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My Cat Loves Yarn

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Maggie (my 16 year old cat) loves yarn. It's her favorite toy. Forget buying anything in the cat toy section - she ignores it. She loves yarn, balls of yarn, chasing yarn through the house....When I'm crocheting she focuses intently at the yarn as I pull it from the skein ~ and there are times when I'm working on a project and she start to play with the yarn as I pulled from the skein. Once in a while I'll call her "yarncat" :lol


Last year I made her a cat-ghan :D and she knew this particular one was for her. When I was working on it I would tell her it was for her. She must have understood because when it was long enough she would lay on one end while I was working on the other end ~ and she hasn't tried to do that with any of my other projects. When I finished - she immediately took her nap on her new cat-ghan. :cat:yarn


Does anyone else have a cat that loves yarn? :manyheart


~cadie :hook

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i have four cats! my two youngest sit on the ottoman while i crochet and attact the yarn as i pull it out while crocheting, they sometimes even try to run off with it, urrrgggggg!

and when i get to the end of a scan and roll it into a ball well then just forget it, and if i mistakinly forget to put that said ball away before i go to bed, well my husband gets up in the morning only to find it all around the house!!! (hahaha) but i really can't laugh because he rolls it all back up for me.

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I have 4 cats :eek

One is an old grouch so his name 'Oscar' fits him! He is a grouch only with the 3 little ones. I have 3 that are a little over a year old (they are part manx). 2 girls (Boots and Tallie) and 1 boy (Andy). They all love yarn. Oscar will sit and watch me. Sometimes I'll be crocheting and all of a sudden the yarn will be wet. I'll look over and the yarn is in his mouth...he will be sitting there with the yarn going through his mouth. He is my yarn holder urrggg.


The younger ones sit and watch me. They like to get around my chair and try to 'catch it' as it comes out of the skein. They have been known to run away with it and undo what I have just done. They also like to take my hooks and hide them from me.


I don't let them play with yarn because they bite through it and sometimes try to eat it. So I have to be extremely careful about leaving yarn laying around. I am going to make them each a napghan. I just have to figure out when I will work those in to my busy crochet schedule :lol

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I just moved into a new apartment that has 3 cats!! They seem to really like yarn, especially the youngest one, Coby. He stares intently at it while it comes out of the skein and then when you least expect it....BAM! He attacks the yarn. Haha. It's the cutest thing ever!

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My 9 month old American Shorthair (his name is Ignatius) is a yarn lover. I normally let him swat at the working yarn coming out of the skien. I guess the only bad thing about him being around my projects is that they usually have black and silver "angora" woven in! :lol


Here's the culprit:




Mary <><

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Well I don't have a cat now, but I used to have a tabby I called Dakota. He was a good kitty. :D He wouldn't "steal" my yarn or try to mess with it if I'd put it away, but he certainly liked to watch me when I was crocheting. Sometimes he'd swat at the yarn as it was coming out of the skein/ball, but most of the time he just liked to watch.


Come to think of it, my next cat after him (Jasmine) was the same way. She wouldn't steal it either, but she liked to watch.


Unfortunately both my furbabies have gone to kitty heaven, but I'm hoping some day in the future we'll get another one. And that he or she is as good as the others were. Hey... it COULD happen! :lol

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My 9 month old American Shorthair (his name is Ignatius) is a yarn lover. I normally let him swat at the working yarn coming out of the skien. I guess the only bad thing about him being around my projects is that they usually have black and silver "angora" woven in! :lol


Here's the culprit:




Mary <><

Oh my gosh...he is adorable!!! I have 4 of my own and we all know not to let the innocent faces fool you when it comes to yarn!!!!

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Yes! I have 2 kitties that love yarn.


One loves to try to take off with my skeins...even while I'm trying to crochet from it! Of course, the worst was when my DH and I came home one evening and discovered that she (and her sis) had decided to "play" with the yarn. It was wrapped all around the dining and living rooms. It was pretty funny.


I think the other one just likes the feel of yarn. She'll lay on whichever afghan I'm crocheting. I guess that's her way of telling me I need to take a break and pay attention to her.

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My sweet Kaleigh, as you can see on my avatar loves my yarn.....she is obsessed with my work....everything I work on belongs to her, she thinks. Whether the yarn is moving or not, it belongs to Kaleigh. She acts like a Diva but I call her a snot.....because she can be at times...my other cat, Willow(she is no longer with us) would take my work and drag it to my bed during the night. I used to ask her if this was her way of telling me to keep working....I miss her. But Kaleigh will bring up some things and "sing" about it at night....she sounds like "why?" when she meows or sings......my cats are funny.....

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My girlie loves yarn too! she especially likes the fun fur or anything with texture! I go to bed with a clean room, wake up to find "spider webs" all around!!

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My mom's last cat (in kitty heaven now) didn't go for the yarn, but sat next to her and batted her knitting needles. When I crocheted at my moms, she snuck up and tried to get my hook. I got scratched a couple of times.

Ellie 13

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All 3 of mine are into yarn but the youngest one (Squeeker) is the worst. He will get it from off the coffee table, or where ever I leave it and bring it to me in the computer room. Guess he'd rather have me crochet that play on the computer!

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my furbabies are about 7 months old and they love yarn. I too will be working and suddenly have wet yarn. They also love to try out everything I make. I made the mistake of making them one napgahn to share so now when the dog crate is empty we will find one in there asleep on her crate blanket because her sister is not sharing the small one i made for them.

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Yep, I have two cats, Jasper and Storm, and they both drive me crazy while I am crocheting. Storm loves to bat at the yarn and sometimes she will get tangled in it and takes off with the yarn. Jasper has actually bitten my yarn off and needless to say I wasn't too happy with him when I ran out of yarn too early. :lol I still have no idea how he did that without me feeling the tension on my hook. :think


Now, my chihuahua, Shadow, loves it when I crochet afghans, once it gets longer he loves to curl up on my lap under the afghan I am working on and he will sleep all day. :c9

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Y'all will never guess what I woke up to this morning....Kaleigh (avatar pic) brought me a skein of Bernat Baby yarn and RH red to my bedroom this morning....the red was kinda tangled into a beautiful web. I thanked Kaleigh and she was like...yeah I guess you deserved it....CATS!?!?! I love her though...lol

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Mine, too! Peekaboo will steel anything in a ball and unravel it around furniture legs. They both love to sit on whatever I'm making. I started a poncho with some stashed yarn and halfway through couldn't find any more of that yarn so it became my decoy. They sit on it next to me while I work on my real project.

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I'm thinking about getting a cat sometime soon, and I've already realized one my "living adjustments" will be that I won't be able to keep my yarn and projects sitting all over the living room like I do now. But it will be worth it for a furry little critter.

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I have a huge peach colored baby (she is a maine coon) who is interested in "helping" whenever I crochet. She likes to sit at my feet and as I am going along I suddenly notice that the yarn is damp...she likes to just chew on it a little as I am pulling it. Yuck! Kitty slobber!:cat

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i was laughing last night while we were watching happy feet i decided to roll a couple of my almost finished skeins and i got to the end of one and it was wet. not from being in my fur babies mouth but from being in my 20month olds mouth. i immedatley thought of this thread!

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