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the nerve of some people

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At our local library, a person can go online, request a book, then get it in the mail, which is exactly what I did with the Lion Brand Yarn Vintage Styles for Today - More than 50 patterns to knit and crochet. I've borrowed this book before, and I knew there were a few patterns in it that I was still interested in. (If you haven't checked it out, do so. The Poet's Shrug is on my list of items to make. And I want to test out the baby hat pattern, as well as a couple of others.)


When I got the book today, I almost immediately noticed that near the front, someone had ripped out about 5 pages! Then upon further inspection, I noticed right after that, there were 5 more pages missing! So there's about 4 patterns or so missing. Geez. I took the book to the library to let them know, and the damage was documented. I can keep the book until my time is up, but when I turn it back in, they'll remove it completely from the shelf. That's the only copy they have of it, too.


I can't believe the nerve of some people--ruining a perfectly wonderful book at the expense of other crocheters. Makes me sad to think that someone involved in the yarn world would do such a thing. Personally, I want to blame it on a knitter--I mean, would a crocheter actually do such a thing?! (JUST KIDDING :hook)

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How ironic. Just today (Thursday) I was out my library looking through the few crochet books they had and one had 5 pages torn from it, too. It was a different book. I didn't look through it anymore to see if there were others torn. Oh I did see that one of the back pages was cut in half length wise.

Crazy people.

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I'm sorry, I can imagine having the book just to find the patterns missing. That is not right for the other users in the library system. Maybe if you search you can find the patterns online.

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That's so sad, I can't even imagine doing something like that. I have used the system many times of ordering books online from the library and have had very good luck. I even recently received on SnB book, I didn't remembering reordering it so I logged in and checked my status, nope hadn't ordered it and it wasn't listed on my check outs but the library will be getting it back, I just can't see keeping it, it wouldn't be right.



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While the library may have a copier and may only charge 10 cents a page for a copy, to copy pages from a book is a violation of copyright. the library cannot grant a person the right to copy pages from a book: only the copyright owner can do that. While copying pages from a book is not as evident as cutting out pages, it is still stealing. A working copy of a pttern , made by the owner of the book and destroyed when the work has been finished, is not generally deemed a copyright violation, but to borrow a book from a library, copy the pages to get and keep a pattern and return the book, would be.

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That's just repulsive! Takes all kinds...


I wonder If it was the person that had it before the OP...I was going to say that it could've been anyone, because I am sure that they don't flip through the book when it is returned...??? but then again - wouldn't THAT person have brought it to their attention? Maybe, maybe not....hmmmmmmmm

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Yeah, I kinda figured the person before me had to have done the damage. But maybe not. When you can just drive up to the library and turn in a book rather than going inside, others would have found that more convenient. But it only takes a moment to pick up the phone.


As for making copies--I guess the person who did the damage thought tearing the book apart was less of a copyright violation than copying the patterns...lol. Who knows. Crazy people.

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One of my dearest, oldest friends works in our public library system. You would not believe the stories she has told me about the reading public. I worked in a bookstore for 11 years, so I thought I'd heard and seen it all. And I am a huge supporter of our public library. But some of the people who use and abuse that system are unbelievable. Patty

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That's terrible. To destroy public property just to get patterns? I just can't believe someone would be that low to do that. Like others have said, use the photocopier.


I do it all the time. Use the photocopier, that is.


The nerve of some people. They just don't care. And now no one can use that book because it is ruined. And since the library only had one copy, it might not be replaced quickly. With budgets cut on libraries, they are all trying to do what they can with the funding they receive.


It just really burns me up that someone could do that! How awful!

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Wow... *I* am the kind of person that got the crochet patterns book, noticed the corners were looking a little tattered, so I TAPED IT up with packing tape (clear) to make it sturdier!!!! LOL! And there are people out there who ruin things?



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I work in the library as an assistant librarian, and believe me, people do not care what they do to books. We had a brand spankin new Danielle Steel book lent to us by another library thru an interlibrary loan, and when the patron returned it , it had been destroyed! We figured she read the book in the bath tub, and either dropped it in by accident, or perhaps laid it in water. In any case, the $26 book was ruined, she denied anything happening to it, and WE had to buy a new one for the library who loaned it to us. That was 1/4 of our budget for new books for that particular month! Sorry that book was destoryed, that just isnt right. MM

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my son loves the library and even when he was little knew that hurting books was a NO NO..some adults have no respect for anything and as long as they get what they want it is ok. it would be impossible for every book to be checked page by page and should not have to be ..we live in a very selfish world at times.

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It's sad, that's for sure.


I taught my daughter at a very young age not to damage her books. She never wrote in hers, colored in them, or tore them. Still to this day, she takes care of them.

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That breaks my heart, not just that it's a crochet book (although that makes me sad too), but a library book in general. Libraries are always soooo underfunded and have a hard time replacing books, especially if they aren't circulated as much as others. Mean person!!

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:eek How awful!! Some people!! With the book available on line at Amazon, couldn't you order one for yourself. If there are that many patterns in the book that you like, certainaly you would get the use out of it. But who's to say it was the person prior to you that did it? The library would have to check on each person and how would they actually prove it?
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:eek How awful!! Some people!! With the book available on line at Amazon, couldn't you order one for yourself. If there are that many patterns in the book that you like, certainaly you would get the use out of it. But who's to say it was the person prior to you that did it? The library would have to check on each person and how would they actually prove it?


So true. I've checked that book out before...so it would have to be someone between then and this checkout period. It's just crazy that people would actually rip patterns out of a book like that. I mean, if you're going to do something like that, why not just make a copy--which to me, is the lesser of the two crimes.

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Are these people unaware of the existence of photocopying machines?


If the person had thought about a copy machine that would have been great, but then they would have to think about paying for the copies. a person who would rip the pages out is a total cheapo:angry

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:eek How awful!! Some people!! With the book available on line at Amazon, couldn't you order one for yourself. If there are that many patterns in the book that you like, certainaly you would get the use out of it. But who's to say it was the person prior to you that did it? The library would have to check on each person and how would they actually prove it?


So true. I've checked that book out before...so it would have to be someone between then and this checkout period. It's just crazy that people would actually rip patterns out of a book like that. I mean, if you're going to do something like that, why not just make a copy--which to me, is the lesser of the two evils.

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It was probably someone who didnt check the book out of the library, but probably did it while the book was still on the shelf. I've seen it happen at Omaha's local libraries.


At our libraries, they have these desks that have "walls" around them so that a person can study at the desk without being distracted too much. I've seen high school students tearing pages out of a book before, stuff it in their backpack and then get up and leave. (and yes, I tattled on them, but the library staff couldnt do anything because they didnt see them do it)


I dont know why they do stupid things like that...Either they dont have a library card to borrow the book (library cards are free!!) or they've had so much stuff borrowed and not returned that they've got a massive fine and a hold on their cards so they cant borrow anything till the fine is paid. (oops! that reminds me...I gotta go pay my fine :blush )


or, like someone else said earlier, they're too cheap to spend the dime at the copier.


Copying the pages might be a copyright violation, but it's better than destroying the book.

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  • 2 months later...

I use interlibrary loan all the time, and according to my local librarians, one may copy up to 10 pages without violating copyright laws. That's been my rule of thumb when choosing whether to buy the book-10+ pages or recipes, time to consider purchasing.

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