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Do you label your crocheted gifts?

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Do any of you sew those "Made for you by XXX" labels onto your crochet gifts? I used to do that when I sewed, but I haven't done that on any of my crochet gifts.


Obviously, it would look weird on something made of thread or something very small, but do you do it on bigger gifts, like afghans, clothing, etc?

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I just use blank notecards that I write the care instructions and a little note about why I made them that item in that color, etc. and hole-punch it then attach it with a scrap of the yarn to the item.

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I make up labels on my computer on cardstock, then tie them to the crocheted object with matching ribbon. If it's very small, I place the object and a smaller card in a plastic jewelry bag or box. Sometimes I just print out a stick-on label for smaller objects and stick it on the bag or box, depending on what it is.

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About two months ago I bought "Made with Tender Loving Care By" labels. I have used two recently and sewed them on the afghans I gave as gives. And everyone thought it was awesome just like the gift. I also attach a small card with matching ribbon with Care instructions.


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I don't sew in a lable, but I name, log and take a picture of each one of my gifts before I gift it. Then I include a care sheet with the name of the item and a picture of it so they can use it, but always know where it came from and what it was.

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I used to put tags in when I sewed. I still have a few labels but have only used them with crochet once (so I could tell which side was what). I've certianly thought about it more often since the Baby Gifts.


I always supply a care label in the form of the yarn wrapper. Often times I fold the item up and fit it back into the wrapper. If I don't include the wrapper I get asked for washing directions.

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I was given some labels as gift from a cousin years ago. I sewed one on a baby afghan for her baby daughter (now in college - Yipes!). I've used one on a quilt square. I never thought about putting them on my afghans. Most of my afghans go to family, friends, charity, or are sold. I still have alot left, I'll think about it next time, if I can remember where I put them.

Ellie 13

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I don't put made by labels on either, but I do put a handmade tag with care instructions on one side and "please us me" instructions on the other side, so, hopefully people will use the gift.


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I've never done it before, but I was seriously thinking about doing it for DD's scarf (see "Shades of the Rainbow" in Accessories S&T). Because she goes to a "special" school and she's non-verbal, she can't tell her teachers & staff that a particular thing is HERS, so I was thinking about putting some sort of label on it saying that it belongs to her.


Of course, thinking of that got me to thinking that maybe I should start putting some sort of "designer" label on my other items as well.....

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Yes, a made by label is a great idea, I work for a 94 yr. old lady that has many afghans, an she remembers who made most of them but feels very sad when she sees a couple of them and can not rememer who gave them to her or who made them.

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