will do afghan blocks to help break it up even more.



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I am making rice bags for everyone...I also do everyone a different dishcloth every year... this year I am doing some of Drew's patterns...Last year I did sports ghans for the guys and felted bags for the girls...

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I am glad you asked this question. To date I have been very unorganized and I like the idea of picking a theme. It is great to hear everyone's ideas.


With my easter stuff this year I sent a dishcloth and a matching scrubbie that you crochet around to make a flower as a set. I was thinking it would be fun to do some christmas sets too

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I hadn't thought about dishcloths. That is a great idea.


Lea, do you make them the same color for each person or do you use different colors?


I do different fun colors..last year I did the dishcloths that look like dresses and used alot of ombre cottons...Since I bought a bunch of that cotton from amazon, I have a bunch of new colors...

..One thing I have learned is that everyone can use a new dishcloth every year and most folks rave about them because they are durable and not only clean but give a bit of scrubbing action too...If you have out of towners then they mail super easy too! If your giving just the cloths as a gift I fold them and give 3 wrapped together with a ribbon...they make great hostess gifts etc too...

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Do I have my holiday list yet? Yeah, unfortunately, it's much the same as last years. :) I'm horrible about planning stuff out and then not getting it finished in time. My friends are used to getting their xmas and bday gifts at odd times of the year. They know what I'm making and they know they'll get them when I finish. One friend tells me 'a present is a present is a present.'


(Also to blame is the fact that I have the attention span of a gnat. I'll do something ,then get bored and go onto something else, only coming back to the original something weeks or even months later. Good thing is, eventually I will finish it. Eventually.:hook)

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Well, I thought last year I'd get a head start on some projects for the holidays. I thought about it...a lot. I had not made anything for anyone as a gift in a long time. For my 2 bosses, I decided to make lapghans for their living rooms, along with other purchased family items, like holiday chocolates. Anyhow, I wound up crocheting straight down to the wire last minute....and I made 5 of them as gifts cuz once I got going, I really got going. With all of the different colors, I added much to my stash. So, I think the more I plan, the more I procrastinate :P

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Yuppers - I even have 2 ghans started and plans for a 3rd. Now to pick out 1 more and his side is finished.


I think I'll make my mom a doily/table runner set. That would surprize her!


I joined the Xmas CAL and I'l be posting as soon as I get back to some presents.

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Yes, believe it or not I have actually started!!!! Boy it feels good to be able to say that! I've made 2 stockings (another just needs to be whip stitched). I'm making stockings for my nieces and nephews this year ... which may turn into stockings for everyone. :) The one I just finished last night was done with the camo yarn and I used black for the heel and top. My BIL is in the Air Force and I thought it would be perfect for him! I've also joined the Xmas CAL and have LOTS of other things on my list to do too. I, too, am trying to do gifts in between birthday gifts and stuff for me and my DD. :)

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This is the time of year where I begin going through all my patterns and books. (Good reminder of what I have.) There's always one or two things that strike me as ideal for each person on my list. I include birthdays in this list. Then I copy each pattern I plan to make and place them in plastic sheet protectors into my "gift" binder in the order I need to make them. This has helped keep me organized over the last few years. And this year, I plan to give everyone some of my home made pot scrubbers. I've sold them for a couple of years now and finally tried them myself. I really like them! Diane

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I also pick a theme......I only make for immediate family and a few close friends....last year I made all the ladies a tree topper angel out of thread...that's when my love of thread came about....this year I am making everyone an afghan......I am about half done now....have 6 made so far.....as soon as I can figure it out I will post pics of some of my completed progects.:hook

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Okay I decided to look at mine (have some spare time) and I was looking at last years and realized that even though I like the idea of a Theme, most of the people I give to like the same thing. At least 2 things, a Doily and Dishcloth. I may have to give my aunt a scarf again, her daughter snagged the one from 2005, so I made her one last year too (found 2 balls of Boucle from the dollar store and made a super cute scarf). So maybe that will be my theme, Doily, Dishcloth, Scarf. And if I keep an eye out looking for fun or fancy yarn for boardersor the scarfs, I can make the scarfs throughout the year with the others. I also have an aunt who loves my double thick slippers she wears to bed, but wears them out, so she gets one pair a year.


Of course for coworkers or casual acquantiances I do a theme. Something small and quick, like an angel or washcloth with small bubble bath or something like that. Not sure this year.:think

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For a few years now I have tried to do mostly homemade Christmas. I have a huge family, so it is tough. I also make small things for gift exchanges, co workers and friends.


