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TMNT Hat-Donetello


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*** this is awesome, my daughter will definitely want one...Thanks!


Hey, did you see the one on Craftster? http://www.craftster.org/forum/index.php?topic=156429.0 She made eye holes in hers. I don't think I could wear a hat with eye holes and not die from laughing (my kids could wear it however) I think yours is neat with the big eyes right on the hat. Very cool!



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My 6 year old son loves this. He's probably going to ask for one now. :) We can't wait to see the movie, either, but always have stuff going on...maybe tomorrow! I'm currently 3/4 done with a 17" tall ninja turtle puppet/stuffed toy for him. He keeps asking me when it's going to be done.


Great job!

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I'm thinking that child could make ANYTHING she's wearing look good! :lol


I am NOT showing either hat to my SO because I am not good at making hats and he would want them both. :rofl


[He may grow older but he will never grow up!]


Be prepared to take orders if that movie is as big a hit as it looks like it may be! :cheer :cheer





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I just LOVE that! I would have worn that eons ago when they first came out! I hate to admit it, but I was SO a Turtles freak. Of course I could always blame my cousins, 'cuz they're the ones that got me into them in the first place! :lol Yeah... that's it! :wink

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