A few ideas for things I have made in the past in case anyone is looking for ideas that are inexpensive, realively quick, and make great gifts


kitchen sets-- cotton wash clothes, wash clothes with scrubbies crocheted in, hanging towels and dish drying towels


kitchen rugs-- either crocheted from rag strips or 3 strands of ww acrylic these are really popular with my mom who now has 3. Joannes has a great pattern book for the 3 strand rugs, but I cannot think of the name


thread bookmarks--these were fun, popular, and looked a lot more complicated than they are. thread is cheap and there are a ton of free patterns


thread chokers with shell beads--for some of my girlfriends, these look great on and are softer and nicer to wear than a ribbon choker.


Double strand afghan--looks like it took forever, was really pretty fast


hats and scarves--are great and quick, love it when I can find a sale on homespun yarn


little girls love ponchos-pick one in a simple pattern with a lot of open work so it goes fast, simply soft brites are perfect for this, they are also great gifts because the sizing only needs to be approximate


little boys who are learning to count (think ahead christmas is a long way off) love this http://www.crochetme.com/youre-gonna-catch-flies


bassinet purses--these are great for girls, it makes a wonderful self contained toy that a girl can take along with her. dolls or stuffed animals can be found at dollar tree or Micheals in the build a bear section.


This year I am doing something different, and yes I am already started, I want to make charitable donations for most people on my list. Since I don't have a lot of money I will be crocheting things all year and donating to different groups and charitable organizations. I will take pictures of whatever I make and give it to the recipiant with a card explaining where it went and what I am doing this year. I think this will be a good way to continue my goals of a less commercial Christmas and giving more to charity. Plus after 3 years of homemade Christmas it is time to change things out again. I plan to have a large selection of hats, scarves, ect as we get close to fall this year for local shelters and coat drives. I also plan to send lapghans to nursing homes and veterens homes. I do need to make a list so that I can try to match the donation/organization to the person that I am thinking of. This will also solves the "what do I make more someone who has everthing they could ever need" question. It also solves the question of what to make for people who are far more experienced crocheters than I am.

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I've never done crocheted gifts for EVERYONE on my list. Every year, pretty much, a few people get something crocheted and the rest get bought (or nothing :lol). But I do try to plan as far ahead of time as possible.


This year, I've already got the yarn bought for one of my aunt's pressies. I'm seriously considering making her another item as well, but haven't pinned down a decision yet. And since she's getting something, I can't very well leave my uncle (her husband) out. Wouldn't be fair. :D


And my "Mom" (Grandma, raised me, earned the title) is getting stuff for her birthday and mother's day, so she may or may not be getting something this year. All depends on if I can think of something she'd really want, and if I have enough time to do it!


As for anybody else... I haven't decided. Some of my family I'm not that close to anymore (distance... lots and lots of distance), so I'm just not sure what they might want or use.

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Wow a lot of people are thinking about their gifts already. I have included birthdays too. My niece and nephew were born in November so we send their presents at the same time (to UK). I just bought the yarn for my mom's afghan today. I was originally going to make it for her birthday in June but that really isn't a good time to get an afghan. I wanted to make hers in wool but then I remembered I started doing all my laundry at the age of 12 for a reason and settled on acrylic.


I want to do homemade holidays too. We don't actually have stores where I live except a small grocery store (think the size of a 7-11) and it is 350 km one way to the nearest store. Shopping is a bit of a nightmare because either we have to bring the dogs or go and come back (in the winter it can take 5 hours one way). I can order yarn online, make the gift and then send it at the post office. Way easier as long as I am organized.


I never thought of dishcloths. Those are so simple to make. Of course with all the squares I am making for the afghans I might be sick of making squares. I will save dishcloths for the fall when I am starting to panic:eek .


I think I will head over to the Christmas CAL.....



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If you go to Crochet Pattern Central they have TONS of dishcloths in fun shapes that aren't squares... I have made them to look like dresses, snowflakes, stars, sunflowers etc.... they are very well received and just as quick to do!

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I was just thinking about this subject earlier today at work, and I was wondering if I was being silly thinking about it this early in the year. I'm so glad to see that so many others are also thinking about it already, it makes me feel much better! :)


Most of my gifts this year are going to be crocheted. Last year I made a shawl for one of the girls here, and everyone loved it so much that they all wanted one and I ended up making nine shawls in as many days for Christmas gifts for all the women employees here at the hotel.


Over the next couple of days I will make my list and decide what I will make for whom, and at least that way I will have eight months to work on my gifts this year, instead of eight days. :lol



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